September12, 2012 11:30 to 1:30



CALL TO ORDER:Robyn Van Vliet, Interim President called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.


Robynprovideda report on Chapter activities for the 2011/12 fiscal year, as follows:

  • one breakfast session;
  • three luncheons;
  • one ½ day or morning event; and
  • Joint Holiday Mixer with IPAC.

We had a total of 191 members in 2011/12.

Over 320 attended the events, down a bit from the previous year due to an event that had to be cancelled. FMI National hosted and provided members the opportunity to attend webinars. In total, there were 10 webinars this year. Many thousands of people have viewed the archived version on the FMI website at – Please take a moment to review the webinars at your leisure.

To keep our membership and registration fees very low, we will continue to subsidize our members at our events. This subsidy or loss is planned for each year and we set the event prices accordingly. We also hold the free, member-mixer in December and provide lunch at the AGM at no cost to members.

We continued to work with the National office to build the profile of FMI at the chapter level to assist us in finding high quality speakers and encouraging membership and support from all levels of government, crowns and agencies. An example of membership encouragement is the award of $1,500.00 towards the cost of attending PD week (Kelly Lamoine) and PSMW (Andrea Richter) for a member of the Chapter.

Robyn turned the floor to Athena Dinos to provide the report from the Treasurer, in Richard Decka’s absence.


Athena Dinos, for Richard Decka, Treasurer for the Manitoba Chapter providedthe Treasurer’s report. Athena presented the financial statements for the period ending June 30, 2012.

Athena explained that the 2012 Financial Statements were reviewed by two FMI members, Tessie Genise and Don Paulus. There were no questions from the floor.

MOTION:Athena moved that the financial statements be accepted as presented

SECONDED:Donna Gueret

MOTION PASSED:All in favour

Athena asked for two members to volunteer to conduct the financial review for the period ending June 30, 2013, Mike McGuin and Cheryle Boutilier volunteered.


A call for nominations was made through email and we received two nominations from the membership:

Cathie McFarlaine and Marilyn McEachern both from the Province.

A call for nominations from the floor was made and none were received.

The proposed 2012/13 Board of Directors is:

  • Lynn Cowley
  • Izabella Pokornowska
  • Robyn Van Vliet
  • Richard Decka
  • Athena Dinos
  • Don Baril-Bissett
  • Iding Sanchez
  • John O’Leary
  • Donna Gueret
  • Cindy Dryden
  • Marilyn McEachern
  • Cathie McFarlane

Voted On

As per sub-section 7(1) of the by-laws

“At a meeting of the Board of Directors held at least one (1) month, but not more than three (3) months, preceding the annual general meeting in each year, the Board of Directors shall, elect from among its members, the following Directors, who shall take office immediately following the next annual general meeting and hold office until the following annual general meeting:

(a) President

(b) Vice President

(c) Treasurer”

At a meeting of the Board of Directors on June 6, 2012 the following were elected from the members of the Board:

  • Robyn Van Vliet for President
  • Athena Dinos for Vice President
  • Richard Decka for Treasurer


As per sub-section 10(3) of the by-laws Directors shall be elected.

MOTION:Robynmoved that the Board be elected as listed above.

ACCEPTED:Barry Saunders

SECONDED:Tessie Genise

MOTION PASSED:All in favour


This is the 50th anniversary of FMI*IGF and as such this theme will factor in to all of our events this year as well as the two National Events-PD Week in November and PSMW in May.

Section 4(1) of the by-laws states that Membership Fees will be communicated at the AGM. At the Board of Directors meeting held on June 6, 2012 the members present voted to keep the membership fee at $30, of which $15 plus GSTis remitted to FMI National.

Robyn provided an update on the 2012/13 program. The programis coming together and the first event is planned for October 25, 2012. It is a half day morning session featuring two people from the Office of the Comptroller General speaking on financial management, community development and career building series. We are looking into high profile speakers to speak from a national perspective and share the costs with other western provinces, we hope to have another session on forensic auditing as well as the Holiday mixer. Details of the October eventand others will be posted on the website as they become available. As always we welcome suggested topics that the membership is interested in.

