University of Southern California

School of Cinema-Television

LUC 310b, MC 2211

Los Angeles, CA

USA 90089-2211

Tel +1(213) 821 5219 Fax +1(213) 740 7682


•Interactive Art & Media Technology

• Immersive Virtual Environments and Technologies of Presence

• Mobile Multimedia and Location-based Services

•Stereoscopic Imaging


• M.S.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Architecture Machine Group, 1982.

Dissertation: “Viewpoint Dependent Imaging: An Interactive Stereoscopic Display”

•B.S.Skidmore College, Fine Arts, 1973.

•AttendedColgate University

•GraduatedThe Haverford School


Date of Birth1951

Family statusMarried with two children


2002-presentUniversity of Southern California

Chair, Interactive Media Division in theSchool of Cinema-Television

1999-presentKeio University at Shonan Fujisawa, Japan

Project Professor and Director, Environmental Media Project

Directs research sponsored by NTT DoCoMo, Inc. to explore future location-based information services over wireless networks and focused on the design, and prototyping of a system for linking Virtual Environments to the physical world through integration of capabilities and technology components from the fields of virtual reality, mixed reality, mobile multimedia, and wearable computing..

1999-presentTelepresence Media


Directs a design company focusing on the art and design of virtual environment and remote presence experiences for online and location-based applications.

1997-1998University of California, Los Angeles

Visiting Professor, Department of Design | Media Arts and Center for Digital Arts, School of the Arts and Architecture

1996-1998University of California, San Diego

Director, Virtual Explorer Project

Directed development of an immersive virtual environment framework to facilitate learning basic science concepts at high school and college level.

1990-1998Telepresence Research, Inc.

Co-founder and Managing Director

Directed a production company focusing on the art and design of virtual environment and remote presence experiences, systems, and applications for museums, theme parks, and arts installations.

1993-1995Paramount Technology Group, Paramount Communications, Inc.

Independent Producer, Virtual Environments

Produced, directed, and consulted on projects for Interactive TV, Online Services, and Theme Park Operating Groups.

1985-1990NASA Ames Research Center

Research Scientist, Aerospace Human Factors Research Division

Conducted research on telepresence and simulation technology for human-machine interaction. Founded and directed Virtual Environment Workstation Project (VIEWlab) that pioneered the development of many key VR technologies including head-coupled displays, datagloves, and 3-D audio technology. Security Clearance: Secret

1982-84Atari, Inc.

Research Scientist

Designed and implemented multimodal, interactive display environments for education, training, and entertainment applications.

1979FIAT, S.p.A.

Design and Technical Consultant

Designed and implemented a stereoscopic display for lifesized product design simulation by Fiat/Lancia at headquarters in Turin, Italy.

1974-82Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1981-82Research Associate/Instructor, The Architecture Machine Group.

Research on interactive three-dimensional display techniques and multimedia applications of optical videodisc technology.

1979-81Research Assistant, The Architecture Machine Group

Research on applications of 3D display techniques in DARPA-sponsored teleconferencing and telepresence applications.

1979Consultant, The Architecture Machine Group

Imaging specialist for “ The Aspen Movie Map”, a DARPA-sponsored multimedia mapping research project using interactive videodisc technology.

1977Consultant, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Developed stereoscopic photogrammetric systems for size-distribution analysis of architectural demolition debris.

1974-76Research Fellow, Center for Advanced Visual Studies

Artist in Residence conducting research on stereoscopic imagery & display technology, binocular perception, and environmental art installations.


2002Visiting Professor, University of Southern California

School of Cinema-Television, Interactive Media Division

Graduate Seminar Course: “ Interactive Media Seminar”

1999-2002Project Professor, Keio University at Shonan Fujisawa, Japan

Graduate School of Media and Governance

Graduate Lecture Course: “Interactive Environments” (Fall 1999, Fall 2000)

Undergraduate Seminar Course: “Environmental Media” (1999, 2000, 2001,2002)

Graduate Seminar Course: “Multimedia Networking” (1999, 2000, 2001,2002)

1997-1998Visiting Professor, UCLA, Center for Digital Arts, School of the Arts and Architecture, Los Angeles, CA

Design 256: “Interactive Environments”

Design 258: “ Current State of Technology”

Design 402: “Design Studio II”

