31ST MAY - 4THJUNE2010


In order to participate in the mission to Mexicocompanies are required to complete Sections 1 and 2 of this document and return the signed completed document to Scottish Development International (SDI):

SECTION 1 - COMPANY APPLICATION FORM: Required to provide information on the participating company to allow SDI to best tailor our support to your requirements.

SECTION 2 - PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT: This sets out the terms and conditions of participation and when signed formally confirms company agreement to participate in the mission.

The completed company application form and participation agreement (Sections 1 & 2) in the first instance should be returned by email to the contacts below. SDI will not proceed with any work on your behalf until the documentation is signed and returned.

Gordon KeirLorraine Carlyle

Scottish Development InternationalScottish Development international

150 Broomielaw150 Broomielaw

Atlantic Quay Atlantic Quay

Glasgow Glasgow

G2 8LU G2 8LU

Tel: 0141 228 2966Tel: 0141 228 2732





31ST MAY – 4TH JUNE 2010


Please complete all relevant sections and attach any other relevant documentation that is either requested within the form or that you feel would support your application. This will allow Scottish Development International staff to better understand your company and your strategy and therefore provide more effective assistance.

Your Company

Registered Company Name
Trading As
Postcode / Website
Tel / Fax
Contact / Position
Contact E-mail / Mobile No.

Company Vital Statistics

Please complete the following table as accurately as possible. Number of employees should include directors.

Turnover / Last Year (2009): / Est Current Year (2010):
Profit / Last Year: / Est Current Year:
No. of Employees / Last Year: / Est Current Year:

Additional Company Information

Please provide any additional information regarding the basic structure and status of the company that could support your application.

Your Current Product

Please complete the following section, providing as much relevant information as possible on the current marketing and distribution of your products or services.

Describe fully your range of products or services
Who are your customers/end-users domestically and internationally?
Within what industries/sectors do you work domestically and internationally?
Who are your main competitors domestically and internationally?
What are your competitive advantages? How do you differentiate your product/service?
How do you market your product domestically and internationally?
Additional information
(Relevant information regarding market research, product pricing, etc.)

Experience of International Trade

Please provide any information that would indicate either your experience of international trade or the suitability of your company and its products to operate in export markets. Please also indicate which countries you have experience in. This will help us to assess training, market research and other forms of possible assistance.

Specification of Requirementsfor Mission

Please specify your objectives for participating in this trade mission indicating what current market research or business development activity you have already conducted and what, specifically, you are seeking to achieve in each of the following areas. Please also attach any relevant business plans or marketing plans relating to these objectives.

What product/service do you want to bring to the Mexicanmarket?
Previous experience in the Mexican market?
Previous experience in Mexico.
Market information already known
Preferred market entry method or methods for Mexico.
Please list any current contacts in Mexico.
Please list any other networking contacts in Mexico.
Please list any Market Research requirements


Please use this page as your main selling message which you would like to get across to potential customers/partners.

Key Sentence
(Summarise in one sentence your key message about your product/service)
Selling Message
(Provide a resume of your product/service, unique selling points, why a company would want to meet with your company, your objectives of the meeting, etc.)
Please limit to 150 words.
Objectives of Mission(specify any types of companies or specific companies which you may be interested in meeting along with any other objectives for visit)

Business Support Contacts

If you are currently receiving or have previously received support from other government bodies, please provide details here.

Additional Information Required

To support this application please supply a high resolution copy of your logo and photographsfor all representative participants attending the mission. This is required for brochure entry.



31ST MAY – 4THJUNE 2010


This agreement explains the terms and conditions for inclusion in the Mexico mission. SDI requires participating companies to be aware of these terms and conditions and to complete their details, sign this form and return to SDI.


Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements. It is the responsibility of the individual participating in the event to book and pay for their own flights.

Once booked SDI require that you advise us of your flight details and arrival time. It is recommended that you arrange travel & health insurance prior to departure.

Accommodation will be reserved by SDI and hotels advised to participants. Credit cards will be swiped on arrival and any deposit paid by SDI will be recovered by SDI.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office website provides useful information on foreign travel which will help you to prepare for your visit ( Please be advised to check all passport requirements well in advance of travel.


There is an obligation on companies to arrive in MexicobySunday 30th May 2010. You are expected to attend the programme of events as advised by SDI.


SDI is committed to delivering a quality service and need to know customers’ opinions of their services. Your views are important in helping to ensure that your company and others get a continuously improving service. To achieve this we need your help and require you to complete a short post mission checklist to indicate your views and suggestions on possible improvements. The payment of the subvention (limit of £650) is subject to the receipt of this feedback.

We also need you to agree to provide details of new orders/anticipated business for a period of 2 years following the event, as and when requested by SDI. This information will be treated in strict confidence.


It is at the discretion of SDI to reduce/withdraw any subvention payments for failure to meet any of the above conditions as determined by SDI. Participation in any future SDI funded event will also be subject to review if you fail to meet the above conditions.

I agree to participate in the above mission to Mexicoand fully accept the conditions set out above. The information provided above is an accurate account of my Company’s current and prospective situation in respect of trade inMexico.

Role: Company:
