Scoring Rubric for CS I Programs

Primary traits

In order to receive a perfect score, a program must:

  • be free of errors
  • meet or exceed functional specifications and produce required output
  • adhere to documentation and style guidelines given in class


Error-free (35% of score)

5 -- program runs consistently and is free of run-time errors when executed with appropriate test data

4 -- program compiles and runs without error for most test data; may fail or produce inaccurate results under certain conditions

3 -- program does not compile because of minor syntax/structural errors

2 -- program compiles but fails consistently with run-time errors

1 -- program is incomplete and/or exhibits serious errors of structure and syntax

Specifications (35% of score)

5 -- meets or exceeds functional requirements specified in the assignment; demonstrates optimal use of required algorithms, control structures, output formatting, etc.; includes all code necessary to produce desired output

4 -- meets functional requirements; makes use of required algorithms, control structures, output formatting, etc.; includes most code necessary to produce desired output

3 -- meets functional requirements; fails to use specified algorithms, control structures, output formatting, etc.

2 -- meets some, but not all functional requirements; produces requested output by means other than those specified

1 -- program fails to meet one or more functional requirements; does not use specified algorithms, control structures or output formatting; fails to produce required output

Documentation & Style (30% of score)

4 -- meets or exceeds style & documentation specifications; comment block is complete, program description is concise & accurate, I/O list is complete; all variables, functions and major control structures are described with appropriate comments; code is self-documenting with meaningful & descriptive nomenclature; indentation & white space are used to clearly mark out logical program sections

3 -- meets most specifications but falls short in one or a few minor areas -- e.g. non-descriptive nomenclature, inconsistent or nonexistent variable, function or structure comments, incomplete I/O list; inconsistent use of indentation/white space

2 -- minimal documentation; non-self-documenting code; style does not aid in comprehension of logical structure

1 -- documentation limited to programmer information; no consistent style in evidence

Computer Science ISummer 2003

ShellerPage 1

progrub.doc – work (fromhome)