
Last name(s) / First name(s)
Date ofbirth / Nationality1
Sex[M/F] / Academicyear
Studycycle2 / Subjectarea,3
Phone / E-mail

The SendingInstitution

Name / Università degli Studi di Siena
Address / Via Banchi di Sotto,5553100Siena / Country,Countrycode / Italia
Contactpersonname / AnnalisaPoggialini / Contactpersone-mail /phone /
+39 0577235194/
Fax +39 0577232392

The ReceivingInstitution

Address / Country
Contactperson4name / Contactpersone-mail /phone


Section to be completed BEFORE THEMOBILITY


Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] ……………. till [month/year]……………Table A: Study programmeabroad2

(Add rows ifnecessary)

Web link to the course catalogue at the receiving institution describing the learningoutcomes:

Table B: Group of educational components in the student's degree that wouldnormallybe completed at the sending institution and which will be replaced by the studyabroadNB no one to one match with Table A isrequired.

Componentcode(ifany) / Component title (as indicatedinthe course catalogue) atthesendinginstitution / Semester[autumn/spring]
[orterm] / Number of CFUcredits

(Add rows ifnecessary)

If the student does not complete successfully some educational components, thefollowingprovisions willapply:

1The student must attach to the present document the description of each course listed in TableA

2The component « Dissertation preparation » must be listed in Table A (whenappropriate)



ThereceivinginstitutionconfirmsthattheeducationalcomponentslistedinTableAare in line with its coursecatalogue.

The sending institution commits to recognise all the credits gained at the receivinginstitution for the successfully completed educational components and to countthemtowards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions to this rulearedocumented in an annex of this Learning Agreement and agreed by allparties.

The student and receiving institution will communicate to the sending institutionanyproblems or changes regarding the proposed mobility programme, responsiblepersonsand/or studyperiod.

Section to be completed DURING THEMOBILITY



Table C: Exceptional changes to study programme abroad or additional componentsincase of extension of stayabroad

Componentcode (ifany)at thereceivinginstitution / Component title (asindicated in thecoursecatalogue) at thereceivinginstitution / Deletedcomponent
[tick ifapplicable] / Addedcomponent
[tick ifapplicable] / Reasonforchange9 / Number ofcreditsto be awardedbythereceivinginstitution uponsuccessfulcompletion of thecomponent
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □

(Add rows ifnecessary)

Table D: Group of educational components in the student's degree that wouldnormallybe completed at the sending institution and which will be replaced by theexceptionalchanges to study programme abroad (if componentadded).

Componentcode(ifany) / Component title (as indicatedinthe course catalogue) atthesendinginstitution / Semester[autumn/spring]
[orterm] / Number of CFUcredits

(Add rows ifnecessary)

The student, the sending and the receiving institutions confirm that they approvetheproposed amendments to the mobilityprogramme.


Section to be completed AFTER THEMOBILITY


Start and end dates of the study period: from [day/month/year] till[day/month/year].Table E: Transcript ofRecords

Componentcode(ifany) / Component title(asindicated in thecoursecatalogue) at thereceivinginstitution / Wasthecomponentsuccessfullycompletedbythestudent?[Yes/No] / Number ofcredits / Receivinginstitutiongrade

(Add rows ifnecessary)

Table F: Recognitionoutcomes

Componentcode(ifany) / Component title (as indicated inthecourse catalogue) at thesendinginstitution / Number ofcredits / Sendinginstitutiongrade, ifapplicable

(Add rows ifnecessary)

Annex 1:Guidelines

ThistemplateofLearningAgreementrequirestheinformationthatthestudent,thesending and receiving institutions need to agree on to carry out and ensurerecognitionof mobility study periods underErasmus+.

Ifthesendingorthereceivinginstitutionsneedtointroduceotherspecificrequirements, these can be added in the box in the first page (e.g. in caseothercontact people should be mentioned, for example, in the coordinating institution ofaconsortium).


Theproposedmobilityprogrammeincludestheindicativestartandendmonthsandthe agreed study programme that the student will carry out during his mobilityperiodand which the sending institution commits to give recognition uponsuccessfulcompletion by thestudent.

The Learning Agreement must include all the educational components tobecarried out by the student at the receiving institution (in table A) and itmustcontainaswellthesetofcomponentstobereplacedatsendinginstitutionuponsuccessfulcompletionbythestudent(intableB).Additionalrowscanbeaddedasneeded to tables A andB.

When there are mobility windows embedded in the curriculum, it will be enough tofillin table B in the followingway:

Componentcode(ifany) / Component title (as indicatedinthe course catalogue) atthesendinginstitution / Semester[autumn
/spring][orterm] / Number ofcredits
Mobilitywindow / … / Total:

Otherwise, the set of components will be included asfollows:

Componentcode(ifany) / Component title (as indicatedinthe course catalogue) atthesendinginstitution / Semester[autumn
/spring][orterm] / Number ofcredits
Coursex / … / 10
Module y / … / 10
Laboratorywork / … / 10

The sending institution must fully recognise the number of credits containedintableAandanyexceptiontothisruleshouldbedocumentedinanannexoftheLearningAgreementandagreedbyallparties(i.e.incaseofadditionaleducationalcomponentsabovetherequirednumberofcreditsneededforthedegreecurriculum).

