AEA Educational Evaluation Report
/ Initial EvaluationReport Date:
Name:****Male Female
Last (legal)First (no nicknames)M.I.
Birthdate:9-4-01Grade: prTeacher/Service Provider:
Resident District: College CommunityBuilding:
Attending District: College Community Building:
Attending Area Education Agency: Grant Wood AEA AttendingBuilding Phone:
ParentFoster Parent
Student / Name:Home Phone:
Address:Work/Cell Ph:319-
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 E-mail:
Foster Parent
Student / Name:Home Phone:
Address:Work/Cell Ph:
Individuals completing this evaluation
Name / Position / Name / Position*Robyn Robbins / Grant Wood AEA Early Childhood Psychologist / Lori Hilmer / Grant Wood AEA School Social Worker
* contact for this report: (ph and email)
Information sources used in this report
Review of intervention and monitoring data / Teacher interview(s)Review of student work / Parent interview
Review of school records / Student interview
Review of records from other sources / Observations
Tests or other assessments (list): kindergarten screening by Grant Wood AEA speech pathologist / Other (describe):
Individual Information: Educationally relevant information that is important for decision making.
What are the individual’s strengths?
**** is a good problem solver. He is very social and engaging with peers and adults. He is a very effective communicator with strong verbal skills. ****'s behavior has improved during the Intensive Instruction cycle. He enjoysattending school.
What are the areas of concern?
**** has limited ability to participate appropriately in non-preferred activities/school routines. Transitions are difficult for him and have been the target of behavioral intervention through the Intensive Instruction Plan. For instance, he has a difficult time ending a preferred activity, cleaning up and then moving to the next scheduled activity. The majority of ****'s documented behavioral incidents occurred during transition pe****ds. In addition, he has a limited attention span and often has difficulty participating in groups. For example, he talks out of turn, moves into the center of the circle group rather than staying in his assigned spot, touches others or acts in such a way as to gain attention. He often seeks attention from his peers in inappropriate ways.
Yes NoAre these concerns observed across different times and in different settings? If yes, explain.
**** has been observed at home, Inn Circle Head Start and Opportunity One preschool. These concerns were noted across all settings.
Yes NoAre the concerns primarily caused by any of the following? If yes, explain.
- limited English proficiency
- a lack of appropriate instruction in reading, including the essential components of reading instruction
- a lack of instruction in math
Describe any vision, hearing, or health concerns that affect the individual’s educational performance or participation in age appropriate activities? If necessary, attach documentation.
none known at this time
Describe any ecological factors (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, language, or life circumstances) that affect theindividual’s educational performance in the areas of concern.
**** lives with his mother and maternal grandparents. Inconsistencies in discipline and behavior management styles exist which may have contributed to his behavioral difficulties. Mom has also commented that she feels that the lack of a father figure has had a negative effect on ****'s behavior.
NOTE: One purpose of an evaluation is to identify necessary supports and assistance. If limited English proficiency, lack of instruction, vision, hearing, health concerns, or ecological factors affect educational performance, these factors must be addressed in the Educational Needs section.
For a preschool child, ages three through five, provide a brief summary of student performance and progress in each of the following areas. (If the area will be addressed as an area of concern, note “See Educational Progress and Discrepancy sections of this report.”)
Positive social-emotional skills: See Educational Progress and Discrepancy sections of this report
Acquisition and use of knowledge & skills: **** uses a variety of strategies to problem solve, reason and categorize materials. He can match and receptively identify colors. He rote counts to 14. He initiates, listens, and responds in conversations with peers and adults. **** is an active learner, who explores materials and objects in his environment.
Appropriate behaviors to meet needs: **** has excellent large motor skills such as walking, running, and jumping and coordinates movements such as throwing, kicking, catching. He explores and experiences activities and ideas with eagerness, imagination, independence and inventiveness. He is willing to try new challenges of his own choosing. He participates in a variety of indoor and outdoor play activities. He uses eye hand coordination to perform self-help tasks.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS: Progress means performance over time. In addressing progress, the team considers data that have been collected about the individual’s performance over time in relation to the assistance that has been provided.
