L2 Final Writing Sample / Comments / Points
Writing 1 / /10
Writing 2 / /10
Writing Skills / /4
Teacher / /24

El uso de celular u otros aparatos electrónicos está absolutamente prohibido. En caso de que el profesor lo encuentre con dicho aparato su examen será anulado. Debe usar tinta. En caso de que escriba en lápiz no tendrá derecho a revisión de nota.

Writing (24 points)

1. Word Order- Put the words in their correct order. To help you the first word is given to you. Remember to put a period at the end of each sentence. (4 points, 1 point each)

Example: should / he / running / start / more / think / often

0.  I__ think he should start running more often. ______.

learning / French / that / complicated / is / say

1.  People______

prom / wants / high / at / her / sing / to / school

2.  Mary ______

father / black / short / has / curly / hair

3.  My ______

time / enough / to / doesn’t / study / have

4.  Sue ______

Writing Tasks: There are TWO parts. Answer Part A AND Part B. Write AT LEAST 80 words for EACH question. You will lose points if you write less.

Part A: (20 points)

You want to do more exercise. Read the advertisement from “Body Gym & Spa”.

Body Gym & Spa
Get fit in three months. We offer personalized programs from our professional trainers. A wide range of programs to choose from, at very good prices. Parking included. For further details contact us at: bodygymgetfitnow.com.

Now write a formal e-mail asking for information. Write 2 paragraphs. Include the following:

·  Explain why you are writing.

·  Give some personal information.

·  Think of two questions to ask.


Task Completion ______/ 5 Vocabulary and Spelling ______/ 5

Grammar ______/ 5 Coherence & Cohesion ______/ 5

Total______/ 20

Part B: (20 points)

Write an article for Ink Magazine about your best high school class trip.

Include the following:

·  Where you went and how you got there.

·  A description of the place, the people and the weather.

·  The activities you did and which one you liked the most.










Task Completion ______/ 5 Vocabulary and Spelling ______/ 5

Grammar ______/ 5 Cohesion ______/ 5 Total______/ 20

Total Part A + Part B and divide by 2 = ______/ 20

1 / Universidad Externado de Colombia. Área de Inglés L2 Writing Exam Sample