CCG2 Project Scope_Section 17_Traffic Control_IR Draft.docx


The Developer shall design and construct traffic and pedestrian signals, signing, pavement markings, lighting, and other traffic control in accordance with the requirements in this Section 17 (Traffic Control).


Governing regulations are listed in Section 1.15 (Governing Regulations) and supplemental specifications are listed in Section 1.16 (Supplemental Specifications). For cases where guidance provided in the MUTCD conflicts with the OMUTCD, the OMUTCD shall govern unless specifically directed otherwise. For cases where City of Cleveland Specifications as shown in Appendix TC-01 (Signing Conceptual Plans) conflict with Department standards for Work at the City of Cleveland’s signalized intersections, City of Cleveland’s Specifications shall govern.

All supplied items shall be listed on the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL) or Approved Lists, as applicable. Fabricators must be on the Department’s Certified Fabricators list.


The design and construction shall consider Future Condition; of specific concern are signal structure foundation locations, signal head types and locations. Where new lanes are to be added in later phases, the holes in the mast arm and the associated mounting of the signal heads shall be appropriately aligned with the future lane configuration. Similarly, the signal structure foundations shall be placed so that future relocation will not be necessary, in addition to avoiding Utility conflicts. The affected intersections are listed below. A general overview of the anticipated Work required for each intersection is described in Section 17.2.1 (General Description of Work by Intersection). All traffic signal materials and equipment shall be new. Requirements that apply to all intersections are provided in subsequent sections, including specific equipment requirements. Section 6 (Utilities) includes Utility requirements.

  1. West 14th Street/Fairfield Avenue (maintain existing signal)
  2. East 9th Street/Ontario Street-Orange Avenue (new intersection, construct new signal)
  3. East 14th Street/Orange Avenue (reconfigure signal)
  4. East 9th Street/Carnegie Avenue (reconfigure signal)

17.2.1  General Description of Work by Intersection  W. 14th Street/Fairfield Avenue

Maintain the existing signal and associated signal equipment.  E. 9th Street/Ontario Street-Orange Avenue
  1. Construct the new signalized intersection
  2. Provide new mast arm signal. Provide crosswalks on the south and east sides and pedestrian heads on the south and east sides. Signalization of this intersection will require at least four mast arm structures with one mast arm mounted on each pole. This is conceptual information based upon providing a signal that is similarly configured to the City’s existing signalized intersections with mast arm structures. The Developer is responsible for signal layout and design of the intersection in accordance with applicable design standards.
  3. Furnish and install new controller (local MS52 controller; EPAC), cabinet, and cabinet hardware.
  4. Furnish and install all necessary materials and equipment for a fully functioning traffic signal, including loop detectors, pull boxes, and other equipment in accordance with design standards.
  5. Provide signal interconnect, with a connection to the East 14th Street/Orange Avenue intersection, and Ontario Street/Carnegie Avenue.
  6. Optimize network and intersection signal timing and phasing, as appropriate.
  7. Provide mast-arm-mounted street name signs for all approaches.
  8. Coordinate power supply with CPP.
  9. Provide meter for power supply.  E. 14th Street/Orange Avenue

A.  Reconfigure the signalized intersection to accommodate the new lane geometry along East 14th Street and Orange Avenue.

B.  Signalization of this intersection will require relocation of existing signal heads and signs. Remove existing signal equipment that is no longer used due to the revised intersection geometry.

C.  Optimize network and intersection signal timing and phasing, as appropriate.  E. 9th Street/Carnegie Avenue

A.  Reconfigure the traffic signal to accommodate the new lane geometry along East 9th Street northbound approach.

B.  Relocate existing signal heads and signs. Remove existing signal equipment that is no longer in use due to the revised intersection geometry.

C.  Optimize the intersection signal timing and phasing, as appropriate.

17.2.2  System Requirements

The following intersections function within the same coordinated network: East 9th Street/Ontario Street-Orange Avenue, East 14th Street/Orange Avenue, and East 9th Street/Carnegie Avenue. The signal interconnect requirements are described in Section 17.2.10 (Signal Interconnect (Hard Wire)). As such, signal interconnects shall be provided to those signals; the signal master is located at the East 9th Street/Carnegie Avenue intersection. In addition, the equipment used to run the network shall be compatible with the City’s system, using Siemen’s Eagle controllers and cabinets, as defined below. The Developer shall optimize the signal timing for each intersection in the network and for the network as a whole for the three timing plans. Given the traffic volume at the Carnegie Avenue/Ontario Street intersection, it may be necessary for this intersection to operate independently from the other intersections. However, the Developer shall prepare Synchro models showing both coordinated and independent scenarios.

