SEA Project Director Meeting

April 23, 2013

Subgrantee Monitoring and Closure Procedures

Monitors and Tracking

Using the worksheet below, your team will draft a section of a model subgrantee monitoring and closure procedures document. Be prepared to share a five minute summary of your section and to submit one completed worksheet to the CSP team. You will have 60 minutes for this activity.


  1. Assign a timekeeper and a note taker.
  2. Using the examples on your table and the key components, draft the monitoring and tracking model.
  3. There is space provided for you to identify challenges in using the key components because of statutes or policies in your state.



Use the space on the following pageor chart paperto draft the model procedures for selecting and tracking monitors. Use as much detail as possible and use the guiding questions as a starting point. There is also space to acknowledge barriers your team finds in creating a model procedure if applicable.

Questions to get you started

  • What does qualified mean?
  • How do you screen for qualified reviewers?
  • What are forward thinking tracking tools to house information regarding monitor documentation?

Model Quality Monitors Procedures


Use the space below to draft the model procedures for selecting and tracking monitors. Use as much detail as possible and use the guiding questions as a starting point. There is also space to acknowledge barriers your team finds in creating a model procedure.

Questions to get started

  • What are streamlinedsystems to house information regarding your subgrantees: school information- closures, schools that have received CSP funds, schools still under disposition rules, contact lists, etc.?
  • How/When do you collect information about subgrantees?

Subgrantee Monitoring and Closure Procedures

Performance Assessment

Using the worksheet below, your team will draft a section of a model subgrantee monitoring and closure procedures document. Be prepared to share a five minute summary of your section and to submit one completed worksheet to the CSP team. You will have 60 minutes for this activity.


  1. Assign a timekeeper and a note taker.
  2. Using the examples on your table and the key components, draft the monitoring and tracking model.
  3. There is space provided for you to identify challenges in using the key components because of statutes or policies in your state.


Performance Assessment

Use the space belowand on the following page or the chart paper to draft the model procedures for performance assessment. Use as much detail as possible and use the guiding questions as a starting point. There is also space to acknowledge barriers your team finds in creating a model procedure if applicable.

Questions to get started

  • How do you monitor/support quality authorizing in your state?
  • How can you promote flexibility and autonomy?
  • How can you hold subgrantees accountable to the performance objectives throughout the duration of their grant (i.e. application objectives)?

Model Quality Performance Assessment Procedures

Subgrantee Monitoring and Closure Procedures

Administrative and Fiscal Responsibilities

Using the worksheet below, your team will draft a section of a model subgrantee monitoring and closure procedures document. Be prepared to share a five minute summary of your section and to submit one completed worksheet to the CSP team. You will have 60 minutes for this activity.


  1. Assign a timekeeper and a note taker.
  2. Using the examples on your table and the key components, draft the monitoring and tracking model.
  3. There is space provided for you to identify challenges in using the key components because of statutes or policies in your state.


Administrative and Fiscal Responsibilities

Use the space below and on the following page or the chart paper to draft the model procedures for administrative and fiscal responsibilities. Use as much detail as possible and use the guiding questions as a starting point. There is also space to acknowledge barriers your team finds in creating a model procedure.

Guiding Questions

  • What are management tools that can be used to monitor subgranteegrant funds usage?
  • What are the minimal fiscal controls that should be in place to monitor subgrantees?
  • What are additional fiscal controls that could help with monitoringsubgrantees?
  • What are innovative tools or processes that can help streamline effective recordkeeping?

Model Quality Administrative and Fiscal Procedures

Subgrantee Monitoring and Closure Procedures

CSP and Application Fidelity

Using the worksheet below, your team will draft a section of a model subgrantee monitoring and closure procedures document. Be prepared to share a five minute summary of your section and to submit one completed worksheet to the CSP team. You will have 60 minutes for this activity.


  1. Assign a timekeeper and a note taker.
  2. Using the examples on your table and the key components, draft the monitoring and tracking model.
  3. There is space provided for you to identify challenges in using the key components because of statutes or policies in your state.


