Somerset PEP PART BKS1-4Revised January 2016


1a :People involved in this plan and meeting: Those highlighted should ideally be present at all PEP meetings.

Role/relationship / Name and Email address / Invited / Attended / To whom will this PEP be circulated/distributed (with email addresses)? Has the child/young person been consulted about circulation?
Young Person / 2
Social Worker / 3
Foster Carer/s / 4
Designated Teacher
Role in school / 5
Teacher / By when will it be emailed to ?
External Agencies / Date of this meeting:
The Virtual School / Date of next PEP meeting:
Other / Date of next CLA Review:

1(b) Roles and responsibilities

Who holds parental responsibility? Name and relationship to child:
Who should be contacted in case of an emergency?
Who will receive school information?
Who will attend parents’ evenings?
Who will liaise with the school on a day to day basis?
Who will give permission for school trips? / Day:
Is there anyone who should not have unsupervised contact and communication?


Meeting chair, please sign to confirm that the information provided in PART A has been read, shared, is accurate and up to date.

Signature: Name: Role:

2a: Progress towards academic targets

Are the targets given in section 4 part A accurate, and aspirational? If not please update before submitting this PEP / YES / NO
Is this child/young person currently on track to achieve the agreed academic targets at the end of the KS?
Looking at this child/young person’s targets, is this s/hecurrently making acceptable academic progress?
If yes, what is the evidence and rate of this progress?
If not, what measures has the school put in place to address this concern? What has happened?
Do any other agencies or mechanisms need to be put in place to provide support? If so, who?


You may report progress using the EYFS grid below if it enables you to make meaningful progress comments

Early Years Outcomes, (Development Matters Statements) / Above, On or Below age related expectations? (A/O/B) / Making progress?
Yes/ No
Prime areas:
Communication & language
Physical development
Personal, social & emotional development
Specific areas:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts & design


3a: Progress against last PEP targets

Target set at last PEP / Achieved?
Not achieved? / Impact on academic progress/achievement or reason for not achieving

3b: Impact of pupil premium funding allocated through lastPEP

Activities/resources for which funding was requested in last PEP / Impact on academic progress/achievement / Evidence

3c: Pupil Comments – If a child or young person is not present during the meeting, please gather their views in advance to share using one of the appendices attached or your own preferred pro forma.

Since your last PEP what has gone well? Is there anything getting in the way of you doing your best at school? Is there any other help with your learning that you would like? What are your current dreams, hopes, aspirations or goals for the future? Can you think of one recent success to share at this meeting? What would you like to share about your education at the moment?
Please tick here to show you have attached a document outlining the pupil’s views

Section 4: Any significant changes since the last PEP

Please describe any significant changes since the last PEP meeting, the implication of these on learning and any measures taken in school to support – responses in this section should reflect input from all parties attending but focus on the impact of any change on educational progress or achievement

Section 5: Current Education Record

5a Support for Learning

Is the SEN status of the child or young person correct in PART A section 3? / Y/N
Does this child or young person have any plan to support their progress in school? / Y/N
If Y, please name:
Has there been involvement from Somerset support services/agencies or other agencies (e.g. health)in the last 12 months? (please list)
Was this child/young person discussed at last Consultation Meeting / Y/N
If Y, on what date:

5b How SEN funding will be used to support the child/young person’s education?

SEN funding where relevant (element 2 and 3)

This does not need to be identified in great detail, but it is important for the use of this funding to be clear at PEP meetings, as it provides a starting point for discussion about how the additional pupil premium / top up funding can enhance the targeted support already provided through SEN funding.

For pupils requiring SEN support beyond effective mainstream practice, how is Element 2 and 3 funding used to address the pupil’s needs? (Element 2 is up to £6000 of additional funding assumed to be available from within the main school budget for pupils requiring support to meet Special Educational Needs, as the school has SEN resources built into its budget on the basis of school factors such as levels of deprivation. Element 3 is the top-up funding allocated for individual children whose categories of need require funding in excess of £6000 Element 2 funding.)

Activities funded by Element 2/3 SEN funding / Approximate cost

5c Punctuality and attendance

Attending Full Time i.e. all possible periods on school timetable / Y/N / Attending Part Time (if Y what %age of the FT timetable is available)
Date of review of any part time timetable / No. of days internal exclusion/other internal arrangement this term
Please outline and comment on action plan to address issues where attendance is below 95%

5d Internal exclusions

Please list any dates and duration of internal exclusion/isolation and actions taken to avoid recurrence

5e Past or current health concerns or medical issues

5g Social and emotional aspects, equalities and diversity. (Social and emotional strengths and needs, including peer relationships. Needs linked to EAL, ethnicity, faith and sexual orientation.)