Summarize or attach the individual’s most recent intervention plan in each of the areas of concern including; 1) the results of that intervention (progress or lack of progress), 2) the methods used to monitor progress 3) the methods used to monitor implementation integrity, 4) if the area of concern is behavior, a description of the frequency, intensity, and duration of the behavior across time.
see attached Intensive Instruction Plan for ****
Based on the analysis of student progress, describe the elements of the intervention that had the greatest positive impact.
During the Intensive Instruction cycle, **** was provided with a process to check his schedule in order to help him independently transition with less difficultly. He had a full-time associate who was able to provide support to his behavioral plan which included a reduction of time in the classroom, use of the time out room, and consistent implementatin of the Intensive Instruction Plan.
Yes NoIs the individual’s progress significantly slower than expected or does the individual maintain expected progress only with greater resources than general education alone in any areas of concern?
If “yes”, identify the areas: positive social-emotional skills
EDUCATIONAL DISCREPANCY: Discrepancy is the difference between the individual’s level of performance and the level of performance of peers or standards of expected performance for individuals of same age or grade. Multiple sources of data for each area of concern are described below.
Table Option #2
Area of Concern: emotional and behavioral self-regulationDate: / Data Source / Individual
Performance / Expected Performance / Discrepancy / Significant? Yes
present / Intensive Instruction Plan / from 9-24-06 until 11-20-06 he averaged 3 behavioral incidents per day - since 11-20-06 he has averaged 1 per day / typical peers are able to regulate their emotions and control their behaviors in order to fully participate in all of the preschool activities / **** was unable to maintain appropriate behaviors in order to participate in the full preschool day. His time was reduced and access to an adult throughout his time in the program was a necessary support for him. / yes
EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: Educational needs are the services, activities and supports, accommodations and modifications required in order for the individual to receive an appropriate education.
Summarize theindividual’s needs in the area of instruction. (Based on intervention and assessment results, describe the instruction that will enable learning.)
**** needs a consistent, structured behavior program with visual supports and access to adult assistance to exhibit appropriate behaviors in the preschool setting.
Summarize theindividual’s needs in the area of curriculum. (Based on intervention and assessment results, what should the content of instruction include? Include the specific skills and concepts the individual needs to learn.)
**** needs curriculum that includes developmentally appropriate instruction of preacademic and social skills. He needs a structured routine. Through the Intensive Instruction Plan,**** was able to expand the amount of time he was attending the preschool program in relation to meeting behavioral goals.
Summarize theindividual’s needs in the area of environment. (Based on intervention and assessment results, describe the adaptations to procedures, schedules, routines, behavioral expectations, room or seating arrangements, or materials that are needed.)
****would benefit from an environment with developmentally appropriate activities/supports and a structuredschedule with visual cues and an explicit behavioral plan.
Summarize any additional learning supports needed to provide educational benefit for the individual. (Based on intervention and assessment results, what family supports or involvement; community partnerships; transition supports; supports for engagement or motivation; or supplements to instruction such as assistive technology, modifications or accommodations are needed?)
Yes NoDo the educational needs of the individual require services and support that extend beyond what typical general education resources alone can provide?
If “yes”, identify these areas: positive social emotional skills
CONSIDERATIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY DECISION MAKING The individual is considered to be eligible for special education services when a team of professionals and the parents consider all the relevant information and determine that 1) the individual has a disability and 2) the individual’s needs cannot be met with general education resources alone and that special education resources are required.
The following questions are addressed at a meeting of professionals and the parents to consider eligibility for special education:
- Does the individual have a disability? (A disability is a skills deficit, a health or physical condition, a functional limitation, or a pattern of behavior that adversely affects development or educational performance)
- Are special education resources required to meet the individual’s educational needs?
- Is the individual eligible for special education services?
krm 9/5/06