CSP and Application Fidelity

Use the space below and on the following page or the chart paper to draft the model procedures for CSP and application fidelity. Use as much detail as possible and use the guiding questions as a starting point. There is also space to acknowledge barriers your team finds in creating a model procedure.

Questions to get started

  • What process could be implemented to determine if applicants meet the definition of a charter school?
  • Do you have a specific definition of a charter school for applicants that conforms to the CSP definition?
  • What systems could be in place to streamline monitoring the education and management plans or subgrantees (e.g. quarterly calls, annual reports, site-visits, etc.)?

Model Quality CSP and Application Fidelity Procedures

Subgrantee Monitoring and Closure Procedures


Using the worksheet below, your team will draft a section of a model subgrantee monitoring and closure procedures document. Be prepared to share a five minute summary of your section and to submit one completed worksheet to the CSP team. You will have 60 minutes for this activity.


  1. Assign a timekeeper and a note taker.
  2. Using the examples on your table and the key components, draft the monitoring and tracking model.
  3. There is space provided for you to identify challenges in using the key components because of statutes or policies in your state.



Use the space below and on the following page or the chart paper to draft the model procedures for CSP and application fidelity. Use as much detail as possible and use the guiding questions as a starting point. There is also space to acknowledge barriers your team finds in creating a model procedure.

Guiding Questions

  • Referencing your knowledge of EDGAR, what should you keep in mind for the disposition of Federal assets (don’t forget your state law)?
  • How can you ensure the subgranteedisposition plan is always operational despite possible changes in personnel?
  • What are streamlined documenting tools and resources that could be used to maintain accurate subgranteedisposition records?
  • How do you track when a previous subgrantee no longer falls under disposition requirements?

Model Quality Disposition Procedures

Subgrantee Monitoring and Closure Procedures

Reflection Tool


  1. Use this sheet to take notes on the monitoring and closure procedures presentations.
  2. Complete the reflection portion based on your current monitoring and closure procedures.
  3. Be prepared to discuss your reflections with your grant manager at a later date.

Monitoring and Tracking

Performance Assessment

Administrative and Fiscal Responsibilities

CSP and Application Fidelity



Indicator / Does your closure policy and procedure meet the indicator? (Y or N) / Explanation
If no, please explain any barriers to meeting the indicator.
SEA has a process to select qualified monitors.
SEA uses internal and external monitors.
SEA uses monitors that have charter school experience, fiscal experience, and/or governance/policy experience.
SEA collects and retains documentation of monitor qualifications.
SEA has a procedure to track closed charter schools.
SEA has procedures to identify which closed schools received CSP funds.
SEA has a process to contact closed schools to provide procedures for disposition of Federal assets, where applicable.
Performance Assessment
SEA has quality authorizing practices
SEA promotes flexibility and autonomy of subgrantees.
SEA monitors achievement of subgrantee application objectives.
Administrative and Fiscal Responsibilities
SEA monitors subgrantee use of grant funds.
SEA ensures all subgrantees have fiscal controls and fund accounting procedures in place.
SEA has proper recordkeeping in place to monitor subgrantees use of grant funds.
CSP and Application Fidelity
SEA has a definition of a charter school that conforms to CSP definition.
SEA ensures fidelity of all subgrantee educational programs.
SEA ensures fidelity of all subgrantee management plans.
SEA has methods to ensure the subgrantees have methods of informing students in the community and engaging parents and community.
SEA effectively monitors subgrantees’ dissemination activities (when applicable).
SEA has adequate procedures for monitoring subgrantees disposing of Federal assets.
SEA ensures subgrantees have a process for the disposition including timelines and responsibilities.
SEA has process for collecting and maintaining subgrantee documentation on how and where assets were disposed.
  1. Based on the reflection you completed above and the activity you completed at the Project Director Meeting, what are the strengths of your Subgrantee monitoring policies and procedures?
  1. Based on the reflection you completed above and the activity you completed at the Project Director Meeting, what are the areas of improvement for your Subgrantee monitoring policies and procedures?
  1. What questions do you have for the CSP in order for you to revise your policies and procedures?