The signalized intersections function with three signal timing patterns: AM peak, PM peak, and Average (non-peak). AM and PM peaks are run during weekdays only. Signal timing for weekends is run with the Average signal timing plan. Cycle lengths for the affected intersections in the Project area are shown in Table 17-1. Projected opening-year traffic volume projections will be provided as described in Section 17.2.18 (Intersection Analysis and Signal Timing).

Table 171: Cycle Lengths

Intersection / AM Plan / PM Plan / Average Plan
East 9th Street/Ontario St-Orange Avenue / 120 sec / 150 sec / 90 sec
East 14th Street/Orange Avenue / 120 sec / 150 sec / 90 sec
East 9th Street/Carnegie Avenue / 120 sec / 120 sec / 90 sec

17.2.3  Points of Contact for Traffic Signals

Points of contact for coordination of traffic signal Work are:

Andy Cross

Division of Traffic

City of Cleveland

601 Lakeside

Cleveland, Ohio 44114

(216) 664-3197

Chris Hirzel

City of Cleveland

Division of Cleveland Public Power


1300 Lakeside Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44114

Phone: (216) 664-3922, Ext. 115

Fax: (216) 664-2972

Mark Robinson

Public Works Coordinator

Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company

6896 Miller Rd.

Brecksville, OH 44141

(440) 717-6845

17.2.4  Signal Supports

Signal supports shall be galvanized steel mast arm design (SCD TC-81.21). Wood poles are not allowed. A structure that diagonally spans the intersection and carries signal heads for multiple approaches is not allowed.

Signal supports shall comply with Appendix TC-03 (Traffic Control Provisions). Signal supports shall be painted Dark Bronze, Federal Color Number F-283. All supports shall be hot-dip galvanized prior to painting. Refer to Appendix TC-03 (Traffic Control Provisions) for additional information on the City of Cleveland paint specification.

Location of the mast arm signal supports shall be per the Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM) and shall conform to ADA requirements for clearance and placement. Signal equipment locations shall be designed to minimize Utility conflicts.

Clearance from overhead electric wires shall comply with requirements of the National Electric Safety Code, Rule 232, and the requirements of the local power companies providing electrical service, whichever is more stringent.

Mast arm signal supports shall not include luminaire extensions. All street lighting shall be provided on poles that are separate from the traffic signals, except as otherwise specified in this Section 17 (Traffic Control). Street lighting shall be metered separately from the signalized intersections. Refer to Section 17.6 (Lighting) for more information.

Combination signal/street light pole structures shall be provided at the locations identified below. Conduit shall be provided within the signal poles for the street light wiring to allow signal technicians to work on the signal wiring without being exposed to the street light wiring.

  1. E. 9th Street/Ontario Street-Orange Avenue: Southeast and northwest corner structure.

Signal supports shall comply with C&MS 632.15 and 732.11.

Signal supports shall be grounded in accordance with C&MS 625.16. In addition, the Developer shall furnish and run a seven-strand #4 copper wire from the top of the ground rod and attach it to the neutral bar in the cabinet for each of the reconstructed signalized intersections in the Project.

Pedestal-mounted traffic signal supports are not allowed, except for those needed for pedestrian heads at the intersections, as noted above. Pedestals shall comply with C&MS 632.19 and 732.15.

17.2.5  Vehicular Signal Heads with Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamp Units

Vehicular signal heads shall comply with C&MS 632 and 732, Department’s QPL, Standard Construction Drawings (SCDs), and the TEM. In addition, the following requirements shall also apply:  Lamps

LED signal lamp units shall meet the requirements of C&MS 632.06 and 732.04.

All lamp units shall be the 12-inch size. LED signal lamp units shall be provided for all circular red, circular yellow, circular green, red arrow, yellow arrow, and green arrow indications.

All lamp units shall have a five-year minimum warranty. The warranty shall be transferred to the City of Cleveland at the completion of the Project.  Signal Sections:

Signal heads and visors shall be constructed of polycarbonate plastic. The signal head housing and outside of visor shall be yellow, and the inside of the visors shall be flat black. All visors shall be cowl visors (cut-away).

Pipe, spacers, and fittings constructed of polycarbonate plastic may be used in lieu of galvanized steel or aluminum.

