The Catholic Women’s League of Canada

Diocese of Edmonton

Secretarial Report for Diocesan Convention 2017

Madam President, Sisters in the League and a special welcome to all Secretaries. During the past four years, it has certainly been a privilege and pleasure to have served as your Edmonton Diocese Secretary; and, to have work with such team of talented and faithfilled Diocesan officers.

As a secretary, kindly be inspired to“ Make, Members, Matter” -- by continuing to create connections; by developing relationships and by staying informed. You, as Council secretary, can make a difference by sharing meaningful experiences and by feelingpart of something special. Indeed, all are important parts of our Edmonton Diocese CWL experience that make us “members for life”. Of course, the one factor critical toall of these is “communication.” Relationships depend on timely, open, honest and effective communications.

By the way, the main mission you undertake as secretary is to prepare the minutes, - correctly, concisely and completely. In addition, do keep in mind when sending e-mail messages that those reading your e-mail do not hear your voice, see your body language and feel your need. The use of gentle and kind words is important to convey what may sometimes be an urgent message. Harsh and abrupt words have no place in e-mail messages.

With regards to maintaining Council rosters, please keep in mind that in accordance with the provincial privacy policy this information is for league use only, and is not to be shared. Do obtain a copy of the Handbook for Secretaries, which can be downloaded from the national website. Other resource materials that you might find helpful include the Constitution and By-laws, the National Manual of Policy and Procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order.Remember you can always “tune-in” and find most up-to-date communication through our website.

We, as Secretary, now through our various media are always providing important information about the work of our Edmonton Diocese CWL; and, the many benefits available to members. Get connected and offer your hands and talents to provide outstanding personal and professional opportunities that continue to make us strong. Through your efforts, prayerful service and sharing your gifts you can be blessed with grace filled moments, as the prayer of St. Francis says “for it is in giving that we receive.”

In closing, while serving as Secretary, these past four years, I am truly grateful and thankful for the opportunities that have been provided to me by our CWL Diocesan Councils through your many e-mail communications, by attending Diocesan executive meetings, and certainly by meeting many of you at our Fall, Midwinter and annual Conventions. Thank you.

May Our Lady of Good Counsel pray for us and continue to guide us in our efforts.

Together in Christ,

Mary Pat O’Neill,

Edmonton Diocese Secretary