
of the Academic Senate Meeting

July 21, 2010

Seating of Senators – Staff Representative, ASI Representative

Sharon Cruise, Staff Senator and Ismael Souley, ASI Senator were seated.

M/s/p to reorder the Agenda to consider items 4 c. and 4 g. as the first items under the Academic Senate Committee Reports.

1.Minutes –May 19, 2010 and June 2, 2010

M/s/p to approve the minutes of May 19, 2010 and June 2, 2010.

2.Information Items

  1. Chair's Report

Chair Alex reported the following:

  • Provost denBoer has requested that the Academic Senate begin recruiting faculty for the College of Science Dean Search committee. The email has been sent twice and it has not received moderator approval
  • The Academic Senate meeting schedule is posted on the website at:
  • Senators need to submit their Committee Assignment Requests. The form is on the Academic Senate website at:

Chair Alex reported that the Executive Committee received information from Provost denBoer that he planned to move KHP from CLASS to the College of Science and the Institute of New Dance and Culture to the Theatre Department. The Executive Committee informed Provost. denBoer that these requests need to be sent as a referral in order to fulfill the requirement for consultation with the Academic Senate. Provost denBoer agreed to submit referrals for these two changes this Fall.

Appendix 10 – An announcement was sent last week that the College of Extended University would be using an online student evaluation instrument created bythe faculty at CSU Channel Islands as the evaluation for all courses taught this summer. ChairAlex, after consultation with the Executive Committee, contacted the Provost objecting to the use of the online evaluation instrument. After consideration, it was decided not to use the evaluation instrument. Clarification by the CFA on issues pertaining to this with courses taught through self-support is needed so that we can set appropriate policy.

  1. President’s Report

President Ortiz submitted a written report.

  • No real update from Sacramento. The end of the fiscal year has come and gone with no final 2010-11 budget – and no resolution for the immediate future.
  • The Governor included $305 million above current year funding for the CSU in his budget proposal, restoring one-time cuts in the current year. The budget proposal restores another $60.6 million for additional enrollment support.
  • This restoration is a step in the right direction, at the same time these funds do not address the full impact of the past two years in which the CSU has seen state support cut by $625 million or 21 percent.
  • I continue to strongly urge everyone to get involved and advocate with your local representatives.
  • Fall Conference will be upon us very soon. Convocation is scheduled for Monday, September 20 and we are still finalizing the venue.
  1. Vice Chair's Report

Vice Chair Speak reported.


AP-001-011Academic Program Assessment for Biological Sciences


AS-2350-910/APRevision to the Guide to Program Assessment and Academic Program Review

AS-2351-910/FAUniversity Manual: Compliance of Policies with CBA

AS-2352-910/FADeletion of Obsolete Policies

AS-2353-910/FAUniversity Manual: Editorial Changes to Existing Faculty Related Policies

AS-2354-910/GEPolicies of Course Substitutions for GE Synthesis Requirements

AS-2355-910/AAAcademic Calendar


AS-2320-089/APPhilosophy Major – Elevation of Law and

Society from Emphasis to Option;Discontinue Law and Society Emphasis andScience, Technology, and Society Emphasis(Reconsidered) -- Approved

AS-2325-910/GEEWS 330, Ethnicity and Family Life - Not Approved

AS-2327-910/GEEWS 301, EWS 301, Ethnic Identity - Supported

AS-2331-910/GEEC 100, Contemporary Economic Issues - Not Approved

AS-2338-910/APUniversity Manual: Editorial Changes to ExistingAcademic Program Policies - Approved

AS-2340-910/AAReview on Policy on Priority for Adding Classes - Approved

AS-2342-910/APChemistry Major: Delete Chemical Sciences Optionand Add Biochemistry - Approved

AS-2344-910/APCombination of Geology and Integrated Earth StudiesDegree Programs into One Degree Program NamedGeology -Approved

AS-2345-910/APClose Integrated Earth Studies Degree Program - Approved

AS-2346-910/FAReview of Interim Policy Regarding Appointment ofPrincipal Investigators - Approved

AS-2347-910/GETemporary Moratorium on GE Class Approval - Supported

AS-2348-910/AAOfficial Enrollment for Minors - Supported

AS-2349-910/AANo Waiver of EO 1037 Withdrawal Limit - Supported

AS-2350-910/APRevision to the Guide to Program Assessment andAcademic Program Review - Supported