Proper exterior colors shall be obtained by use of colored plastic material rather than painting.  Back Plates

Back plates shall be provided on all mast arm-mounted signal heads, in accordance with C&MS 732.22 and SCDs.  Mounting Hardware

All signal heads shall be rigidly mounted to the mast arm. The signal head mounted on the highest portion of the mast arm (closest to the roadway centerline, highest vertical clearance) shall center the red lens in front of and in line with the mast arm. The other signal heads shall be placed so that the red balls of all signal heads are horizontally aligned with the signal head on the highest portion of the mast arm. At least 16 feet of clearance shall be provided under all signal heads.

All upper signal support hardware and piping, up to and including the wire inlet fitting, shall be ferrous metal for signal displays of two or more sections.

All straps, hardware, and nuts and bolts shall be galvanized.

The entrance fitting shall be of the tri-stud design with serrated rings in order to achieve positive locking.

Drop pipes shall not be used.

Signal heads shall be mounted vertically. Horizontally mounted signals are not allowed.  Additional Requirements

The number, type, and placement of signal heads shall be per the OMUTCD (i.e., one head per lane for primary movements; red arrow lens for protected-left and protected-right signal heads).

Optically programmed lenses shall not be used.

Near-side signal heads shall only be used as supplemental indications for far-side signal heads.

Supplemental signals shall be provided if the distance between the stop bar and the signal heads on the mast arm is greater than 180 feet

For protected/permissive operation of five-section signal heads (either left- or right-turn), the location of the signal head shall be over an extension of the channelizing line.

Mast arm heights and mast-arm-mounted signal heads shall comply with Department’s vertical clearance requirements, per the SCD TC 85.20.

17.2.6  Pedestrian Heads, Features, and Accommodations

Pedestrian accommodations shall be provided on all approaches of signalized intersections within the Project limits, to include sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks, and pedestrian heads with countdown timers. Pedestal-mounted pedestrian heads shall be used where signal support locations do not meet ADA requirements.

All pedestrian accommodations shall be ADA-compliant.

Pedestrian heads with countdown timer displays (single-unit hand/man overlay, countdown, LED, Type D [filled indication], 16-inch by 18-inch) shall be provided for all pedestrian movements, in accordance with C&MS 632.08 and 732.05 and the TEM. In addition, the following requirements shall also apply:

  1. The LED lamp unit shall display the symbols for the upraised hand or the walking person. A count-down timer shall be displayed during the clearance interval.
  2. Signal heads and visors shall be constructed of polycarbonate plastic.
  3. Pipe, spacers, and fittings constructed of polycarbonate plastic may be used in lieu of galvanized steel or aluminum.
  4. Housings shall be black. Proper exterior colors shall be obtained by use of colored plastic material rather than painting.
  5. All lamp units shall have a five-year-minimum warranty. The warranty shall be transferred to the City of Cleveland at the completion of the Project.
  6. All pedestrian heads shall be installed with half-blind couplings.
  7. Pedestrian heads with audible signals shall not be provided or installed.

Pedestrian push buttons (PPBs) shall be provided for all pedestrian crossings.

PPBs shall comply with C&MS 632 and 732.

Signing for PPBs shall comply with the OMUTCD. These shall be R10-32 (R or L) signs, one for each PPB, with Type G sheeting and all mounting hardware.

17.2.7  Street Name Signs

Mast-arm-mounted street name signs shall be provided on new mast arm structures for intersections in the Project limits.

Street name signs shall comply with City of Cleveland standards, provided in Appendix TC-03 (Traffic Control Provisions).

17.2.8  Traffic Control Equipment

The Developer shall furnish and install an actuated, eight-phase, solid-state digital microprocessor type controller with secondary coordinator, menu-driven prompts, internal TBC, telemetry unit, and all other accessories necessary to make the controller completely functional and operational at each of the signalized intersections where a new controller is required. The controllers shall be Siemen’s Eagle TS-2 Type 1 controllers. The controllers shall be installed in Eagle TS-2 Type 1 M-36 cabinets (ground-mounted). The controllers shall be shelf-mounted. The controllers shall conform to C&MS 633 and 733. The Developer shall provide all necessary equipment within the controller cabinets to comply with the Department’s standards and provide a fully functional cabinet capable of controlling the intersection as required.

Controllers and cabinets shall include the following features:

The following switches shall be mounted on the switch panel in the cabinet:

·  Run/stop time

·  Controller time power

·  Coordination/free

·  Detector test

·  Flash control

The following switches shall be accessible via a police panel door:

·  Signal shutdown