SMITE a scorner, and the SIMPLE will BEWARE . . . -- Prov. 19:25
The O.T. admonition to smite a scorner so that the simple will beware, finds an excellent application in regard Bible Correctors and their simple prey, who are taken by their subtle Garden of Eden, "Yea, hath God said’s?” Yet, the Christian media is often disturbed, when we unleash such a blitzkrieg (lightning war) on scornful Bible Correctors. Still, Bible Correctors cannot be handled with kid gloves, for a scorner will not be taught, get understanding, be corrected (Pro. 13:1), nor admit their crookedness unless smitten.
Bible Correctors are on record with dirty tricks, underhandedness, name calling, ridicule, dirt digging, slander, and outright lying but are ever ignored and never criticized by the more politically correct Christian media and pulpits of America. Some years ago, the leading interdenominational soul winning periodical called King James Bible believers “nuts.” A refined, politically correct, lace drawered, Christian media is ever for scolding Bible believers, while advocating and protecting the indiscretions and civil rights of Bible Correctors.
David Otis Fuller, the epitome of a Christian gentleman, proved that it is a mistake to be on the defense with Bible Correctors. Fuller presented his gentle, non aggressive, polite, King James Bible case to the "bastion of fundamentalism" in South Carolina. What was the result? They held him in contempt and laughed him to scorn. Lester Roloff's stand for the King James Bible among this same enemy fared somewhat better, producing an apology for him for his King James stand, excusing him as just a country preacher.
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, whether you agree with him or not whether you like him or not or whether you approve of him or not, proved that Bible believers must be on the offense in order to handle Bible correcting scorners (liars, deceivers, and criminals). He busted clean through the enemy lines before they even knew he was there and before they could pick up their Jehudi knives. Later, the KJB regular army, accompanied by a host of Bible Corrector deserters, followed with a mop up operation of the pockets of resistance that remained.
Many pastors and lay members avoided the trap of Bible correcting, and Baptist, rank and file, Bible believers are now enjoying the current pleasures of occupation, all because Dr. Peter Ruckman smote the scorners, Now, even closet Bible Corrector schools, pastoral candidates, and missionaries hide and lie about their King James Bible non-position, trying to hold on to both sides (inclusive policy) to gain everybody’s support for their institutions and ministries.
The past four plus decades have produced many converts and many pretenders to the King James Bible cause, due to such Blitzkrieg warfare. Bible correcting criminals and liars must be smitten with "sharp" public rebukes so that the simple will beware and avoid joining in the practice of stealing God's words from their neighbor (Jer. 23:30). Even some Bible correcting scorners, if possible, might become sound in the faith. Four decades of King James Bible controversy has also enabled us to arrive at a biographical sketch or profile or portrait of Bible Correctors and their scornful characteristics.
Bible Correcting Scorners Are Crooks
Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that steal my words everyone from his neighbour. -- Jer. 23:30
Things have not changed any since Jeremiah's day. Make no mistake about it, Bible Correctors, intentionally or unintentionally, are Bible stealers and crooks. Either way, God is not for these Bible Correctors, for He is against word stealing prophets, whose modus operandi is the same old novel Garden of Eden, "Yea, hath God said" approach. Question the integrity of the words of God, and Bible Correctors can pave the way to removing the words of God from rank and file Christians.
Bible Correctors will deny Bible believers the right to say that the KJB agrees with the hypothetical originals for lack of physical proof, while they demand that the KJB does NOT agree with the hypothetical originals without any physical or spiritual proof. Bible Correctors will claim as evidence that there are no Greek copies of the extant manuscripts that agree with KJB in such and such a place. Nevertheless, they will refuse the evidence that there were no Greek copies that supported the KJB in certain passages during its translation. Yet later, after the publication of the KJB, Greek manuscripts were found that supported the previously unsupported passages (1 John 2:23). In the Bible Corrector mind set, if it has not been found, it does not exist, despite the centuries that have passed to erode such evidence. His Bible is in flux and only changes, when old, corrupt manuscripts are found.
Bible Correctors prefer to argue from silence or circular arguments. They remind us of the evolutionists, who are always dealing in the hypothetical and hypothesis. Bible Correctors are still searching for the original Autographs. Until they find them, they have no authorative Bible and are no better off than their KJO rivals with their external evidence and are much, much worse of, when the internal evidence is considered. Bible Correctors, like evolutionist searching for that missing bone, need time to elapse in order to implement their hypothesis. In the case of the evolutionists, they must go back millions of years to make their case, savoring the fact that no one was there, so no one has a refuting authority for their pontification.
In the case of the Bible Correctors, they but need a few centuries to try to make their case, also savoring the fact that none of their opponents were there, creating another problem of refuting authorities. Still, Bible Correctors cannot have the same conviction that KJO's have in dogmatically asserting things in which their absence is a factor, since God was there and the Bible Corrector was not, and Bible believers and KJO’s believe God rather than men. Still, Bible Correctors are overflowing with factual knowledge, since they are locked into their own assumptions or those of others, they reinforce and embellish these assumptions with any knowledge that they can find - even half truths and falsehoods until they become ungodly witnesses (Pr. 19:8). Why should believers, who know the truth and have absolutes -hypothesize? Let Bible Correctors produce their absolutes that prove extant Greek and Hebrew are the original Greek and Hebrew. Better yet, let him prove with an absolute that the Original Bible was first written in Hebrew and then in Greek. These are assumptions that Bible Correctors uses to buttress their biased anti KJB stance. Not one verse of scripture lends itself to any of their positions, including this one.