1997 Professor and Board of Advisors, BITHAUS Digital Media School, Tokyo, JAPAN

1992-1996SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose, CA

Short Course: “ Telepresence: From Remote Presence to Virtual Environments”

1993ACM SIGGRAPH, Anaheim, CA

Short Course: “ Applications of Virtual Environments and Telepresence”

1992NTU (National Technological University), Fort Collins, CO

Live Satellite Broadcast/Tape-Delayed Tutorial: “ Telepresence: From Remote Presence to Virtual Environments”

OPTCON ‘92, Boston, MA

Short Course: “ Telepresence: From Remote Presence to Virtual Environments”

IMAGE VI, Phoenix, AZ

Short Course: “ Telepresence: From Remote Presence to Virtual Environments”

1991NTT Labs, Tokyo, Japan

Short Course: “Telepresence: Exploring New Frontiers in Telecommunications”

Cyberarts International, Los Angeles, CA

Master Class: “ Design Issues in Telepresence”

SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose, CA

Short Course: “ Virtual Environment Display Systems”

ACM SIGCHI, New Orleans, LA

Short Course: “ Interacting with Three Dimensional Media Environments”

Conference on Virtual Reality and the Arts, San Francisco Art Institute, CA

Short Course: “ Telepresence”

1990ACM SIGGRAPH, Dallas, TX

Short Course: “ Interacting with Three Dimensional Media Environments”

1989ACM SIGGRAPH, Boston, MA

Short Course: “ Virtual Environments, Personal Simulation, & Telepresence”

Short Course: “ Interactive Stereoscopic Display”

1981MIT, Dept. of Architecture, Cambridge, MA

4.886 Approaches to Visual Communications: “Three Dimensional Imaging ”

1977-1981MIT, Art Association, Cambridge, MA

“Photography”, “Stereoscopic Photography”

1977Cambridge Center for Adult Education, Cambridge, MA

“Stereoscopic Photography”

1974-1976MIT , Dept. of Architecture and Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Cambridge, MA

4.063 Projects in Environmental Art: “ Live Space” (with Maryanne Amacher)

4.063 Projects in Environmental Art: “ Stereoscopic Photography”


2001Micro Archiving in “Emerging Technologies”, SIGGRAPH ’01, Los Angeles, California

1997Virtual Explorer in “Electric Garden”, SIGGRAPH ‘97, Los Angeles, California

1995Chimerium in “ InfoArt”, ‘95 Kwanju Biennale, Kwanju, Korea.

1993Menagerie in “Tomorrow’s Realities”, SIGGRAPH ‘93, Anaheim, California

1993“ Real-Virtual”, Revue Virtuelle Program #4, Galeries Contemporaines.

Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.

1980Stereo Photos in “Similar Visions”, The Museum of Holography, New York, NY.

1980Stereo Photos in “Grundlehren fur Architektur und Design”, Badishes Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany

1976“You are Here - Boston Celebrations, Pt.2”, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

1975“Art Transitions” MIT, Center for Advanced Visual Studies, Cambridge, MA

1975“ Boston Celebrations, Pt.1”, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA

1975 “ 12th Annual Avant Garde Festival of New York”

1974“ 11thAnnual Avant Garde Festival of New York”


• “The Virtual Brewery Adventure”, Sapporo Beer Museum, Tokyo Japan. Installed 1995.

• “ Virtual Explorer”, The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose California. Installed 1998.

• “ Virtual Explorer”, The Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Paderborn,Germany. Installed 1998.


•Selected member of “Key Person 50”, November, 25, 1994 Awarded by TV 2000 magazine in Japan.

•Selected member of "Federal 100", March 1990. Awarded by Federal Computer Week Publication, to honor top 100 federal employees who have had greatest impact on government systems community in 1989.

•Group Achievement Award: Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility Shuttle Support Team, 1989.

•Sustained Superior Performance Award. NASA Ames Research Center, 1987.

• MIT Council for the Arts, 1980. Grant to support a feasibility study for an interactive stage set with the Joffrey Ballet.


• Columnist, “ Real-time Interactive Graphics” in Computer Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH Journal. 1996-present

•Editorial Board, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press Journal. 1992-present

•Conference Chair, ” Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Systems”, SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, 1989 - 1999.

• Program Chair, International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Gifu, Japan). 2000

•Program Committee, International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (Gifu, Japan). 1998-Present

•Program Committee, IEEE 1998 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS '98)

•Scientific Advisory Board, Imagina Conference (Monte-Carlo)

•Consultant, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development, 1993.