AS-2351-910/FAUniversity Manual: Compliance of Policies with CBA – President RequiredAdditional Time

AS-2352-910/FADeletion of Obsolete Policies - President Required Additional Time

AS-2353-910/FAUniversity Manual: Editorial Changes to Existing Faculty Related Policies - President Required Additional Time

AS-2354-910/GEPolicy for Course Substitutions for GE SynthesisRequirements - Supported

AS-2355-910/AAAcademic Calendar - Supported

Vice Chair Speak pointed out that the two reports that were not approved are general education courses. In light of AS-2347-910/GE, Temporary Moratorium on GE Class Approval, these courses will not be considered at this time.

  1. Budget Report

No report was presented.

  1. CSU Academic Senate

A detailed report is on the Senate website at:

  1. Ad Hoc Committee on Potential Academic Calendar Conversion

Don Hoyt, Co-chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Potential Academic Calendar Conversion presented a PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint is on the Academic Senate website at:

Dr. Hoyt stated that Martin Sancho-Madriz is the faculty Co-Chair of the Committee.

The ad hoc committee has discussed establishing four subcommittees to move the work forward over the Summer. Dr. Hoyt pointed that there will be one final report, and possibly a minority report.

The AHCPACC has done the following:

  • Reviewed the background information on conversion
  • Communicated with other quarter-based CSU campuses
  • In the process of compiling reasons for and against converting from a quarter-based to a semester-based calendar without advocating
  • In the process of preparing a FAQ addressing potential conversion
  • Preparing surveys for faculty, staff and students
  • Planning a series of town hall meetings for Fall Quarter 2010

Discussion – The following points were made.

  • Teaching schedule and how it would change?
  • How the new curriculum will be changed – who will be charged to do it?
  • Have you looked at other campuses that made the conversion - any commonalities – Dr. Hoyt stated that there are some common problems – one interesting commonality is a decline in FTES that lasts for a year or so.
  • The need for more advisors – the workload will increase
  • Concern that the campus will have the same student demand -- thepotential that class size would have to increase
  • Point was made that when developing the survey consult a survey specialist
  • Timing of town hall meetings – need to have information from the town hall meetings to incorporate into the survey
  • The Pro and Con team – in the Golf Course issue the President agreed that after the Senate did its process they would take a vote and the President would go along with the vote of the Senate. Do we have any assurance in this case? Dr. Hoyt responded that his committee is asked to gather and distribute information and present it to the campus community.

3.New Business

4.Academic Senate Committee Reports – Time Certain 3:45 pm

  1. AS-2324-910/AP, Elevate Art History Option to Major (Response to President’s Response)

M/s to adopt the report.

Senator Ibrahim presented the report.

Senate Recommendation:

The Academic Senate recommends approval of the referral AP-015-089 to Elevate Art History Option to Major (Attachment A)

Discussion – President Ortiz requested that four questions be addressed. The faculty of the Art Department addressed the questions (Attachment A).

The Academic Programs discussed the Art Department response and endorses the response.

The motion needs a 2/3 vote to pass.

The motion passed.

  1. AP-007-910, Academic Program Assessment Plan for Geography – FIRST READING

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

Senator Ibrahim presented the report.


The Academic Programs Committee recommends approval of AP-007-910 Academic program Assessment Plan for Geography.

Senator Ibrahim stated that in the discussion portion of the report it indicates that Dean Richardson never responded to questions from the Academic Programs Committee. After the report was submitted, Dean Richardson did respond and sent no comments.

Comments should be forwarded to Senator Ibrahim at .

This item will be a Second Reading item on a future Senate Agenda.

  1. AA-007-078, Reduction of Units for an Option – SECOND READING

M/s to adopt the report.

Senator Leon presented the report.


The Academic Affairs Committee recommends reducing the minimum number of units required for an option from 24 to 20 units.

Discussion – Concerns were expressed that there needs to be a definition of options, tracks, etc. This referral should be postponed until these definitions are completed.

Several senators agreed.

A question was asked about the double major and very few courses being different.

Dr. Claudia Pinter-Lucke stated that her office is working on the definitions.

M/s to postpone indefinitely.