Bible Correcting Scorners Are Vain Talkers, Deceivers, and Liars
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers . . . Whose mouths must be stopped . . . One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars . . . This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith . . . -- Titus 1:10-13
. . . let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. -- Rom. 3:4
God is true but every man is a liar, a good reason to be suspicious of anyone who even appears to contradict God's word. Still, Bible Correctors are especially adept in turning half truths and partial facts into lying conclusions. Armed with parroted knowledge and vain talk from their Bible correcting colleagues, they lie and deceive without as much as a blush.
A Bible Corrector has no originality, for he spends his life playing copy cat mimicking and quoting other Bible Correctors, who quote each other. He does not study the Bible itself, regarding the Bible issue; he studies what Professor Stashu Whatchmahamaczech says about the issue. Bible Correctors will walk a mile to smell out a supposed contradiction or error in the King James Bible. They will not cross the street to solve the supposed error or contradiction. They can tell you what old time Baptists have said; they can tell you what the church fathers and councils and creeds and confessions of faith say on the matter. Yet, they cannot give you a thus saith the Lord on the matter and are pitifully shallow, regarding the Bible’s internal truth on the Bible issue. They are biblically challenged in this regard. Most of the time, they are loaded with half truths and partial facts. Now the name of the game is to lose Christians in a morass of these supposed facts.
Yes, history has its place, but its place is not the final authority or proving which Bible is the word of God, otherwise a man of God could not be throughly furnished without history, a proposition neither we nor the Bibles are prepared to accept. You see, these ex-spurts spend much time reading and parroting what others say, whether in history or in the modern academic world, so they are very knowledgeable about what people say or have said. Whether the things are true or false is another matter. History should be mainly reserved to refute those, who use it improperly, using it sparingly to prove doctrinal things, including one’s strong Baptist views, which the Bible should prove. It seems everyone has their favorite sources of history and historians, depending on which side of an issue they are.
Bible Correctors love to ask complex questions but do not like to answer simple questions. Perhaps, they are too plain and practical for their scholarly minds. They seek to muddy the water with manuscript verbosity to protect them from simple Bible truths exposing them. Then there is the Bible Corrector mental reservation tactic, which underlies their semantical comments and answers. They are ex-spurts at mental gymnastics and sophistry as is evidenced by their mystical Bible of all the extant manuscripts that comprises their invisible, inspired Bible in flux.
Bible Correctors want to go, where most Christians do not have a refuting authority or will be confused by complex facts, so that they must rely on Bible Correctors and their ilk to inform them what to believe. All this is under the guise of giving Christians an easier to understand Bible. The King James Bible, they say, is too complicated for most believers and unbelievers, while pointing out that their easier to understand Hebrew and Greek gyrations and a gymnastic are the solution to telling us what the English really should say. No room for faith at all in this Alexandrian cult's system, except for their faith in other Bible Correctors and scholars.
Bible Correcting Scorners Will Not Be Corrected
. . . a scorner heareth not rebuke. -- Prov. 13:1
The outstanding trait of Bible Correctors is to advance objections and questions, regarding the word of God and then ignore the solutions, only to come back with more objections and questions. One such professor, fired from Baptist Bible college and then a professor at Piedmont Bible College, will not even acknowledge clear-cut solutions to his "Yea hath God said’s," only to respond with more objections and slimy Garden of Eden type questions. Now, we are not talking about one or two exchanges but several. This scorner refuses reproof and correction from the scriptures and so scorns the scriptures.
Bible Correctors are willing to pontificate anything since they think that they cannot or probably won't get caught. Unfortunately for them, they are caught many times. Still, they will ignore those times without blushing and then shamelessly go on to other anti-KJB objections and pontification. Par for the course! Unfortunately, such ex-spurts have spent very little time becoming knowledgeable about the Bible concerning this Bible issue. Of course, they love to argue opinion, but do not like discussing scripture. That is why Bible Correctors will not accept the challenge to use any other authority than the Bible to prove their theories. History and what Professor Whatchamahamaczysz says and marginal notes, lexicons, Greek grammars, and prefaces are the Bible Correctors' final authority. The Bible is secondary.
Here is a challenge to you, Bible Corrector. Prove your views on inspiration, preservation, and corruption using Bible verses without appealing to any outside authorities, and KJVO's will do the same. That is . . . if you claim to be a Christian and own the Bible as your final authority for faith and practice. Fair? Just what is wrong with using that which God says will thoroughly furnish the man of God in every doctrinal area? Moreover, by their refusal to use the Bible itself to solve the issue, Bible Correctors heap to themselves this condemnation - not speaking according to this word it is because there is no light in them (Isaiah 8:20).
Also, Bible Correctors are suspicious of any certainty that is based on the scriptures, if it does not have the scholars and Bible Correctors' stamp of approval on it. In their conclusions of the facts and evidence, they do not deal in certainty; they deal in probability. Bible believers' opinionated conclusions to KJO facts and evidence are always suspect and deniable by Bible Correctors. On the other hand, the Bible Corrector’s opinionated conclusions and assumptions to both Bible Corrector evidence and also KJO evidence are always infallible and undeniable -- they think. Yet when KJO's bring up external evidence, Bible Correctors either try to poo paw it or remain silent. When Bible Correctors present their external evidence, fluctuating opinions, and conclusions, KJO's are not supposed to deny or be suspicious of them, even if they contradict the Book itself.
Bible Correctors Lack Originality