•Jury Member, Digital Art Awards, Keio University, 2001, 2002.

•Jury Member, Ars Electronica Interactive Art Awards, 1992 (Austria)

•Technical Papers Reviewer, ACM SIGGRAPH 1989-92

•Program Committee, Symposium on Interactive 3d Graphics, 1990

•Center Representative, NASA Telerobot Intercenter Working Group, 1986 to 1990.

•Branch Representative, NASA-Ames Strategy Review Team on Hypersonics. 1987.

•Invited Member, UNESCO Committee on Media Technologies. 1985.

•Society Director, VSMM - International Society on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia .

• International Advisory Committee, ZeroOne: The Art and Technology Network

•Member, SPIE – International Society for Optical Engineering

•Member, IEEE Computer Society


•Member, National Stereoscopic Association


•Professor Rebecca Allen, University of California, Los Angeles

•Dr. Alan Kay, Walt Disney Imagineering

• Professor Marvin Minsky, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

•Dr. David C. Nagle, AT&T Laboratories

•Professor Nicholas Negroponte, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

•Dr. Kathleen Wilson, Viacom, Inc.


Fisher, Scott S., " An Authoring Tool Kit for Mixed Reality Experiences", International Workshop on Entertainment Computing (IWEC2002): Special Session on Mixed Reality Entertainment, May 14 -17 2002, Tokyo, Japan

Fisher, S., T. Saito, I. McDowall, Y. Nakayama, M.Bolas, K. Kohiyama, “Micro Archiving and Interactive Virtual Insect Exhibit”. Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX, Benton, S., Woods, A., Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Proc. SPIE 4660 (2002).

Fisher, Scott S., “Environmental Media: Linking Virtual Environments to the Real World” in Creative Digital Media: Its Impact on the New Century. Keio University COE International Symposium, Keio University Press, December, 2001 Tokyo, Japan

Fisher, S. "Environmental Media: Accessing Virtual Representations of Real-Time Sensor Data

and Site-specific Annotations Embedded in Physical Environments" in Proc. of the

Seventh Int'l Conf. on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Berkeley, October 25-27, 2001,

Thwaites and Addison, eds. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Soc., 2001.

Dean, K., Asay-Davis, X., Finn, E., Foley, T., Friesner, J., Imai, Y., Naylor, B., Wustner, S., Fisher, S., Wilson, K., “Virtual Explorer: Interactive Environment for Education” in Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2000, pp.505–523.

Fisher, Scott S., “From Envisioning to Embodying the Virtual” in Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms, NTT Publishing Co.,Ltd., 2000

Fisher, Scott S., “Virtual Environments, Personal Simulation, & Telepresence” in Ars Electronica: Facing the Future, T. Druckrey, ed., MIT Press, 1999

Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VI, Proc. SPIE 3639 (1999).

Dean, K., Asay-Davis, X., Finn, E., Friesner, J., Naylor, B., Wustner,S., Fisher, S., Wilson, K., “Virtual Explorer: creating interactive 3D virtual environments for education”. Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V, Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Proc. SPIE 3295 (1998).

Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V, Proc. SPIE 3295 (1998).

Dean, K., Asay-Davis, X., Finn, E., Friesner, J., Naylor, B., Wustner,S., Fisher, S., Wilson, K., “Virtual Explorer”, Computer Graphics, Vol. 31, No.4, November, 1997.

Dean, K., Finn, E., Friesner, J., Naylor, B., Wustner,S., Wilson, K., Fisher, S., “Virtual Explorer”. Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1997, Los Angeles. New York: ACM Press, pp.110. (1997)

Fisher, Scott S., “Interactive Virtual Environments for the World Wide Web,” Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV, Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Proc. SPIE 3012 (1997).

Ito, M. and Fisher, S.S., “Circulating Images of Virtual Systems: Trodes, Gloves and Goggles in Scientific and Popular Cultures,” Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV, Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Proc. SPIE 3012 (1997).

Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV, Proc. SPIE 3012 (1997).

Fisher, Scott S. and Fraser, G., “The Virtual Brewery Adventure”, Computer Graphics, Vol. 30, No.4, November, 1996.

Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III, Proc. SPIE 2653 (1996).

Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems II , Proc. SPIE 2409 (1995).

Fisher, Scott S., “Recent Developments in Virtual Experience Design and Production,”Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems II, Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Proc. SPIE 2409 (1995).

Fisher, Scott S. “ Telepresence: Context and Sense-ability in Digital Worlds “ in TechnoCulture Matrix, NTT Publishing Co.,Ltd., 1994

Fisher, S. S. , Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, Proc. SPIE 2177 (1994).

Fisher, S. S. , Amkraut, S., Girard, M., Trayle, M., “Menagerie: Designing a Virtual Experience,”Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, Fisher, S. S., Bolas, M.T., and Merritt, J.O., Eds, Proc. SPIE 2177(1994).

Fisher, Scott. “ The Eye in Time: Looking Back, “ in InterCommunication, No. 4, Spring, 1993.

Fisher, S. S. and Merritt, J., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV, Proc. SPIE 1915 (1993).

Fisher, S. “Beyond Simulation,” Revue Virtuelle, Notebook No.4: Real-Virtual, Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou, 1992.

Fisher, Scott and Laurel, B. “ Be There Here, “ in InterCommunication, No. 0, .Spring, 1992.

Fisher, S. S. and Merritt, J., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications III, Proc. SPIE 1669 (1992).

Fisher, S. S. and Merritt, J., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II, Proc. SPIE 1457 (1991).

Pieper,S., Delp,S., Rosen,J.,Fisher,S., “ A Virtual Environment for Simulation of Leg Surgery,” Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II, Fisher, S. S. and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Proc. SPIE 1457 (1991).

Fisher, Scott S., “Wenn das Interface im Virtuellen Verschwindet”, Cyberspace, M. Waffender, Ed. , Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1991.

Fisher, Scott S. “Virtual Environments: Personal Simulations & Telepresence.” In Virtual Reality: Theory, Practice and Promise, S. Helsel and J.Roth, ed. , Meckler Publishing, 1991.

Fisher, Scott S. "Virtual Interface Environments." In The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, B. Laurel, ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1990.

Wenzel, E.M.,Fisher,S.S.,Stone,P.K.,Foster,S.H., “A System for Three-Dimensional Acoustic ‘Visualization’ in a Virtual Environment Workstation,” IEEE Proceedings of Visualization ‘90 (October 23-26, 1990, San Francisco, CA)

Senay,H.,Feiner,S.,Fisher,S.,Grinstein,G.,Mackinlay,J.,Treinish,L., “Interaction Issues in Visualization: Requirements, Techniques, and Devices,” IEEE Proceedings of Visualization ‘90 (October 23-26, 1990, San Francisco, CA)

Fisher,S.S. and Jane M. Tazelaar, “ Living in a Virtual World,” Byte (July, 1990).

Fisher, S. S. and Merritt, J. O., Editors, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, Proc. SPIE 1256 (1990).

Bolas, M.T., Fisher, S.S., ‘ Head-Coupled Remote Stereoscopic Camera System for Telepresence Applications,’ Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, J.Merritt, Scott S. Fisher. Eds, Proc. SPIE 1256, (1990)

McDowall,I.E., M. Bolas, S. Pieper, S.S. Fisher, J. Humphries, ‘ Implementation and Integration of a Counterbalanced CRT-based Stereoscopic Display for Interactive Viewpoint Control in Virtual Environment Applications,’ Stereoscopic Displays and Applications, J.Merritt, Scott S. Fisher. Eds, Proc. SPIE 1256, (1990).

Fisher, S. "Telepresence in Dataspace." BCS Update, Boston Computer Society, Nov. 1989.

Robbins, W. E. and Fisher, S. S., Editors, Three-Dimensional Visualization and Display Technologies, Proc.SPIE 1083 (1989).

Fisher,S. S, Wenzel, E. M., Coler, C., McGreevy, M. W., (1988) "Virtual Interface Environment Workstations," Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting (October 24-28, 1988, Anaheim, CA).

Fisher, Scott S. and David C. Nagel, "Visibility Research for the NASP." Third National Aerospace Plane Technology Symposium, June 2-4, 1987. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field , CA.

Wise, S. A., Rosen, J.,Fisher, S., Glass, K., Wong, Y. "Initial Experience with the DataGlove, A Semi-Automated System for Quantification of Hand Function," Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Technology, San Jose, California, June 19-23, 1987.

