Miss Barrett’s

Second Grade Homework Helper

October 19th-23rd


  • Your child will receive the second quarter Reading is a Super Hero Reading Log on Monday! Please have them begin working on it so that it is completed by the end of the second quarter. First quarter reading logs were due today (10/15).
  • The book fair closed today and the library will be back to its normal hours. If your child has library books at home, please have them return them to school. If they are still reading them, they can renew them and keep them for another two weeks.
  • The first quarter has ended! I cannot believe that we are starting the third week of October already! We are in full swing and have so much to learn by the end of May!
  • With testing over, we are finally back to our regular schedule!  Students will be doing a Friday journal. They will also have a spelling test!

This Week in the Classroom….

This week’s reading story is titled Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane. It’s a realistic fiction story. Realistic fiction means that the story is not real, but it is about characters who act like real people. We will still be focusing on main idea and story sequence.

In math, we will continue to work through chapter two which talks about place value. Students have learned that a number is made up of digits. They learned that each digit has a value depending on its place in a number. We are currently working with three-digit numbers!

We wrapped up our Science chapter on habitats and fossils. We had great discussions and the students enjoyed talking about different animals and their habitats. We will be starting Chapter 3 in Social Studies. It is titled Working Together. The students will be learning about income, goods, and services.

We have learned the writing process, which consists of brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing! We will continue to strengthen our writing skills through daily journals and activities. Students are expected to write answers in complete sentences. While this is not their favorite thing to do, it is important skill for them to master! We are also working with nouns, adjectives, and action verbs. We are breaking apart sentences into naming and telling parts.

Thanks for reading!  Have a super weekend!