Scottish Water Polo Committee Meeting 15th March 2018

RCP, Sir Peter Heatly Room 18:00 – 19:30

Minutes (version 0_1_2 final)


  • Alan Anderson (AA) – Chair, Portobello
  • Jen Hardy (JH) – National Teams Manager, Portobello
  • Neal Rayner (NR) – Development Manager
  • Gael Drummond (GD) – Events Co-ordinator, Portobello
  • Dave Scott (DS) – Marketing and Comms, Portobello
  • Mike Forster (MF) – Domestic Co-ordinator, Warrender


  • Ross Elder (RE) - Vice Chair, Life Member
  • Andy Gray (AG) – Finance Manager, Stirling
  • Vivin Suchitra (VS) – Governance & Secretariat, Warrender

Abbreviations Used

  • SWP – Scottish Water Polo
  • SWPC - Scottish Water Polo Committee
  • SS - Scottish Swimming
  • NSC - North Sea Cup

Notes & Actions

  1. Welcome, and Update & Actions from previous minutes - AA
  2. Minutes of February meeting were agreed.
  1. Domestic Competition - MF
  2. Mike Forster provided a verbal update
  3. 2018 U16 Mixed League – 8 teams, being played as a 1 round robin event, results were up to date
  4. 2018 U19 Boys League - 6 teams, few matches to date
  5. 2018 U19 Girls League – 5 teams, few matches to date
  6. 2017-18 Men's League – Issue about lack of updates being done by the League Co-ordinator, MF to speak with Reuben
  7. 2017-18 Women's League – most games have been played, Western have a number to "catch-up" on
  8. Provision of Referees discussed. The absence of a Technical Officials Co-ordinator is the source of the issue.
  9. Provision of table Officials was also discussed, the responsibility lies with the host club, or for central venues the arrangements need to be made between the teams. There is a "Table Officials for Clubs" course, arrangeable through NR, MF \ NR to remind clubs
  10. Expanding the use of League Republic was discussed – agreed it could be used for advertising our events, enhanced marketing of games, potentially positing of team sheets, and to list referees (if appointments were made). Agreement that we need to make use of League Republic; work to drive people to use it more, which will help the information that is posted
  11. U16 Mix League split into separate U15 Boys and Girls events in H2 2018 – co-ordinators need to be identified and clubs \ teams \ players reminded on the plans. MF to action
  12. The need to establish a calendar in advance of current timescales was discussed and agreed. No owner of this action needs to be identified
  1. Scottish Cup – GD
  2. GD gave verbal update, good progress is being made in making arrangements. Glasgow Life are beign supportive and Lindsey Lewis at SS will be Events manager. Field of Play will be across the pool at the far end of the main pool;FoP set-up in progress but still to be finalised. Table officials being organised by Janette Metcalfe; Referees through RE. Still some additional support required, request will go out to the clubs. MF will encourage teams to complete the quarter and semi final games asap.
  1. National Teams – JH

JH talked to the report “SWP Committee Meeting 20180315 - National Teams Report”, additional items

4.1.Girls structure – a proposal has been developed with JH\NR\Alison Smith\Rod Hardy, this will be circulated to the SWPC for review and comment. JH to circulate

4.2.Boys squad requests to attend BWMF, this was discussed at length, input providing support for a team to attend from AG was also noted. The decision was that which took place at the “Open Meeting” for all in Scottish Water Polo on January 21st, namely

4.2.1.Supportive of development and as part of that development for teams to go to BWMF Cup, and other such tournaments

4.2.2.As it is not an international or regional tournament, it needs to be a club vehicle to facilitate the entry – it is not dissimilar to the NAGs event

4.2.3.Scottish Swimming rules provide for players to be 2nd claim to clubs or the provision of a combined team, which may be a possible solution

4.2.4.SWPC will support the application being made by a club to Scottish Swimming to compete at BWMF, or other tournament

It was agreed AA would communicate to the Boys Team Management.

4.3.PVG – there was some discussion around the transferability of PVG certificates, it was confirmed if PVG is held in one club, then another club \ squad can be added to this.

  1. Marketing – DS
  2. DS presented “18022701 Scottish Water Polo Marcoms 2021 Strategic Goals v1.2”
  3. In consideration of time, there was a brief discussion. In general, there was positive agreement on the paper, and all were invited to provide further comments offline.
  1. Finance – AA
  2. AA delivered the report “ Finance Committee Meeting 15 March 2018” provided by AG
  3. There were no questions
  1. Technical Officials –
  2. Position is still vacant, no update.
  3. NR advised a Referees Course – Grade D was held 24/2 with the support of Steven Bourgoyne from West \ Ren96, it was attended by 9 students. A further course is to be organised with University of Edinburgh club.
  1. Development - NR
  2. NR provided a verbal update
  3. Advised an Academy was being developed at Tollcross with support from City of Glasgow and Kirkintilloch & Kilsyth
  4. Request for national teams and domestic competition to identify NSA pool hire requirements
  1. GBR Update – AA
  2. No update in consideration of time.
  1. AOB
  2. SS Discipline Meeting

AA advised there was a disciplines meeting scheduled for 15th March, and circulated the proposed agenda

10.2.Next Meeting

AA to offer dates for next meetings

Post meeting note – next meeting scheduled for 12thApril by conference call, 18:00 start

Summary of Open Actions

# / Action / Owner / Due / Update
1803-01 / Men’s League Update / MF / April ‘18
1803-02 / Clubs Table Officials Course – remind clubs / NR \ MF / April ‘18
1803-03 / U16 Mixed split to boys & Girls – Remind clubs & seek competition co-ordinator / MF / April ‘18
1803-04 / Prepare calendar for H2 2018 & 2019 / TBA
1803-05 / SWP Girls Squads proposal – JH to circulate for feedback / JH / April ‘18
1803-06 / Advise SWP Boys Team Management as regards BWMF / AA / Asap
1803-07 / Feedback of marketing proposals from DS / All / April ‘18