3rd Marking Period Dance Standards Fourth Grade

1. Develop abilities in dance.

A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe).

B. Communications (present, collaborate, explain, express emotion, listen, respond).

C. Goal setting/attainment (envision, research, plan, organize, persist, understand, demonstrate,


D.  The quality process (plan, analyze, imitate, explore, improvise, rehearse, and revise when

producing products).

2. Be able to apply abilities within dance to a variety of purposes.

A. Understand and recognize that dance is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people.

B. Be able to use movement ideas to compare a dance.

C. Be able to create and perform a creative dance and/or a folk dance.

D. Be able to create and perform with a partner a dance that has a theme.

E. Be able to communicate an idea through dance with a unified beginning, middle, and end.

F. Be able to perform a folk dance.

♦3. Identify or describe the use of elements of dance.

♦A. Understand that space affects dance (direction of dance movements [forward, backward, right left, up down), pathways (straight, curved, zigzag, diagonal, spiral), levels (high, middle, low), shape (individual and group shapes)]. (AH-04-1.2.1 DOK 2)

♦B. Understand the effect force has on dance [dance movements that use more or less energy (e.g. energy-sharp/smooth, weight-heavy/light, flow-free/bound)]. (AH-04-1.2.1 DOK 2)

♦C. Understand the effect time (tempo) has on dance (dance movements that follow a steady beat or move faster or slower). (AH-04-1.2.1 DOK 2)

♦D. Understand basic dance forms (call and response, AB, ABAB). (AH-04-1.2.1 DOK 2)

♦E. Describe how dance uses time, space, force and various locomotor and nonlocomotor movements to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings. (AH-05-1.2.2)

♦4. Identify how dance fulfills a variety of purposes.

♦A. Describe how dance fulfills a ceremonial purpose (dances created or performed for rituals or

celebrations (e.g. dances of Native Americans and West Africans to celebrate life events such as

harvest, ritual dances associated with worship). (AH-04-3.2.1 DOK 2)

♦B. Describe how dance fulfils a recreational purpose (dancing for recreation, to support recreational

activities, (e.g. ballroom line dancing, aerobic dance, dance as a hobby). (AH-04-3.2.1 DOK 2)

♦C. Describe how dance fulfills an artistic expressive purpose (dance created with the intent to express

or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, information (e.g. ballet, tap dance, narrative dance, dance

created and performed in a concert and/or theatrical setting for an audience)]. (AH-04-3.2.1 DOK 2)

5. Identify how dance has been a part of cultures and periods throughout history.

♦A. Describe how dances reflect the cultures (Native American, Appalachian, West African).

(AH-04-2.2.1 DOK 2)

♦B. Describe how dances reflect the Colonial American time period (e.g. social dances, square dancing).

(AH-04-2.2.1 DOK 2)

♦C. Explain the similarities and differences in the use of dance (e.g. purposes-harvest, hunting dances in

Native American and West African). (AH-04-2.2.1 DOK 2)

♦D. Explain the use of elements of dance among cultures (e.g. use of space, time, or force, etc.).

(AH-04-2.2.1 DOK 2)

3rd Marking Period Dance Standards Fourth Grade

♦6. Be able to create, perform and respond to dance.

♦A. Create patterns of movement incorporate the elements of dance. (AH-04-4.2.1)

♦B. Create a movement sequence with a beginning, middle, and end. (AH-04-4.2.2)

♦C. Perform traditional folk dance, square dances, and ethnic dances (Native American, West

African/African-American, Early American and folk). (AH-04-4.2.3)

♦Indicates P. E. teachers are accountable for teaching and assessing this standard.

June 2009