5h Homework(please comment, including any issues and actions taken)

5i Any other areas discussed (if relevant)

Section 6: Transfer/Transition arrangements

To be completed in the year prior to transfer

Preferred school/college/training identified
Who will make the application for a place and when?
Who will go to the induction meetings at the school with the child?
Does the receiving school need to be aware of any particular needs?
Who will discuss these with the school?
Any other issues/actions in relation to this planned move?
FOR ALL YEAR 10 & 11 Pupils
Has the pupil been able to complete a CV?
Has the pupil had a careers interview?
Has a place/job been confirmed? / Yes – who supported this activity? When did it happen? / If ‘NO’, when will this take place

Section 7: New PEP Planning

To be completed by Designated Teacher, Social Worker and Parent/Carer in consultation with the Young Person

7a: New Targets

Please use SMART targets (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) designed to impact on academic achievement and/or progress. They should link to any other education plan in place for the child. Consideration should to be given to the most effective way of coordinating meetings to draw up/review the plans. Funding requests made in section 8 should be closely linked to these targets

Pupil Targets / Strategies and support, including resources, to bring about success / Person Responsible / Achieved by when?
1 / Aim:
Anticipated impact/outcome on academic progress/achievement: / 1.
2 / Aim:
Anticipated impact/outcome on academic progress/achievement: / 1.
3 / Aim:
Anticipated impact/outcome on academic progress/achievement: / 1.

Any additional actions to be undertaken by adults based on discussions at this meeting

Actions / Person Responsible / To be completed when?

For children/young people soon to take end of key stage assessments or GCSEs – any additional actions to be undertaken by anyone e.g. revision (including revision guides/materials, extra revision classes offered by school staff or through private tutors), arrangements to sit exams in quiet rooms, ensuring pupils/carers are aware of coursework deadlines, ensuring pupils/carers are aware of exam/test timetables, arranging transport times, ensuring pupils have everything they need during exams (equipment etc.), discussing how possible stress will be handled, checking contact numbers/email addresses in case urgent needs arise.

Actions / Person Responsible / Timescale
1 / Intended outcome/impact on examination/accreditation:
2 / Intended outcome/impact on examination/accreditation:
3 / Intended outcome/impact on examination/accreditation:

Section 8: How Pupil Premium funding for Children Looked After will be used to support the child/young person’s education

GUIDANCE:This section should be looked at holistically and linked to the education targets for raising academic achievement agreed in section 7. For Somerset Children Looked After, £500.00 is paid each term and this is the amount that must be accounted for in the grid below.

In exceptional circumstances some additional funding may be available for CLA with a higher level of need. These requests should be made through the PEP, making clear they represent a request over and above the termly allocationand have only been made in consultation with a Virtual School advisor.

Please be as specific as possible and for costings, ensure to give a precise term total for each activity e.g. 1-2-1 literacy support – 10 x 1 hour sessions @25.00 per hour lesson = £250.00 summer term

Activities/resources / Linked to which section 12 targets? Please state target no(s) from section 7 / Cost Estimate (as total cost for 1 term) / Person to Action / To be in place by when?
1 / What will be provided/sourced/put in place?
Intended impact on academic progress/achievement:
2 / What will be provided/sourced/put in place?
Intended impact on academic progress/achievement:
3 / What will be provided/sourced/put in place?
Intended impact on academic progress/achievement:
4 / What will be provided/sourced/put in place?
Intended impact on academic progress/achievement:
(insert more rows if needed) / Total amount allocated via this PEP

Section 9: How have the pupil’s views informed this Personal Education Plan?

Please return, with any additional relevant papers to support this plan e.g. PSP, IEP, Annual Review, subject reports, pupil view summary etc. to:


Please complete one of the ‘my views’ sections or attach your own version to capture the pupil’s reflections on their learning

My Views – Version 1

Things I enjoy doing

Top things about school
My last targets / How did I do?
How am I doing? /
Not so good /
Ok /
Good / Excellent
My reading is
My writing is
My spelling is
My maths is
My attendanceis
My behaviour is
My Career
Completed with Students from Year 9
What would you like to do after Year 11? (eg Higher Education, Employment, Apprenticeship)
What options have you chosen for Key Stage 4?
Who have you discussed your career options with?
When do the option choices need to be made?
Have you had a career interview? / YES / NO
Who did you speak to?
Where will you/did you complete your work experience?
Is there any other aspect of your future that you would like help with?
What are your plans?
For discussion in Years 10 & 11
Attend Sixth form
What subjects will you take? / College
What course(s) would you like to take?
What area(s) of employment are you interested in? / Apprenticeship
Where will you do your apprenticeship?

My Views – Version 2

Things I enjoy in School
Things I enjoy out of School
How is my learning going this term?
My favourite subject is
I’ve improved in
I need to work hard in
I could use help in
School staff can help me best by
I wish school staff knew
People at home can help my learning by
My social worker can help my learning by

My Name: Date:


Please return completed PEPs electronically to