

Draft Agenda

Submitted by: United States

/ Secure Trade in the APEC RegionConference
San Francisco, United States
15–16 September 2011



Secure Trade in the APEC Region (STAR) Conference

September 15-16

Hyatt Regency Hotel – San Francisco, California USA

OPENING PLENARY – Thursday, September 15: 9:00am – 12:30pm
Grand Ballroom A
  1. Welcoming Remarks
  • Anne Witkowsky –STAR Conference Chair; Deputy Coordinator for Homeland Security and Multilateral Affairs, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, U.S. Department of State; Chair, Counter-Terrorism Task Force
  1. Keynote Address
  • Mariko Silver – Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs,

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  1. Panel Discussions
  2. 10 Years After September 11: Key Lessons, Emerging Challenges for Secure Trade and Travel
  • Erroll Southers – Associate Director, National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE), University of Southern California
  • Allen Bruford – Deputy Director, Compliance and Facilitation, World Customs Organization
  • Norman Schenk – Vice President, Customs and Trade Compliance, United Parcel Service (UPS)
  1. What Now? Moving Towards Secure, Efficient, Resilient Commerce in the APEC Region
  • Mariko Silver–Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  • Hassan Baage – Section Chief, United Nations Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate
  • Craig Bradbrook – Director, Security and Facilitation, Airports Council International
  • Adam Salerno – Senior Manager, National Security and Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  1. Moderated Discussion withAPEC Sub-Fora Chairs – APEC sub-fora chairs will give their views on the preceding panel discussions,and their implications for APEC’s work.
  • Arlene Turner –Lead Shepherd, Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
  • Peter Robertson –Chair, TPTWG Aviation Security Experts Group (AEG-SEC)
  • Sean Moon –Chair, TPTWG Maritime Security Experts Group (MEG-SEC)
  • Brendan O’Hearn –Chair, Subcommittee on Customs Procedures (SCCP)
  • Janette Haughton – Convenor, Business Mobility Group (BMG)

BREAKOUT SESSIONS DAY 1– Thursday, September 15 – 2:30pm-6:00pm
Breakout sessions will be structured to encourage open discussion among participants. Each session will feature a series of panel-based discussions, with the opportunity for participantsto engage panelists and each other.
Secure Trade
Grand Ballroom A
SESSION A – Building a Secure Supply Chain: Getting to a Risk-Based Approach
MODERATOR: Allen Gina – Assistant Commissioner for the Office of International Trade, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Participants: Customs, Transportation Security, Counter-Terrorism, Private Sector, Multilateral Organizations
  1. Opening Remarks
  1. International Cooperation on Supply Chain Security
Session will provide an international overview of cooperation on supply chain security, including risk-based approaches. Discussion will cover efforts by customs and transportation security officials, including via multilateral organizations.
  • Allen Bruford – Deputy Director, Compliance and Facilitation, World Customs Organization
  • Shari Currie – Director for Air Cargo Security, Aviation Security Directorate, Transport Canada
  • Kevin Kiefer – Chief, Office of Ports and Facility Activities, U.S. Coast Guard
  1. Foundation for a Risk-Based Approach – Advance Information Sharing
Session will examine the role of advance information sharing in achieving a supply chain that is both secure and efficient. Discussion will also examine the benefits to both the private sector and governments. Panelists will include government and private sector.
  • Doug Brittin – General Manager of Air Cargo Security, U.S. Transportation Security Administration
  • Henry Ward -- Global Supply Chain Director, Dow Chemical
  • Norman Schenk – Vice President for Customs and Trade Compliance, United Parcel Service (UPS)
  • C.H. LeeKlaus– Directorate General of Customs, Chinese Taipei
  1. AchievingAdvance Information Sharing
Session would consider the type of activities and capabilities that would need to be developed to enable Advance information sharing system, and thus realize risk-based approaches to supply chain security. Panelists will include government and private sector.
  • Allen Bruford – Deputy Director, Compliance and Facilitation, World Customs Organization
  • Adam Salerno – Senior Manager, National Security and Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • Kathy Lin – President, American Commercial Transport
  1. What is the Way Forward for APEC?
Panelists and participants will generate recommendations on realizingAdvance information sharing on supply chain security across all modes of transportation. / Secure Travel
Pacific D & K
SESSION B – Secure and Efficient Flow of People, Part 1: Key Security and Facilitation Issues in the Travel Process
MODERATOR:Mariko Silver – Acting Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Participants: Immigration/Business Mobility, Transportation Security, Counter-Terrorism, Tourism, Private Sector, Multilateral Organizations
  1. Opening Remarks
  1. Overview of APEC Activities to Date on Secure Travel
  • Janette Haughton – Business Mobility Group (BMG); Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australia
  • Peter Robertson – Transportation Working Group (TPTWG), Aviation Security Experts Group; Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australia
  1. Departure
Session will discuss security and facilitation issues leading up to traveler departure for overseas travel. This includes pre-departure arrangements, passenger security screening, and exit controls. Participants will consider both current issues and future developments.
  • Paul Fujimura – Deputy Director, International Operations, U.S. Transportation Security Administration
  • Peter Robertson – General Manager, Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Australia
  • To Tu Hung – Deputy Director, Department of Aviation Security, Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam
  • Craig Bradbrook – Director for Security and Facilitation, Airports Council International
  • Janette Haughton – Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australia
  1. Transit
Session will discuss security and facilitation issues for passengers transiting through economies, en route to final destination. Participants will consider current issues and future developments.
  • Ryo Watanabe – Director for Transport Safety and Security Policy, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
  • Patchara Pornyuthapong – Vice President of Aviation Security Standard and Quality Control Department, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited
  • Craig Bradbrook – Director for Security and Facilitation, Airports Council International
  1. Arrival at Destination
Session will discuss security and facilitation issues for travelers on arrival at destination. This includes immigration/entry processing and customs clearance. Participants will consider current issues and future developments.
  • Ken Sava – U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Pratak Sikkhamonton–Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand

