Scott Alan Darnell



Senior logistician and global supply chain leader with over 20 years of time-tested and proven experience. Flexible, forward thinking, and highly proactive. Ready to work in and give excellent results amid emergency circumstances. Effective in rearranging, streamlining, reinforcing, and improving operations to achieve targeted results. Retired from Naval service on 1 Dec 2014 with 21 years of honorable service.


·  Leadership / ·  Supply Chain Management / ·  Cost Benefits Analysis
·  Strategic Planning / ·  Organizational Restructuring / ·  Petroleum Management
·  Budgeting / ·  Inventory Management / ·  Organizational Design
·  Financial Controls / ·  Lean Six Sigma / ·  Requirements Planning
·  Crisis Management
·  Leading Cross Functional Teams / ·  Multi-Cultural Team Experience / ·  Mentoring
·  KPI Monitoring


June 12 – Dec 14 Management Analyst. United States Forces Central Command, Manama, Bahrain.

·  Directly managed a high profile operating budget valued in excess of $313 million dollars per year. Successful management of budget enabled operational continuity of a multi-billion dollar force.

·  Reengineered the petroleum supply chain for naval forces operating in the Middle East. Efforts reduced demurrage charges by 80% and eliminated $4 million dollars of tanker spot charter charges.

·  Established a new supply chain and procurement services for emergency support personnel used to reinforce the United States Embassy in Yemen. Working as the Logistics Crisis Action Team leader, emergency support personnel received all needed equipment within 24 hours of arrival and able to successful reinforce the embassy and deterred insurgents.

·  Provided critical contract and requirements oversight for government contracts in the Middle East region.

·  Conducted team-based reviews of organization in order to reduce a staff of 650 by 20%. Briefed results to senior executives and received immediate approval to implement findings.

July 09 – June 12 Logistics Department Head. USS Shoup, Everett, WA

·  Successfully lead and managed one logistics department comprised of three divisions, and 42 personnel. Operation received numerous accolades such as Best in Class and the Logistics Excellence Award.

·  Adeptly managed a budget in excess of $3.6 million dollars. Cited for outstanding analytical ability.

·  Fiscally and personally accountable for $50 million dollars of spares. Managed physical inventory and optimized a constantly evolving global supply chain. Achieved 100% inventory accountability with zero losses.

·  Successfully passed numerous external audits. Operation received laudatory praises from assessors as being superbly managed.

July 06 – July 09 Pacific Sub Area Petroleum Officer. Logistics Group Western Pacific, Singapore.

·  Provided managerial and supply chain oversight of a 30 million gallon fuel terminal.

·  Deployed Excel Based modeling and forecasting to optimize bulk petroleum inventories by 20%, thereby eliminating $25 million dollars of operational costs.

·  Lead Cross Functional Teams to optimize logistics operations.

July 04 – July 06 Petroleum Logistics Fellowship. Fleet and Industrial Support Center, San Diego, CA.

·  One of seven selected from a pool of 300. Attained a Navy Petroleum Oils and Lubricants specialty. Authorized to serve as a Director of any government petroleum facility.

·  Appointed Team Leader of the Competitive Sourcing/A-76 Preliminary Planning Team. Developed analyses to delineate project risk factors while identifying optimum competition options. Analyses remarked by Flag officers to be the benchmark for future competitions.

July 02 – July 04 Finance and Logistics Officer. USS Harpers Ferry, Sasebo, Japan.

·  Managed 13 specialists in the operations of the ship’s banking, retail operations and laundry.

·  Maintained fiscal accountability of over $1,000,000 in cash and 5,000 blank treasury checks and experienced zero losses.

·  Retail operation of $30K per month awarded “Best in Class” amongst 10 ships. Divisions assessed as being in the top 5% in the Navy.


BS Finance, FSU '01

·  Attended under U.S. Navy scholarship

Project Management Masters, Boston University

·  Presently enrolled and working towards completion


Various Navy Officer Schools

·  U.S. Navy Supply Corps School, Officer Candidate School, Nuclear Field EM “A” School

Professional Development

·  Darden Business Resource Management Program

·  Six Sigma Black belt trained via Villanova University

Additional Education and Training

·  Facilities Planner Course, Economic Analysis, Environmental Protection, Basic Corrosion (NACE certified), Confined Space Safety, Refinery Quality Assurance, Contracting Officer Representative Course, Joint Petroleum Officer Course, Level II DAWIA certified in Life Cycle Logistics, Maritime Staff Operators Course (MSOC)

MS Office

·  Excel, Power Point, Word. Able to apply utilize standard deviation and normal distribution to develop Excel-based forecasts. Skilled in developing complex charts, graphs, pareto charts, Gantt charts, scatter diagrams.


·  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) experience, Mini Tab, Joomla Content Management System (CMS), various Content Creation Kits (CCKs), php editing, html editing, and MySQL maintenance.