Secondary Social Studies Mid semester and End of semester Consensus Sheet
Intern: Date:
Mentor teacher: School:
University supervisor:
PedagogyDomain / Score
Planning for Instruction and Assessment
A. Focus for Learning: Standards and Objectives/Targets
B. Materials and Resources
C. Assessment of P–12 learning
D. Differentiated Methods
Instructional Delivery
E. Learning Target and Directions
F. Critical Thinking
G. Checking for Understanding and Adjusting Instruction through Formative Assessment
H. Digital Tools and Resources
I. Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
J. Data-Guided Instruction
K. Feedback to Learners
L. Assessment Techniques
Analysis of Teaching
M. Connections to Research and Theory
Professional Dispositions
Professional Commitment & Behaviors
N. Participates in Professional Development (PD)
O. Demonstrates Effective Communication with Parents or Legal Guardians
P. Demonstrates Punctuality
Q. Meets Deadlines and Obligations
R. Preparation
Professional Relationships
S. Collaboration
T. Advocacy to Meet the Needs of Learners or for the Teaching Profession
Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice
U. Responds Positively to Feedback and Constructive Criticism
Specialized Program Area
# of Items vary per program area Use the rows needed to address these items
AA. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Culture (People in Societies).
BB. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Time, Continuity, and Change (History and People in Societies).
CC. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of People, Places, and Environments (Geography).
DD. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Individual Development and Identity (People in Societies)
EE. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Individuals, Groups, and Institutions (People in Societies)
FF. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Power, Authority, and Governance (Government)
GG. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Production, Distribution, and Consumption (Economics).
HH. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Science, Technology, and Society (Geography and History).
II. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Global Connections (History and Geography).
JJ. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Civic Ideas and Practices (Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities).
KK. Plans demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Social Studies Skills and Methods.
LL. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of
Culture (People in Societies).
MM. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Time, Continuity, and Change (History and People in Societies).
NN. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of People, Places, and Environments (Geography).
OO. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Individual Development and Identity (People in Societies)
PP. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Individuals, Groups, and Institutions (People in Societies)
QQ. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Power, Authority, and Governance (Government)
RR. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Production, Distribution, and Consumption (Economics).
SS. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Science, Technology, and Society (Geography and History).
TT. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Global Connections (History and Geography).
UU. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Civic Ideas and Practices (Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities).
V V. Teaching demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Social Studies Skills and Methods.
Goals for intern’s continued growth
Add additional sheets for additional goals as needed.