Fisher, S. S., McGreevy, M., Humphries, J., Robinett, W. "Virtual Interface Environment for Telepresence Applications," J. D. Berger, Editor, Proceedings of ANS International Topical Meeting on Remote Systems and Robotics in Hostile Environments, 1987.

Fisher, S. S., McGreevy, M., Humphries, J., Robinett, W. "Virtual Workstation: A Multimodal, Stereoscopic Display Environment," Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, D. P. Casasent, Editor, Proc. SPIE 726, (1986). [SPIE Cambridge Symposium on Optical and Optoelectronic Engineering, 26-31 October, 1986. Cambridge, Massachusetts.]

Fisher, S. "Telepresence Master Glove Controller for Dexterous Robotic End-Effectors," Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, D.P.Casasent, Editor, Proc. SPIE 726, (1986). [SPIE Cambridge Symposium on Optical and Optoelectronic Engineering, 26-31 October, 1986. Cambridge, Massachsetts.]

Fisher, S. S., McGreevy, M., Humphries, J., Robinett, W., "Virtual Environment Display System," ACM 1986 Workshop on 3D Interactive Graphics, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 23-24, 1986.

Fisher, Scott S. "Virtual Interface Environment," IEEE/AIAA 7th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, October 13-16, 1986.

Fisher, S. "Virtual Interface Environment," Space Station Human Factors Research Review, Volume IV: Inhouse Advanced Development and Research, NASA Conference Publication 2426, Dec. 3-6, 1985, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, 94035.

Fisher, S. and Marion, A. "Real time Computer Graphics from Body Motion," Optics in Entertainment, C. Outwater, Editor, Proc. SPIE 391, 1983.

Fisher, S. "Viewpoint Dependent Imaging: An interactive stereoscopic display." Processing and Display of Three-Dimensional Data, J.J.Pearson, Editor, Proc. SPIE 367, 1982.

Fisher, S. "Viewpoint Dependent Imaging: An interactive stereoscopic display." Masters Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. October,1981.


Plenary Speaker, Fall 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting, Los Angeles, October, 2002

Keynote Speaker, Digital Frontier Kyoto 2000, Kyoto, Japan, October 2000.

Invited Speaker, "Border between Virtual and Real" Open Studio Tangible Bits, NTT InterCommunications Center (ICC), July 2000

Invited Speaker, Future Design Symposium, NTT InterCommunications Center (ICC), October 1999

Invited Speaker, 6th Industrial Virtual Reality Show & Conference ‘98, Tokyo, Japan, July 1998

Invited Speaker, Digital Hollywood Multimedia School, Tokyo, Japan, July 1998

Invited Speaker, Bay Area Multimedia Arts & Lecture Series (Virtual Worlds: Beyond the Screen), San Jose, CA, Dec. 1997

Keynote Speaker, The Works Arts Festival, Edmonton, Canda, July 1997

Invited Speaker, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, June 1997

Invited Speaker, University of California, Berkeley, April, 1997

Invited Speaker, Stanford University, Product Design Program, Nov. 1996

Invited Speaker, University of California, San Diego, Sept. 1996

Invited Speaker, University of California, Los Angeles, May 1996

Invited Panelist, ‘95 Kwanju Biennale, Kwanju, Korea, Sept. 1995

Invited Speaker, Forty-Fifth International Design Conference in Aspen, June, 1995

Keynote Speaker, 500 Years of Film, Stichting Haags Filmhuis, Den Haag, Holland, Nov., 1995

Keynote Speaker, InfoTech ‘95, Kansai, Japan, Oct., 1995

Keynote Speaker, Int. Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Gifu, Japan, Sept., 1995

Keynote Speaker, NICOGRAPH, Tokyo, Japan, Nov.1994

Invited Speaker, Stanford University, Department of Anthropology/Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Workshop on Biology, Computers, and Society: at the Intersection of the ‘Real’ and the ‘Virtual’, June, 1994.

Keynote Speaker, Virtual Reality Conference, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 1993

Invited Speaker, Fraunhofer Institute, Darmstadt, Germany, Oct. 1993

Plenary Speaker, VRAIS ‘93, Portland, OR, Sept. 1993

Invited Speaker, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Dec. 1992

Keynote Speaker, IVRiK ‘92 International Virtual Reality in KSP ‘92. Tokyo, Japan, October, 1992

Invited Speaker, Multimedia Expo, Sant Clara, CA, Oct. 1992