Searching for MARC Records? Try these web links!

Library of Congress Online Catalog Search: Save MARC records individually or from a searchresults screen (be sure to select MARC download format in the pull-down menu at the bottom of the page, then click “Press to SAVE.”)

Library and Archives Canada Search: Save bibliographic records to a list, and then download the MARC records from the Canadian National Catalogue.

Access Pennsylvania:Click “export” to save a record to a list; when you are ready, click “export saved lists”; then select “MARC” for Format of List and “Local Disk” for Send List to; select the records you would like to export, and click “Submit.” Save the record(s) to your Documents. Be sure to remove the local Access PA 9xx fields when editing.

OhioLINK Library Catalog: Downloading instructions will be the same as for Access Pennsylvania.

Mid-Hudson Library System Catalog: Downloading instructions will be the same as for Access Pennsylvania.

MaineCat Statewide Catalog: Downloading instructions will be the same as for Access Pennsylvania.

Amazon to MARC Converter: Simple search and export (you’ll probably want to remove the 856 field—the Amazon.com link).

Internet Movie Database (IMDB) to MARC Converter: Enter anIMDB number or movie title to pull up a MARC record.

Some other helpful sites:

Library of Congress Authorities: Search for proper name, subject, and title authority headings. If you need to save records, follow the instructions above for saving LC bibliographic records, and then, on the new webpage, select “File,” then “Save As.” Choose where you would like to save the file and the file name, and then be sure to choose “Text File” for file type.

WorldCat: Find bibliographic information on millions of titles from libraries around the world!

OCLC Classify: Find out what call number and subject headings other libraries are assigning to the item you have!

TLC's Cataloger's Reference Shelf: Information and examples for each MARC field, MARC code lists for countries, geographic areas, and languages, and more!

Follett Library Resources Titlewave: Offers good summaries, reading levels, subject headings, and some reviews. Sign-up is free and easy.

Internet Movie Database (IMDb)