Scott Foresman Reading Street
Third Grade - Unit 5
Vocabulary WordsWeek 1 / Suki’s Kimono / paces / cotton / graceful / rhythm / pale / snug / festival / handkerchief
Week 2 / I Love Saturdays y domingos / bouquet / circus / difficult / nibbling / pier / soars / swallow
Week 3 / Good-Bye 382 / raindrops / homesick / curious / airport / memories / delicious / farewell / described
Week 4 / Jalapeno Bagels / bakery / dough / mixture / ingredients / batch / boils / braided
Week 5 / Me and Uncle Romie / fierce / feast / stoops / cardboard / treasure / pitcher / ruined / flights
Spelling Words
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
create / to / because / ceiling / rocky
medium / too / enough / protein / foolish
piano / two / though / neighbor / rainy
idea / week / sausage / freight / childhood
radio / weak / taught / either / selfish
video / road / fought / receive / treatment
studio / rode / bought / eighteen / movement
violin / stair / should / weigh / neighborhood
duo / stare / touch / height / childish
patio / bear / faucet / deceive / parenthood
rodeo / bare / would / neither / crunchy
pioneer / write / daughter / sleigh / bumpy
trio / right / author / weight / payment
stadium / new / brought / conceited / sleepy
audio / knew / could / leisure / shipment
Challenge / Challenge / Challenge / Challenge / Challenge
audience / their / auditorium / receipt / assignment
radiate / there / distraught / deceitful / livelihood
cereal / they’re / overwrought / eightieth / stylish
Creole / weather / afterthought / featherweight / environment
recreation / whether / laundry / neighborly / guilty
/ Targeted Strategies and Skills
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
Suki’s Kimono / I Love Saturdays y domingos / Good-Bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong / Jalapeno Bagels / Me and Uncle Romie
Realistic Fiction / Realistic Fiction / Realistic Fiction / Realistic Fiction / Realistic Fiction
Synonyms / Homophones / Compound
Words / Context Clues / Homonyms
Compare/ Contrast / Main Idea Details / Sequence / Draw Conclusions / Author’s Purpose
Visualize / Inferring / Monitor and Clarify / Summarize / Background Knowledge
English Skills
Week1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
Adjectives and Articles / Adjectives That Compare / Adverbs / Adverbs That Compare / Conjunctions