World History

SECOND SIX WEEKS CALENDAR: October 3 – November 4, 2011

Week 1
10/3 / Arab Empire and its Impact on Africa, Europe, Asia / Pgs 202-210
10/4 / Islamic Civilization and Culture / Study for test
10/5/6 / Assessment #1 – Islam / Workbook Ch 6 Due / Pgs 248-252
10/7 / Tang and Song Dynasties

Week 2


District Wide PSAT on 10/12

10/10 / Student Holiday / Pgs 268-272
10/11 / India After the Guptas / Pgs 253-257
10/12 / Mongal Invasions and their impact on Asia and Europe / Pgs 353-362
10/13 / Mayas, Aztecs, Incas / Workbook Ch 8 sect 1,2, & 4 Due


/ Flex Day

Week 3

10/17 / Flex Day / Workbook Ch 11 sect. 1&2 Due / Study for test
10/18 / Assessment #2 – China, India, Africa, Americas / Pgs 285-290
10/19/20 / Europe After the Fall of Rome / Pgs 291-296
10/21 / Feudalism: Political System of Middle Ages / Pgs 315-322
Week 4
10/24 / Manorialism: Economic System of Middle Ages
Workbook Ch 9 sect 1 & 2 Due / Study for quiz
Pgs 323-328
10/25 / Quiz: Europe After the Fall, Feudalism, & Manorialism
Role of Christianity in the Middle Age / Pgs 329-333
10/26/27 / 12th Century Renaissance – Scholasticism, Aquinas
Culture of the Middle Ages / Pg 337
10/28 / Crises of the 14th Century: Great Schism / Pgs 335-337
Week 5
10/31 / Crises of the 14th Century: Black Plague / Pgs 337-340
11/1 / Crises of the 14th Century: 100 Years’ War / Study for test
11/2/3 / Assessment #3 – CBA #2: Medieval Europe
Workbook Ch 10 Due / Pgs 407-422
11/4 / Intro Unit 4 1450-1750 Connecting Hemispheres

TEKS for Second Six Weeks

AD 600 to AD 1450
  • Identify the major causes and describe the major effects of the following events:
the spread of Christianity, the decline of Rome and the formation of medieval Europe
the development of Islamic caliphates and their impact on Asia, Africa and Europe
the Mongol invasions and their impact on Europe, China, India and Southwest Asia
the development of the Mesoamerican civilizations
  • Explain the political, economic, and social impact of Islam on Europe, Asia, and Northern, Eastern and Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Describe the interactions between Muslim, Christian, and Jewish societies in Europe, Asia, and North Africa

  • Describe the interactions between Muslim and Hindu societies in South Asia

  • Describe compare the historical origins, central ideas, and the spread of Islam and Sikhism

  • Explain how Islam influences law and government in the Muslim world

  • Explain the development of the slave trade

  • Analyze how the Silk Road and the African gold-salt trade facilitated the spread of ideas and trade

  • Summarize the major political, economic, and cultural developments in Tang and Song China and their impact on Eastern Asia

  • Summarize the changes resulting from the Mongol invasions of China

  • Compare the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations and explain how prior civilizations influenced their development

  • Summarize the major ideas in astronomy, mathematics, and architectural engineering that developed in Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations

  • Explain the impact of the fall of Rome on Western Europe

  • Explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire

  • Explain the characteristics of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy

  • Describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism

  • Identify the impact of political ideas contained in the Magna Carta

  • Explain the political philosophy of Thomas Aquinas

  • Explain how the Crusades, the Black Death, the Hundred Years’ War, and the Great Schism contributed to the end of medieval Europe

  • Identify examples of religious influence from 600 to 1450

  • Describe the specific changing roles of women, children, and families from 600 to 1450

  • Identify significant examples of art and architecture that demonstrate an artistic ideal or visual principle from 600 to 1450

  • Identify the origin and diffusion of major new ideas in mathematics, science, and technology that occurred from 600 to 1450

Required Historical Personalities:


Thomas Aquinas