SCRPA Board Meeting, 10:00 am

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SCRPA Office- 563 South Lake Drive, Lexington SC


In Attendance:

Joe Ross, Mark Sexton, Don Shuman, Jessica Campbell, Eric Stewart, Jan Cox, David Linder, Tom O’Rourke, Julie Edmond, Jim Headley

  1. Welcome: Joe welcomed everyone and asked us to begin with updates while we waited on additional board members to arrive before calling meeting to order.
  1. Branch Updates:
  2. RAP Branch- Julie Edmond reported they will offer a “Summer Camp Throwdown” for idea sharing on November 14th at Saluda Shoals Park for $25.The RAP branch has continued to finalized plans for the Programming Summit (TPS), with Irmo Chapin & Lexington County Recreation. Locations will be the Lexington County Tennis Center, Saluda Shoals Park, and Crooked Creek Park. It will consist of 8 classes in addition to a movie night in Lexington on the tennis courts, and a murder mystery at Saluda Shoals. Class topics and guest speakers are still being determined. The program is for 3 days, February 27th – March 1st, and will be promoted at this year’s conference. The branch is presenting at conference “A Call For The Wild Side” - which is a class where program ideas are shared. They have planned social activities at conference, such as the red cup run at the start of the Sunday night social, which includes a t-shirt and beverages(beer stops) for $10; a corn-hole tournament during the Sunday night social at The Drive Stadium for $5 per person or $10 per team; and arubber duck race (2 man team, with $200 prize) at the start of the Tuesday night social. Julie inquired about awards for the senior beach retreat coordinators and Joe noted that they will be recognized at the Eastern District Meeting. Joe questioned the status of the bus and transportation liability issue for the beach retreat. After much discussion, the recommendation is to plan only one off-site activity at a designated time and not give them multiple options, and that each agency only transports their own participants. SCRPA cannot additionally insure each agency. This will be expressed to those involved with the planning of the senior beach retreat.
  3. Parks Branch- Joe reported in place of Justin Mullis. They are scheduling 2 events in Columbia and another in the upstate. The dates will be sometime in late August, mid-October, and December. Topics have not been confirmed. Justin is working on finding a replacement for 2013 chair.
  4. ELM Branch- Tom O’Rourke reported that the branch will hold its next meeting October 25 & 26 in Charleston. They have 3 hotels secured and the meeting will be from noon Thursday to noon Friday. Agenda is not set. There will be a survey Jim is working on that will be sent to directors to check on their availability and find out if they would stay in the hotel.
  5. SCAP Branch – no report
  6. EMB –no report
  7. Student Branch- no report
  8. Wellness Branch - no report
  1. Committee Updates:
  2. Awards and Citations – Jessica reported that the awards have been voted on and decided by the committee. There is a Professional of the Year; Robert L. Reid/Hall of Fame; and Champion for Community (Western and Central). For Western there are two awarded (a person and an organization). The State Merit Award deadline is being extended. No Young Professional Award. For Program Excellence there is one winner for >30,000. For Park Excellence there is one each for >30,000 and <30,000. One overall winner has been chosen for Agency of the Year. The voting for Agency of the Year was outsourced. Some discussion needs to happen for next year in regards to the Overall Agency of the Year due to it’s hard to compare a park and a program. The Awards committee will make recommendations. Jim reported that the presentation needs to be placed in budget for next year, so that bids can be placed. Mark feels the presentation should be professional and that the money should be spent for it to be done right. Money will come from this year’s budget for the current presentation; bids are out.
  3. Marketing- Eric reported that the upcoming August issue is in need of articles. The deadline to submit is July 17th. The focus is on redevelopment and renovation. For the November issue the theme is one person or one program making a difference. He is requesting an email blast to go out to SCRPA Members to encourage agencies to submit material. Everyone had positive comments and likes the direction the magazine is going.
  4. Scholarship- Eric reported the scholarship committee has formed a sub-committee to come up with creative ideas for funding. Amy Evans will be the replacement chair of the committee for next year, and is also involved in the sub-committee.
  5. Conference and Program – no report
  6. Professional Development – no report
  7. Ways and Means- Don spoke about the 10th Annual Golf Tournament to be held October 3rd at Hillcrest in Orangeburg. He is contacting major sponsors and will email information to the district VP’s. He is requesting more sponsors and more teams (25 $100 sponsors per district and 7 teams per district). Updated forms will be emailed and link posted on website.
  8. Nominations - Jan reported that there were no nominations submitted and that Jessica would run again for Secretary and Eric would run again for Treasurer. In need of VP nominations.
  1. District Updates:
  2. Central- David reported they are working on rescheduling the May joint meeting for November 8th at Crooked Creek. Those who cannot attend can send a replacement or will receive a refund. After discussion with the board it was decided to hold it at 11 am on November 7th. The board will hold its meeting prior to the joint meeting, at 9:30 am. David stated he has 1 year left and they will vote for a Central VP at this meeting who will work alongside him next year.
  3. Western – Joe reported for John Luton. Along with the joint meeting with Central District, he is working with a gentleman from Clemson for ideas on a fundraiser. They are pushing for vendors and sponsors for both conference and golf tournament.
  4. Eastern- no report.
  5. Southern- no report.
  1. Approval of Minutes:

Joe Ross, President called the meeting to order. Changes were noted for the minutes of the May meeting and were approved as amended by motion of Don Shuman and second by David Linder.

  1. President’s Report:
  2. 2012 SCRPA Goals Update –
  3. Jim gave a conference update. An exhibit/vendor list was passed around and he asked to contact any vendors you did not see on the list. There is space for 50 and we have about 28 so far. He stated the board will be receiving an invitation to the 20 year club/Past-Presidents Dinner, which will be held Monday night at conference at Jean Smith’s house. Transportation will be provided. Additional sponsors are needed for conference. Registration is available online for conference and hotel room reservations.
  4. Update on property search: the church property is not being pursued. Jim had located another to look at but it was decided against it.
  5. Joe will be attending the NRPA President’s Meeting in California in October.
  1. Executive Director’s Report:
  2. Budget Update –
  3. Jim passed around a list of current SCRPA members and asked to look at each of our agencies. Report is listed online.
  4. Jim noted a concern with EMB revenue.
  5. Too early to tell with Conference account.
  6. Senior account should be okay.
  7. Membership down, possibly due to less staff and agencies scaling back. Tom inquired about the member structure, and the possibility of offering a supplemental agency membership. Jim stated this was sent out and about 5 agencies have utilized it. Tom recommended membership cost drop based on levels and then offer more professional development seminars to gain revenue, where the instructors travel to the districts. Joe would like to see a model of this and have the Professional Development committee take a look at for next year. Jim noted this will take constitutional change and it would be 2014 before implemented unless we discuss now. Mark stated this will be one of his goals for next year.
  8. In the Ways and Means budget we are doing ok, as some sponsors have dropped back their level of sponsorship.
  9. Awards and Citations will go over; okay as discussed earlier. Office rent can be waived if necessary.
  10. Don questioned why SC LEAD is over budget and Jim stated we were not able to pay for last year’s invoice until this year’s budget due to invoice not received until January.
  11. For Playground Safety registration sign-ups will be pushed however still waiting renewal list from NRPA for GA, NC and SC.
  12. The City of Spartanburg staff emailed Jim a flyer in reference to Brian Wofford and donations for his daughters’ education fund. Lexington County is working on something similar for Brian Cappenhurst and his daughters’ education fund. Jim would like for the association to make a donation to their accounts. Joe noted this would be discussed at our November board meeting when we have a better understanding of what budget looks like at that time.
  13. Legislative State/National Update –
  14. SLED Check fees passed for municipalities and counties at a reduced fee of $8 for volunteers. This is for one year. Senate passed after May 1st. Will start in House next year. Noted that NRPA and SSCI severed ties possibly due to cost and are going with another company. SLED is state only.
  15. The lifeguard bill passed. For Type E (waterpark) you must send lifeguard plan to DHEC for approval. For Type A you must use the chart at listed. Jim has sent the chart out to all Directors.
  16. US Congress – Continuously working with Congressman Duncan’s office to put language in the National Park Service formandating a minimumpercentage for state land and water, as he sits on the committee that makes the decision.
  17. Transportation bill passed. No one understands the ins and outs yet. There is an error, as no money was dedicated to the recreation trails program. It is the governor’s ability to put money where it wants and could give all to DOT. It is called alternative transportation. We are looking to educate the governor as it is about 1.2 million dollars. Will discuss also with Dwayne Parrish and Phil Gaines.
  18. PARD – no money; will roll over next year. Tom spoke about battles needing to being won on a local level versus state or national level. Feels a shift needs to take place by training directors on how to attack local funding. We need to help them through education, such as a class at conference or a statewide learning initiative.
  19. 2015 SCRPA/NCRPA Joint Conference
  20. Motion made by Tom and seconded by Jan for Myrtle Beach Sheraton Convention Center. They are waiving exhibit hall fees and have a cheaper room rate.
  1. Old Business:
  2. Tom asked if help was needed on the state association building search. Feels we should develop a scope and hire a realtor; or look within existing agencies for possibly building. Joe would like for subcommittee to look at different options.
  1. New Business:
  2. Tom spoke about a subcommittee that was formed after Brian Wofford’s death. The idea was to make recommendations to the board on establishing policies on how to act in the event of future incidents/deaths. The 3 recommendations are: 1. A new SCRPA tribute award be created and given to someone based on select criteria. To be given to the family of Brian Wofford at conference this year. 2. Do not have a name associated to SCRPA awards. Take name off Robert L. Reid award. 3. Develop a LEAD class scholarship in Brian’s name. Tom’s agency will pay first 5 years out of his funds.
  3. After much discussion, it was recommended to move forward with the SC Lead Scholarship in memory of Brian Wofford, to be funded by donations. (The details of the scholarship requirements will be later discussed.) The association will recognize families at conference for members that the agency has lost. Motion made and approved.
  4. Discussion to revisit the possibility of forming a NC/SC joint association. Possibly discuss in Raleigh on how to move forward with streamlining joint efficiencies between the states.
  1. Adjournment:Joe adjourned the meeting.

The next meeting is November 7th, 2012, 9:30 AM; Crooked Creek.

Respectfully submitted by:Jessica Campbell, Secretary