The motion to postpone indefinitely passed.

  1. AA-007-089, Removal of “Resolution of Impasse” Section from the University Curriculum Guide – SECOND READING

M/s to postpone this item to the September 29, 2010 meeting pending clarification of related issues.

The motionpassed

  1. AA-002-910, Limits on Requests for Majors/Minors – FIRST READING

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

Senator Leon presented the report.


The Academic Affairs Committee recommends that students within 20 units of completing their major degree, be prohibited from changing majors or adding a new minor or major, unless the change can be completed within 20 units.

Discussion – Questions were raised if there is a double major, if the 20 unit limit would apply for both majors. This needs to be clarified.

The point was made that students declare the minors late in the academic career.

The question was asked if this applies only to undergraduate students. It was pointed out that in the credential program if a student changes from elementary education to secondary education it is considered a change of major.

The point was made that the Academic Affairs Committee recommended 20 units because that is the equivalent of a graduating senior.

Comments should be sent to the Academic Affairs Committee.

This item will be a Second Reading at a future Academic Senate meeting.

  1. AA-009-910, Change Process for Registration Appointments – FIRST READING

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

Senator Leon presented the report.


The Academic Affairs Committee recommends adopting all of the suggested changes. Specifically:

  • There shall be four registration periods per quarter.
  1. Priority registration for approved groups – students shall be limited to enrollment in 13 units; Four Year Pledge students shall be limited to 17 units.
  2. First stage initial registration for all students – students shall be limited to enrollment in 13 units. This period shall last for a minimum of 6 days.
  3. Second stage initial registration for all students – students shall be limited to enrollment in 17 units. This period shall last for a minimum of 6 days, subsequent to the first stage initial registration.
  4. Add/drop for all students – students shall be limited to enrollment in 20 units. This period shall start a minimum of four days before the quarter starts and extend through the first five days of instruction (the first four days in the summer).
  • During the first stage initial registration period, appointments will be assigned by class standing.
  • If priority to graduating seniors is approved, they will register after postbaccalaureate students and before other seniors during both the first stage initial registration period and be first to register during the add/drop period.

Comments should be sent to the Academic Affairs Committee.

This item will be a Second Reading at a future Academic Senate meeting.

  1. GE-003-910, General Education Program Review – FIRST READING

M/s/p to receive and file the report.

M/s to waive the First Reading.

Senator Kopplin requested that the First Reading be waived because this item was approved in April and has been on the Academic Senate Agenda twice and the Senate did not have enough time for debate. Also, the Academic Senate has approved a GE moratorium. The General Education Committee would like to begin working on the Program Review as soon as the quarter begins.

The opinion was expressed that this could be controversial and the Senate does not traditionally waive the First Reading on potentially controversial items, especially in the Summer.

Discussion ensued.

The motion to waive the First Reading failed.

Senator Kopplin presented the report.


To accept the GE Program Review Plan as outlined in the document that follows (ATTACHMENT B).

Discussion – Executive Order 2033 requires a periodic program review. Cal Poly has not done one yet. WASC also suggested that a program review be conducted.

Comments should be sent to .

This item will be a Second Reading at a future Academic Senate meeting.

5. Old Business


  1. Prerequisites on Upper Division GE - Claudia Pinter-Lucke

Claudia Pinter-Lucke, Associate Vice President or Academic Programs, reported that the campus is implementing EO 1033, section 2.2.3 Upper DivisionGE Requirements. The Executive Order states:

2.2.3 Upper-Division Requirement

At least nine of these semester units or twelve of these quarter units must be upper-division level, taken no sooner than the term in which upper-division status (completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units) is attained.

Dr. Pinter-Lucke stated that this was implemented during Summer quarter and it was effective. This is to prevent students with less than 90 units from enrolling in the upper division general education courses, leaving space for the students who need the courses to graduate. Also, it ensures that the upper division GE courses will have students with similar class standing in the courses, making the courses more effective.

Discussion—Concern was expressed that there will be a lot of petitions for the upper division courses. Dr. Pinter-Lucke stated that there is frustration that all the upper division courses are filled up before the students can register for them. Freshmen in orientation will take these courses when they do not have other courses available. If these courses are restricted to students with 90 or more unit, the students that need them are more likely to get a seat.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p. m.