Electronic Technology
EET 204 – Programmable Logic Controllers
PHONE: 570-702-8972
OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment
MEETINGS: 1 Day per week
Wednesdays: 5:30pm – 10:15pm
This course begins with an introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLC’s), their uses and configurations. The course then continues with an examination of the different types of hardware devices that are used in conjunction with PLC’s. This course will cover the programming of PLC’s from the simple relay logic functions to advanced functions used in PLC’s. An emphasis is placed on programming projects throughout the course.
To familiarize the student with Programmable Logic Controllers, their make up and classification.
To have the student gain a practical understanding of Ladder Logic programming and its applications with PLC’s.
To introduce the student to industrial practices with PLC’s .
To introduce the student to techniques for troubleshooting ladder logic programs and hardware associated with PLC’s.
Programmable Logic Controllers, 4rd edition
Frank D. Petruzella
McGraw-Hill, 2005
ISBN: 978-0-07-351088-0
Lab Manual for Programmable Logic Controllers 4th Edition w/ LogixPro PLC Simulator
Frank D. Petruzella
ISBN 9780077477998
Lab Manual for Programmable Logic Conrollers with LogixPro PLC Simulator, 3rd edition
Frank D. Petruzella
ISBN: 0-07-301010-3
Students will be required to complete and turn in homework assignments and lab experiments in a timely fashion. Turn in dates will be assigned as the items are assigned.
Quizzes: There will be both announced and unannounced quizzes throughout the course. The topics for the quizzes will reflect subject material covered in lecture, homework assignments and lab experiments.
Weekly Assignments: Students will be required to read all units of instruction per week on prescribed term topics. Those topics are stated on the topical outline. The student is expected to come to class prepared with a basic understanding of the materials to be covered in the class time.
Course Evaluations:
Quizzes / 20 %Exams / 20 %
Research Papers / 20 %
Labs / 10 %
Practical Exams / 20 %
Attendance / 10 %
Attendance: Class attendance is expected and vital to the student’s learning. Each lecture is followed by a lab session that puts into use the topics of the lecture. Missing any lecture and lab session puts the student at a disadvantage and making up the missed topics becomes difficult. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missed information, complete the missed assignments and perform the missed lab experiments. In the event of a class absence, it is expected that the student will contact the instructor via email or voice mail as soon as the absence is expected.
Tardiness: It is necessary for everyone to be on time for class. Each time a student is late to class attendance points are lost.
If you have a learning disability for which you would like to receive a classroom or testing accommodation, you are encouraged to contact Joe Paparelli at Lackawanna College.
Cell phones, pagers, MP3 players and PDA’s will not be allowed in the classroom. If an individual is in possession of any of these devices, they will turn them off before entering the lecture. Each time that a cell phone or pager disturbs the lecture, 2 points will be taken away from the weekly grade of the individual who possesses the device.
Academic integrity is expected. Any form of plagiarism, cheating, or dishonesty will result in a failing grade on the assignment or test and can result in course failure.
Syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion
Email Use: Communication outside of class between student and instructor takes a variety of forms, i.e. phone, letter and e-mail. As of fall, 2004 communication between Electronic faculty and students via e-mail will be through College email accounts only.
Since it is an expectation in this course, please be sure to check your college e-mail account frequently, as this is my most frequent form of communication with you, outside of actual class meetings.
In case of emergency, please contact Continuing Education Department at 702-8979.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: The college experience is founded on the concepts of honesty and integrity. Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college is regarded as particularly serious offenses. Cases of dishonesty will be handled by levying certain penalties.
Session / Topic / Text Assignments / Lab Assignments1 / Overview of Programmable Logic Controllers / Chapter 1 / As assigned in class
2 / Hardware Components of PLC’s / Chapter 2 / As assigned in class
3 / Review of Number Systems and Codes / Chapter 3 / As assigned in class
4 / Logic Comparisons: Boolean, ANSI Logic Gates, Ladder Logic & Truth Tables / Chapter 4 / As assigned in class
5 / Programming and Organization
of the PLC Part I / Chapter 5 / As assigned in class
6 / Programming and Organization of the PLC Part II / Chapter 5 / As assigned in class
7 / Interfacing to the Real World: Field Devices / Chapter 6
As assigned in class As assigned in class
8 / Midterm Exam
9 / PLC Timers and their uses / Chapter 7 / As assigned in class
10 / PLC Counters and their uses / Chapter 8 / As assigned in class
11 / Program Control Instructions / Chapter 9 / As assigned in class
12 / Data Manipulation and Transfer / Chapter 10 / As assigned in class
13 / Math Instructions / Chapter 11 / As assigned in class
14 / Sequencer and Shift Register Instructions / Chapter 12 / As assigned in class
15 / Final Exam
The lab assignments listed may be supplemented with labs acquired by your instructor at any time during the course. There will also be at least two performance tests per module. Their dates will be announced in class with at least one day’s notice. The time line suggested here is also subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
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Rev. Date -1/4/2012