Second Chance Learning Guidelines
Second chance learning is a strategy which provides additional opportunities to learn and demonstrate what a student knows and can do when assessments indicate that the essential knowledge or skills have not been demonstrated. The intent is for students to learn the content. Every effort will be made to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and skills of this class.
The following guidelines will be used for Second Chance Learning:
· Students will have the opportunity to redo/retake a summative assignment that he/she has scored below a 70% on.
· Students are not eligible for a retake on a test if they did not complete the study guide for it.
· The second chance grade will have a maximum score of 70%.
· Arrangements for relearning the material and taking the second chance assessment must be made within 3 days of when the assignment is returned to the student.
· In order to identify gaps in learning, students MUST return:
o A completed reflection form
o Evidence that they have completed their “Plan of Action”
o The original assignment attached. Students who are completing a retake for a test must make corrections to the original test that are written out in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper.
· The second chance assessment will cover the same material but will be in a different format.
· Second chance assessments will not be given during the student’s regular class period. Students will need to make arrangements with the teacher for alternative times for re-learning and for the second assessment.
· Second Chance Learning will NOT be accepted within 2 days of when report card grades are due.
· Second Chance Learning is not meant to be used as a regular practice by a student or as a substitute for effort.
Reflection Form
Student Name: ______
Class Period ______
Plan of Action (to be completed by the student):
Describe your plan for relearning the necessary material. Ideas to choose from:
· Create your own study guide or flash cards
· Use Quizlet (or other electronic app) to create flashcards/study guide
o This can be shown to teacher on phone, or emailed as a screen shot
· Read and complete the Chapter Review from the textbook
· See teacher at resource with specific questions to ask or topics you need to go over to understand
· Re-write your notes in your own words
I need to retake this assignment because I…
(Check all that apply)
¨ Should have studied more
¨ Used my time poorly
¨ Did not study the correct information
¨ Should have done my homework/class work
¨ Wasn’t prepared for class
¨ Should have taken notes/ or taken better notes
¨ Should have asked questions
¨ Did not follow instructions
¨ Didn’t pay attention in class
¨ Other: ______
On this assignment, I did not understand…
To be successful on future assignments, I will do the following 3 things…
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______