Homework Cover Sheet VLSI Digital Circuits Instructor: Kyusun Choi

CMPEN 411 Spring 2015 Homework 1

Section 1 NAME: your-name-here Total score:

Check list:

Homework turn-in:

Homework library and file names:

Correct Homework folder zipping, all files and the report file (in your hw1lastname folder):

Schematic files, error:

Layout files, DRC error, LVS matching:

Simulation files, hspice .sp file names:

Project simulation, top cell layout simulation:

Number of test input cases and simulations:

Test output wave form and correctness(function) check shown:

Test output wave form timing(and show worst case propagation delays) shown:

Homework report cover page, report file name, use the sample format:

Homework report -overall algorithm, cell hierarchy, circuit and layout design descriptions:

Homework report - figures and explanations:

Homework report - answers to questions:


Tool Use/Problem:


Summary of Design Parameters: (Please fill-in based on your design)

Number of transistors: total = / pmos = nmos =
Layout size: total area = um**2 / X = um Y = um
Worst case delay time: Td = nsec. / Maximum clock cycle: Freq. = MHz
AT2 design efficiency = um2 * nsec2 / Worst case signal delay from: To:
Complete schematic design: completion = yes/no / Complete schematic design verified with simulation: yes/no
Complete layout design: completion = yes/no / Complete layout design verified with simulation: yes/no
Layout DRC error check passed: yes/no / LVS check passed: yes/no


1. Objective:

Learn the VLSI CAD tools and chip design concepts with a simple circuit.

2. Tasks:

Log into a Lab-218 machines, be familiar with basic UNIX commands.

Complete each steps on the CAD tool tutorial. Learn the VLSI CAD tools and chip design concepts with a simple circuit.

Creating a schematic and a chip layout of an AND gate. Simulate the netlist with the Hspice tool for the function verification and signal delay measurement.

Experience a complete chip design homework/project and its proper submission.

3. Circuit/Block Diagram:

Figure 1. The main circuit to design and simulate, a 2 input AND gate with a changeable load capacitor CL.

4. Schematic Design and Simulation:

figures and explanations here

5. Layout Design and Simulation:

figures and explanations here

6. Simulation for Performance Parameters, Critical Timing, Noise Margin, and Process Variation Corners:

figures and explanations here (simulation result plots without any explanations are very difficult to understand)

7. Data Sheet/User's Guide:

explain how to use your chip. list each signal, show sample signal-timing diagram of proper use of your chip,

figures and explanations here

8. Answers to Questions:

answers, figures, and explanations here

9. Conclusion:

write the summary of what was designed and its key parameters.

explain what I learned. and explain how to improve the layout, speed, and power-use.

And list any comments.