
Grade By Name

Chapter 22–The New Deal

Section 1 – FDR Offers Relief and Recovery

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

a. Charles Coughlin

b. Franklin D. Roosevelt

c. Eleanor Roosevelt

d. Huey Long

e. fireside chat


g. TVA

h. NRA

i. New Deal

j. CCC

k. PWA

_____1. became the President’s “eyes and ears” during the first New Deal

_____2.priest who criticized the New Deal

_____3.signed into law fifteen pieces of legislationin the first hundred days of office

_____4.introduced a “Share Our Wealth” program

_____5.program to insure bank deposits

_____6.built a series of dams to generateelectric power

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____7.What were the goals of the New Deal?

a. reform the government and decrease spending

b. create schools and protect farmers

c. increase spending on defense and trade

d. provide relief, recovery, and reform

_____8.Some opponents of the New Deal believed that it

a. benefited only the banking industry.

b. harmed home owners.

c. threatened individual freedom.

d. gave too much power to the people.

_____9.The American Liberty League formed to

a. support the Bonus Army.

b. introduce new legislation.

c. oppose FDR’s New Deal.

d. oppose the TVA

_____10.The Agricultural Adjustment Act helped farmers because it

a. sought to end overproduction and raise crop prices.

b. attracted industry with the promise of cheap power.

c. created jobs for over 2 million U.S. citizens.

d. regulated the stock market and made investments safer.

Section 2 – The Second New Deal

DIRECTIONS: Circle the word in parentheses that best completes the sentence. Write the description or definition for the terms not circle on a separate sheet of paper.

11. The (CIO/WPA) helped build and improve the nation’s highways.

12. Putting money in the hands of consumers so that they can buy more goods inorder to stimulate the economy is called (pump priming/collective bargaining).

13. In 1938, the (Wagner Act/Fair Labor Standards Act) established a minimum wageand a maximum workweek of 44 hours.

14. President Roosevelt was accused of (court packing/a sit-down strike) when heattempted to increase the number of Justices on the Supreme Court.

15. (Owen J. Roberts/John Maynard Keynes) was a British economist who believedthat deficit spending was necessary to provide the necessary relief from thedepression.

16. President Roosevelt introduced the (Second New Deal/Social Security Act) tohelp retirees.

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____17.The Rural Electrification Administration provided electricity to

a. the elderly.

b. farmers.

c. the unemployed.

d. minorities.

_____18.The right to collective bargaining was part of the

a. Wagner Act.

b. Works Progress Administration.

c. Social Security Act.

d. Agricultural Adjustment Act.

_____19.Members of the ______participated in a sit down strike until GeneralMotors agreed to recognize them.

a. WPA

b. UAW

c. REA


_____20.What caused Republicans to gain power in Congress in 1938?

a. The Supreme Court started approving New Deal programs.

b. The economy took a downturn and wiped out much of FDR’s progress.

c. Unemployment went down from 14 percent to 10 percent.

d. Southern Democrats became supporters of the New Deal.

Section 3 – Effects of the New Deal

TRUE/FALSE DIRECTIONS: Read each of the statements below. If the statement is true, write T. If the statement is false,

write F, and correct the underlined words to make it true.

_____21.The Indian New Deal provided funding for the construction of new schools and hospitals.


_____22.The President had a group of African American advisors that becameknown as the New Deal coalition.


_____23.FDR named Mary McLeod Bethune the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.


_____24.Roosevelt’s programs led to the rise of a welfare state in the United States.


_____25.The Dawes Act brought together southern whites, northern blue collarworkers, poor Midwestern farmers, and African Americans. policy committed to solving problems at the local and state levels


Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____26.Eleanor Roosevelt showed her support of minorities when she

a. appointed herself as Secretary of Labor.

b. sat with black delegates at a conference.

c. wrote a weekly newspaper column.

d. established a minimum wage.

_____27.During the 1930s, the Bureau of Indian Affairs

a. passed acts that led to total landlessness.

b. denied Native Americans the right to vote.

c. stopped discouraging the practice of Indian religions.

d. encouraged Native Americans to herd sheep on the Colorado Plateau.

_____28.FDR set aside 12 million acres of land for

a. Indian reservations.

b. farms.

c. dams.

d. national parks.

_____29.How many terms was Roosevelt elected to serve as President?

a. 1

b. 3

c. 2

d. 4

_____30.Who was the first female Cabinet member?

a. Frances Perkins

b. Margaret Marshall

c. Mary McLeod Bethune

d. Eleanor Roosevelt

Section 4 – Culture of the 1930s

Matching Directions:Place the correct term from the word bank in the blank provided that best completes the statements. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

Frank Capra


John Steinbeck

Ginger Rogers

War of the Worlds

The Wizard of Oz

Lillian Hellman

Glenn Miller

31. Artists painted large pictures called ______on public buildingsto celebrate the people who helped build the nation.

32. ______is one of the most memorable Depression-era moviesbecause it showed people that their dreams could come true.

33. Director ______made movies that showed the strength ofaverage Americans.

34. ______wrote a novel about the Joad family.

35. 1930s playwright ______wrote socially conscious playsfeaturing strong female roles.

36. ______was a radio program that caused panic.

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____37.Who was a top swing musician?

a. Glenn Miller

b. Orson Welles

c. Woody Guthrie

d. Billie Holiday

_____38.One way that Americans escaped their concerns during the 1930s was to

a. live in the country.

b. follow the stock market.

c. go to theaters to watch movies.

d. avoid watching news on television.

_____39.The Lone Ranger and The Shadow are examples of

a. big bands.

b. Depression-era novels.

c. Broadway musicals.

d. radio series.

_____40.The Federal Art Project set a precedent for

a. increased government support of radicals.

b. federal funding of the arts and artists.

c. free theater performances for the public.

d. realistically showing living conditions on farms.