As usual, there will be two national events this year. PD Week will be held in November in Ottawa and Toronto is hosting the PSMW in May 2013. The PSMW event is hoping to offer podcasts to the Chapters across Canada for members who are unable to travel to PSMW. As this event approaches we should have more details.

The National Office is once again contributing $1,500.00 towards the cost for one of our members to attend PD Week in Ottawa in November 2012. A draw was held and the prize was won by Paul Lee. The first and second runner-ups for the prize were Jo-Anne Ferrier and Kim Sharman.

The Local Chapter is intending to offer a subsidy for a member to attend PSMW in Toronto in the spring. Further details will be forthcoming.


Lucia Stachurski the FMI National President for the 2012/13 year spoke about FMI from a perspective of the national office.

Jean Laporte, Co-chair for the 50th Anniversary year spoke ofplans for the 50th anniversary and showed a brief video on 50 years of FMI.

Robyn acknowledged some of the past presidents in the audience:

Ron Smith

Cheryl Boutellier

Lynn Cowley

Don Baril-Bisset

Rodger Guinn-National President

Ramona Hodges

Meeting adjourned at 1:00.


58members attended the AGM on September 12, 2012.

Saika / Ahsan / Government of Canada
Emma / Alday / Government of Canada
Chris / Anderson / Province of Manitoba
Karen / Bachewich / Government of Canada
Don / Baril-Bissett / Government of Canada
Linda / Barry / Province of Manitoba
Cheryle / Boutilier / Government of Canada
Alexandra / Chemodanova / Province of Manitoba
Lynn / Cowley / Province of Manitoba
Chris / Dale / Province of Manitoba
Malcolm / Davidson / Private
Karen / Derkatz / Government of Canada
Brian / Derksen / Government of Canada
Athena / Dinos / Government of Canada
Cindy / Dryden / Province of Manitoba
Howard / Falk / City of Winnipeg
Donna / Fontaine / Province of Manitoba
Wayne / Friesen / Province of Manitoba
Tessi / Genise / Government of Canada
Donna / Gueret / Government of Canada
Marion / Guinn / Province of Manitoba
Rodger / Guinn / Province of Manitoba
Luanne / Hagyard / Government of Canada
Djemal / Halilagic / Province of Manitoba
Ian / Hasanally / Province of Manitoba
Grant / Heather / City of Winnipeg
Ramona / Hodges / City of Winnipeg
Betty / Holsten Boyer / City of Winnipeg
Bridget / Kopytko / Private
Kevin / Kroeker / Province of Manitoba
Marc / Lafleche / Government of Canada
Phil / Larue / Province of Manitoba
Kelly / Lemoine / City of Winnipeg
Nativida / Magnusson / Government of Canada
Marilyn / McEachern / Province of Manitoba
Cathie / McFarlane / Province of Manitoba
Mike / McGinn / City of Winnipeg
Peter / Moreira / Province of Manitoba
Randy / Nuessler / Province of Manitoba
Abdulkerim / Nuray / Government of Canada
Danielle / Oehme / Government of Canada
John / O’Leary / Private
Karen / Onofreychuk / Province of Manitoba
Liza / Pablo / City of Winnipeg
Jason / Perez / Province of Manitoba
Andrea / Richter / Government of Canada
Janice / Romaniuk / City of Winnipeg
Don / Saltis / Province of Manitoba
Iding / Sanchez / Government of Canada
Barry / Saunders / Retired
Wendy / Shaw / Province of Manitoba
Ron / Stoez / CMA Manitoba
Catherine / Stubbs / City of Winnipeg
Ian / Surridge / Government of Canada
Robyn / Van Vliet / Province of Manitoba
Amy / Wang / Province of Manitoba
Perry / Woods / Government of Canada
Kerry / Zakowich / City of Winnipeg