Section B: Breeding Colony

Complete this form when breeding mice and rats to maintain experimental colonies. Submit completed forms to . To comply with NIH OBA guidelines, any transgenic animal strain that is crossed to a wild type strain or a different transgenic strain requires notification of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) before the breeding is initiated. Please contact Mariel Jais at ith any questions about IBC review.

Date: []

Investigator: []

Contact Person (if other than PI): []

IACUC Protocol Number(s): []

Animal Holding Room Location: []

Contact Person and Phone Number for after hours/ weekend emergencies: []

Species: Mice Rats Other: []


  1. []
  2. []
  3. []
  4. []
  5. []


Jackson Labs Taconic Harlan NCI Charles River Hilltop

Other: []

Catalog/strain identification number: []

If breeders are obtained from a source other than one of the approved commercial vendors listed above, a health report must be reviewed and approved by the Attending Veterinarian before animals will be allowed into the facility. Contact Dr. Patricia Foley at with any questions.

Breeding Scheme:(Please describe in detail your breeding scheme – note: if harem breeding, pregnant females MUST be removed to separate cages BEFORE they deliver)

Homozygous Heterozygous

How many breeders are paired in one cage?

Males: []Females:[]

Are the females removed to separate cages to deliver and wean litters?

Yes No

At what age are pups weaned? []

What is the expected average litter size?

What percentage of pups is expected to survive to weaning? []

At what age are breeders initially mated?

Males: []Females: []

At what point are breeders retired, i.e., age, number of litters, etc.? []

What method of identification is used for individual animals?

Ear tag Ear punch Tattoo None Other: []

For transgenic strains, what testing is done to determine genotype, and at what age are the animals tested? []

What percentage of pups is expected to be unusable for experiments due to incorrect genotype, age, gender, or other factors? []

Describe the final disposition of any unusable animals, i.e., transfer to another PI, euthanasia, etc. []

What additional strategies are required for poorly breeding strains: (e.g. light cycle, enrichment, ensuring that animals from early litters are used as dams/sires, etc.) []

Quality control: For KO and transgenic strains what testing is done to ensure correct genotype is maintained?

Copy of breeding card: (contact ARF (202-994-2871) – Marissa or Rob with help creating card, if needed).

Note that information on breeding cards should include:

  • Investigator Name
  • IACUC protocol number
  • Cage #
  • Dam and Sire identification & strain
  • Date breeding pair established
  • # of pups born and date of birth for each litter
  • # of pups weaned of each sex and date of weaning

Updated 9/2012 - AMM