Scott Co. Fiscal Court

December 10, 2010

The Scott Co. Fiscal Court held its regular scheduled meeting on Friday December 10, 2010 at the hour of 2:00 PM

Judge Lusby called the meeting to order. Present were Magistrates Mr. Hughes, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Tackett, Mr. Rankin, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Prather, Ms Rich and county attorney Glenn Williams.

A motion was made by Ms. Rich with second by Mr. Rankin to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Court votes unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Hughes to approve the following transfer. Court votes unanimous.

To: 02-8003-373 $108,000 from 02-9200-999

A motion was made by Mr. Rankin with second by Mr. Prather to approve the bills as presented plus the following hand checks.

One of the hand checks was to the Royal Springs FOP for 50 extrication knives and the question was raised, what they were. Deputy Buster Cannon said that they were knives to help cut people out of cars that were involved in an accident.

Court votes unanimous.

Fire Chief Mike Fuller came before the court to address the issue of the heat bids for station #2. He stated that he was not ready at this time to make a recommendation since he was still waiting for information from the vendor. He wanted to make sure that they would be able to provide what the specifications asked for.

Chief Fuller did say that they had received proposals for the repeater tower generator and that the lowest proposal was from Younger Electric for $18,300.

Judge Lusby and Chief Fuller both recommended that the court accept this proposal.

A motion was made by Mr. Prather with second by Mr. Hughes to accept the proposal. Court votes unanimous.

County attorney Mr. Williams has received the required documentation from Central Kentucky Riding for Hope that the court had requested of them during the December workshop. In their letter to the court they stated that CKRH has the funds necessary to complete our fit-up project at the bid price of $743,900.00 (after the Community Development Block Grant of $500,000 is applied) without any contribution from ScottCounty. Also stated that during their board meeting on Tuesday November 23rd they accepted the recommendation of our building committee to approve the low bid of $743,900 that was submitted by Preston Construction. The motion to accept was made by board member George Milligan, was seconded by board member Diane Minnifield, and was approved unanimously by the full board. They also agreed that based on discussions with the Scott County Fiscal Courtthat they agreed not to change specification upon which the bid was based. They also sent a copy of the minutes of their meeting. Mr. Williams stated that everything was in order.

A motion was made by Mr. Rankin with second by Mr. Hoffman to accept the low bid from Preston Construction for the amount of $743,900.00. Court votes unanimous.

A motion was made by Ms. Rich with second by Mr. Prather to approve the full-time hireing of Phillip Sallee who replaces Nelson Sewell at the rate of $10.26 per hour. Court votes unanimous. This will take effect December 20th.

EMA Director Jack Donovan asked the court to approve the 2010 Mutual Aid Agreement. All he is asking is to chang the name on the form to add Mike Hennigan to replace Eric Westerfield.

Motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Hoffman to approve this. Court votes unanimous.

Jailer, Larry Covington asked the court to approve raising his credit limit on his Visa card from $2,500 to $4,000.

Mr. Prather asked how the Visa bills were handled and if receipts were required. He also suggested that anytime there were meal receipts included on the bill that it is noted on the receipt what function was for.

A motion was made by Mr. Hoffman with second by Mr. Tackett to approve this request. Court votes unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Rankin with second by Ms. Rick to accept with regret the resignation of Duane Lee EMS Director. This will be effective January 31, 2011.

Court votes unanimous.

Duane Lee, EMS Director asked the court to consider raising the ambulance rates to help keep up with the economy. He is asking that they take action on this during the next meeting.

Mr. Hoffman asked what the court could expect from EMS in the way of new vehicles for next year.

Mr. Lee said that he would like to ask for a new vehicle in the coming budget year, they have nine vehicles and what he is planning is to replace one every year, that way every vehicle would replaced at least every nine years.

J. R. Williamson came before the court to discuss the $3,000 reimbursable waste tire grant. What he would like to do with the courts approval is to pay the landfill to haul tires to Grant Co. they havea shredder and will in turn send a truck full of shredded tires back to the land fill for disposal. This isMr. Williamson said a great way to take care of all the tires that are dumped on the sides of the road or left on citizens property.

The Magistrates asked that he get in writing something from Grant Co. stating that we won’t be charged for shredding the tires and from the landfill stating that they are willing to do this.

All the county would be responsible for is to pay Central KY Landfill a set fee for hauling.

Mr. Williamson was asked if this agreement would effect the negotiations going on now between the city and the landfill and Mr. Williamson stated that this agreement had nothing to do with what the city was doing.

A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Tackett to approve the promotion of Randy Catlette to the rank of Lieutenant. He is replacing the position left open after Dennis Frommeyer who has retired. The promotion results in a $0.60 per hour increase to $10.19 per hour. Court votes unanimous.

Mr. Prather commented on the 50 execration knives that were purchased. He spoke to someone at the League of Cities and it is quite common for deputies to have these knives, but that there is also a policy that could be adopted and he can provide a model of this policy to the sheriff.

Mr. Rankin asked for a motion to name the body of water at BrookingPark in honor of the Judge.

A motion was made by Mr. Rankin with second by Ms. Rich to name it LusbyLake. Court votes unanimous, Judge Lusby abstained.

Mr. Rankin also asked that the court consider making a better entrance to BrookingPark, such as an archway with BrookingPark on it. A design will be needed.

Mr. Rankin also asked if when a new development is done if there couldn’t be a better way to designate that this is a private road or a better way to have the developer build the road to county specifications to begin with and maybe not wait as long to take the road into the county road system. He suggested that maybe the county could put up a sign on the road stating that this is a private road and not county maintained.

It was discussed that this is something that Planning & Zoning is suppose to be working on, and asked that we give Planning and Zoning a little more time to come up with a solution.

David Livingston, new county magistrate came before the court to discuss the Newly Elected Officials Conference that he had just attended. He said that he doesn’t think that the public has any idea the information that the Magistrates are required to have before they even come to a court meeting. He has a new found appreciation for the work that the current court does and appreciation all that they have done in the past. He wanted to say thank you for all that they did.

Being no further business the meeting is adjourned.