SEAVIEW PARENT COUNCIL – Monday 26th August 2013


Present- Mrs Martin (HT), Mrs Meldrum (DHT), Miss McKenzie, Mrs Milne, Mrs Lawrence, Claire Morrison, Susan Reid, Louise Colligan, Susan Brown, Shelley Noble, Kathy Robertson, Hazel Cook, Michelle Porter, Sara Weatherburn, Gemma Soutar, Imogen Scott, Suzanne Morrison, Linda Boag, Diane Cassidy, Lorna Huntingford, Gillian Moffat.

Apologies – Arlene Watson, Lynette Pontin, Suzanne Morrison, Sarah Lloyd.


Mrs Martin introduced a farewell ‘Retiring Chair’ letter from Sarah Lloyd.

Mrs Martin discussed the possible addition to the School Handbook of a ‘Map of a Childs Journey through School’. It is hoped that the Parent Council can be as actively involved in this as last year.

Discussion on Head teachers Report

Plans for Session 2013/14

Using the Two Stars and a Wish feedback – to consult with parent.

Early Level-Anti-pre-school, pre-school & P1 parents

First Level-P2, P3 & P4 parents

Second Level-P5, P6 & P7 parents

The development and delivery of a ‘Learners for Excellence’ event. This is hoped to take place at the beginning of the year.

Items to be discussed further –

HEALTHY TUCK SHOP - The Re-establishment of a Healthy Tuck Shop. This would require some level of parental support but be mainly run by a Pupil Council. Delivering on a rota basis round the classes.

ROAD SAFETY – The issues surrounding road safety and the children exiting the school grounds into Victoria Street are still on-going. It has been suggested that communication from parents towards/with a local councillor may be helpful. This could take place externally or during a Parent Council meeting.


Chairperson-Lorna Huntingford

Vice Chair-Lynette Pontin

Treasurer-Susan Brown

Shadow Treasurer-Kathy Robertson

Secretary-Gillian Moffat

Shadow Secretary-Imogen Scott

Staff photographs are to be displayed within the foyer of the school – Parent Council Office Bearers will also be invited to participate in this.

TREASURERS REPORT - Delivered by Kathy Robertson

Receipts & Payments for School Year 1st August 2012 – 31st July 2013

Receipts£ Payments£

Balance brought forward 560.63Refreshments AGM 32.97

Disco Proceeds 335.00Total Expenses Christmas Fair880.37

Christmas Fair Proceeds3108.50Mrs Duff Retirement Refreshments100.00

Bingo Night Proceeds1034.30Angus Council Small Lottery Licence 20.00

Disposable Cups 14.00

Bingo Night Expenses179.68

P7 End of Year pictures 67.90

Building Materials Polytunnel147.58

PA system435.99

Cash in Hand3159.94


Kathy raised the issue of more accurate record keeping during events. This would help us know which areas of these events were more successful.

It was decided that a ‘thank you’ gift should also be presented to Mr Ferguson as well as Mr Redfern (& other key staff) this coming Christmas.

Again the issue of raising awareness to the parents and children of what the Parent Council has funded from all our events was brought up. This is still an on-going issue.

It is hoped that a consultation with the children can take place this year to establish what THEY believe we should be using our funds for. This would then be communicated to the parents.

Michelle Porter brought to our attention the availability of External Funding. This is something that both Mrs Martin & Mrs Meldrum are highly receptive to. Further discussions along these lines are planned.


It is hoped that an Annual Report can be raised, containing the Parent Councils movements/decision for the past, present and future. Kathy has volunteered to begin this, later passing on to other Office Bearers to expand. Then the final draft passed onto Mrs Martin who can then add the expectations for 2013/14.


A brief discussion around the Christmas Fair and trying to make it ‘less expensive’ for parents was raised. This is an on-going topic with no clear answer being agreed upon.


Mrs Martin proposed an amendment to our current Parent Council Constitution.

An amended copy of this will be forwarded on when made available.


Monday 30th September2013- Meeting to arrange Disco & Xmas fair

Thursday 24th or Friday 25th October-School Disco

Monday 28th October 2013-Meeting to arrange Xmas Fair

Friday 6th December-Christmas Fair

Monday 13th January 2014-Meeting & arranging Bingo night

Friday 31st January 2014-Bingo Night

Monday 31st March 2014- Meeting

Saturday 10th March 2014- Possible Spring Fair

Monday 26th May 2014-Meeting (possible AGM)