Project Supervision

Section 2 - Project Supervision

2.1. Introduction:

Initially the Project Co-ordinator will provide you with an overview of project deliverables. The Project Co-ordinator will also assist you in producing a Project Proposal and a Project Specification.

Upon submission of a proposal and specification (covered in section 3 and 4) you will be allocated a Project Supervisor who will oversee and assess your project performance. The project meetings are expected to last between 10 and 15mins. The meetings are to be scheduled weekly. However if sufficient progress is being made with the project you and your supervisor may agree to fortnightly project meetings.

2.2. The Co-ordinators

Role / Person
Project Co-ordinator for HND Part-Time
If you have a question regarding the overall management of the project module contact the overall project co-ordinator. / Mansha Nawaz

2.3. Project Supervisor

If you have a question regarding your particular project contact your supervisor.

Supervisor / Email / Room / Tel
Nawaz, Mansha / / G0.32 / 34 3710

You will be appointed a project supervisor by your co-ordinator. The supervisor may not be the same person as the project proposer. This person will represent your main contact for resolution of queries and final assessment.

2.4.  Project Supervision Meetings

Each student is assigned to a member of the teaching staff for supervision. Supervisors are expected to manage the time allocated for the supervision of each project to the benefit of their students and themselves. They should arrange meetings at such intervals, usually weekly, as are necessary to receive reports on the progress of the work, provide any necessary help and guidance, and permit the continuous assessment to be carried out effectively. It is not expected, however, that the supervisor will direct the student or be responsible for solving the detailed problems which the project presents, since self-motivation, problem solving, work scheduling and initiative are among the qualities which the project is intended to foster and assess. The student is required to keep a weekly Project Activity Log (PAL) giving an account of the work tackled and any problems arising from it, to be signed at intervals by the supervisor.

Student responsible for:

·  Meeting the requirements for INDIVIDUAL PROJECT 1 : HP1 – ICA - INTERIM REPORT

·  Producing weekly Project Activity Logs (PALS)

·  Students need to arrange a weekly project meeting with their appointed supervisor.

·  The project meetings are expected to last between 10 and 15mins

·  Meetings are to be scheduled weekly. However if sufficient progress is being made with the project and subject to your supervisors approval you may agree to fortnightly project meetings.

·  It is the student’s responsibility to progress the project.

·  The student must take the initiative with regard to progress meetings and normally the student will not be chased.

·  Ideally, email the PALS and draft work to the supervisor at least one day before any scheduled meeting.

·  At these meetings, the student needs to discuss the progress of their project (as indicated on submitted PALS).

·  Supervisors oversee your performance….. Students work on their project.

Supervisor responsible for:

·  Ensuring that you understand the project deliverables in terms of learning outcomes to be assessed

·  Ensuring that your project as defined by the Project Proposer & Project Specification is of a suitable standard.

·  Providing assistance and guidance throughout the duration of the project. (This is done through meetings, arranged between you on an agreed timescale.)

·  Monitor your project management with the aid of the Project Activity Logs (PALS)

·  Review and grade your Interim Report

·  Acting as first reader for the project they directly supervise by assessing learning outcomes for HP1

·  May acting as second reader for projects they do not directly supervise.

·  Where significant problems arise affecting the progress or performance, formally reporting these to the HND Project Co-ordinator.


·  Review project deliverables in terms of learning outcomes to be assessed

·  Providing assistance and guidance throughout the duration of the project. (This is done through meetings, arranged between you on an agreed timescale.)

·  Monitor your project management with the aid of the Project Activity Logs (PALS)

·  Review and grade your Project Report

·  Acting as first reader for the project they directly supervise by assessing learning outcomes for Project 2

·  May acting as second reader for projects they do not directly supervise.

·  Where significant problems arise affecting the progress or performance, formally reporting these to the HND Project Co-ordinator.

2.4. Coping with the Workload

The real key to dealing with the workload of your project is certainly effective and thorough planning. However, even the best of plans are capable of falling through. If you are having personal difficulties, then do not hold back in asking for help and advice. Every student has a Project Supervisor; do not hesitate to seek their advice and guidance.

If a certain thing needs doing, then chase it up yourself. Don't sit around waiting for problems to sort themselves out, they won't. Don't rely on your supervisor to fix things that go wrong. They won't.

OK, you may not be able to fix a given problem, but you can take the initiative, and find a person who can point you in the right direction.

Take the initiative in making sure things get done. Be proactive in getting answers. Most of all, remember this is your project, and no body else will drive it forwards but you.


Section 2 Project Supervision