STAR Conference Reception - 6:00pm-7:30pm
Grand Ballroom Foyer
BREAKOUT SESSIONS DAY 2 – Friday, September 16 – 9:00am-12:30pm
Secure Trade
Grand Ballroom A
SESSION C – Building a Resilient Supply Chain in the APEC Region
MODERATOR: Sean Moon – Senior Policy Analyst, Office of Policy Development, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Participants: Customs, Transportation Security, Counter-Terrorism, Emergency Response/Preparedness, Private Sector, Multilateral Organizations
  1. Welcome and Opening Presentation
Brief remarks from moderator and an opening presentation that provides context for trade recovery efforts, including activities undertaken so far within APEC.
  1. Scenario-based Panel Discussion
Session will examine a specific case example and walk through step-by-step the key issues and challenges faced by governments and private sector following a major disaster or disruption, including information that needs to be exchanged. The session willwt any time.and ask quetions among participants. Each session will feature opportunity be divided into three panels:
  • Panel 1:Private Sector
  • Todd Gick – Toyota Motor North America, Inc.
  • Kathy Lin – President, American Commercial Transport
  • Marta Moss – Levi Strauss
  • Panel 2:Government
  • Ryo Watanabe – Director for Transport Safety and Security Policy, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
  • John Neily – Conference Board of Canada
  • Panel 3:The Way Forward(Panels 1 and 2 combined)
Panelists and participants will discuss and generate recommendations on how to move forward to operationalize a concrete trade recovery system in the APEC region.
  1. Conclusion
Moderator will summarize outcomes, recommendations. / Secure Travel
Pacific G & F
SESSION D – Secure and Efficient Flow of People, Part 2: Towards a Secure, Efficient, Resilient Travel System in the APEC Region
MODERATOR:Anne Witkowsky – Deputy Coordinator for Homeland Security and Multilateral Affairs, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, U.S. Department of State; Chair, Counter-Terrorism Task Force
Participants: Immigration/Business Mobility, Transportation Security, Counter-Terrorism, Tourism, Private Sector, Multilateral Organizations
  1. Working Together: Areas of Convergence and Cooperation
Participants will discuss common themes and issues facing agencies responsible for various aspects of the travel process. Discussion will focus on identifying opportunities for future cooperation and for the exchange of experiences and expertise across various agencies involved in securing travel. Issues may include risk management and risk-based approaches to security, information sharing, facilitating processing of travelers, and biometrics and secure travel documents.
  1. What is the Way Forward for APEC?
Panelists and participants will discuss and generate concrete recommendations on future secure travel activities that should be pursued by APEC, focusing on key priorities.
  1. Conclusion
Moderator will summarize outcomes, recommendations.
PLENARY: BREAKOUT SESSION READOUTS – Friday, September 16: 2:00-3:15 pm
Grand Ballroom A
  1. Presentation of Readouts and Recommendations from the Breakout Sessions

Moderators from each of the breakout sessions will brief all STAR Conference participants on the outcomes and recommendations of their sessions.

  1. General Discussion

All participants will be invited to comment on the presentations by moderators and offer additional views on the recommendations generated by the breakout sessions.

  1. Thoughts from the STAR Conference Chair.