The sending institution must foresee which provisions will apply in casesomeeducational components would not be successfully completed by thestudent.

Allpartiesmustsignthedocument;however,thereisnoneedtocirculatepaperswith original signatures because scanned copies of signatures or digital signaturesarerecognised.


The section to be completed during the mobility is only needed if it is necessarytointroduce changes into the original Learning Agreement. In that case,thesection to be completed before the mobility should be kept unchanged, changesshouldbe described in this section and both parts should remain together in asingledocument.

All parties must confirm that the proposed amendments to theLearningAgreementareapproved.Forthisspecificsection,originalorscannedsignaturesarenotmandatoryasagreementoftheproposedamendmentsbyemailisaccepted.



Thereceivinginstitutioncommitstoprovidethesendinginstitutionandthestudentwith a Transcript of Records according to table E and containing all theeducationalcomponentsagreedinthetableA(andtableCincasetherewerechangestothestudyprogrammeabroad).Inaddition,gradingdistributioninformationshouldbeattachedtotheTranscriptofRecords(oraweblinkwherethisinformationcanbefound)incaseitisdifferentormorespecificorithasbeenupdatedcomparedtotheinformation provided in the Inter-institutional Agreement. This should be done withinaperiod stipulated in the inter-institutional agreement and normally not longer thanfiveweeks after publication/proclamation of the student’s results at thereceivinginstitution.

FollowingthereceiptoftheTranscriptofRecordsfromthereceivinginstitution,thesendinginstitutioncommitstoprovidetothestudentaRecognitionDocumentincludingtableEandthecompletedtableFwiththerecognitionoutcomes,withoutfurther requirements from the student, and within five weeks. The sendinginstitutionwill translate the grades received by the student (when applicable) taking intoaccountthe grading distribution information from the receiving institution. In addition, alltheeducational components will appear as well in the student's Diploma Supplementwithalso the exact title that they had in the receivinginstitution.

The Recognition Document includes the actual start and end date of the studyperiod,thetranscriptofrecordsfromthereceivinginstitutionandtherecognitionoutcomesfromthesendinginstitution.Thestartdateofthestudyperiodisthefirstdaythestudent has been present at the receiving institution, for example, for the firstcourse,for a welcoming event organised by the host institution or for languageandintercultural courses. The end date of the study period is the last day the studenthasbeen present at the receiving institution and not his actual date of departure. Thisis,forexample,theendofexamsperiod,coursesormandatorysittingperiod.

TheRecognitionDocumentmustbeissuedtogetherwiththesectionbeforemobility(and the section during mobility if there were changes to the originalLearningAgreement) and it can additionally be issuedindependently.

Annex 2: Endnotes

1 Nationality: Country to which the person belongs administratively and that issues the IDcardand/orpassport.

2 Study cycle: First cycle, second cycle, doctorate or equivalent thirdcycle.

3.Subjectarea:Economics,Law,PoliticalSciencesandSocialSciences,CulturalHeritage,Education, Literature, Languages, History and Philosophy, Biotechnologies, Medicine,Dentistry,Health professions, Enviromental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Geology,Physics,Engineering,Mathematics.

4 Contact person: a person who provides a link for administrative information andwho,depending on the structure of the higher education institution, may be thedepartmental coordinator or will work at the international relations office or equivalent body withintheinstitution.

5 An "educational component" is a self-contained and formal structured learningexperiencethatfeatureslearningoutcomes,creditsandformsofassessment.Examplesofeducational components are: a course, module, seminar, laboratory work, practicalwork,preparation/research for a thesis, mobility window or freeelectives.

6 For the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)see

7 Responsible person in the sending institution:” Presidente del Comitato per ladidattica”anacademicwhohastheauthoritytoapprovethemobilityprogrammeofoutboundstudents(Learning Agreements), to exceptionally amend them when it is needed, as well as toguaranteefull recognition of such programmes on behalf of the responsible academicbody.

8Responsiblepersoninthereceivinginstitution:anacademicwhohastheauthoritytoapprove the mobility programme of incoming students and is committed to give themacademicsupport in the course of their studies at the receivinginstitution.


Reasons for deleting acomponent / Reason for adding acomponent
A1) Previously selected educationalcomponentis not available at receivinginstitution / B1) Substituting a deletedcomponent
A2) Component is in a different languagethanpreviously specified in the coursecatalogue / B2) Extending the mobilityperiod
A3) Timetableconflict / B3) Other (pleasespecify)
A4) Other (pleasespecify)