SP00749 (2015 Specifications: 06-01-17)
(Follow all instructions. If there are no instructions above a subsection, paragraph, sentence, or bullet, then include them in the project. The specifications may be modified to include project specific specifications, but all additions, deletions, or modifications must be sent to the ODOT Technical Resource and Senior Specifications Engineer for review and approval.)
Comply with Section 00749 of the Standard Specifications modified as follows:
00749.44Placing Asphalt Concrete-Replace the paragraph that begins "Construct all structures within…" and the bullet list with the following paragraph and bullet list:
Construct all structures within the following lines and grades:
• 0.08foot of true line
• 0.04foot of established surface grade, cross section and slope
• 0.04foot of specified thickness
00749.91Method "A" - Weight and Extras Basis-Replace the paragraph that begins "Item (a) includes road…" with the following paragraph:
Item (a) includes road approaches, street connections, alley approaches, driveways, guardrail flares, non-flared guardrail terminals, and mailbox turnouts.