July, 2004



The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) shall assure that nutrition services provided under the Older Americans Act (OAA) comply with these general requirements, Quality Assurance Standards, and Policies and Procedures established by the State Unit on Aging (SUA).


To maintain and/or improve the nutrition and health status and quality of life of older adults by:

1.Assuring the provision of at least one meal per day, for a minimum of five days a week, that meets the nutrition requirements defined by the SUA [OAA Sec. 331(1)];

2.Enhancing socialization with others and preventing social isolation;

3.Providing nutrition and health/wellness education programs at least monthly [OAA Sec. 339(J)],

4.Offering a variety of recreational, informational, social, cultural, artistic, and musical activities each month.


Older individuals in need of a safe and economical place to gather for a nutritious meal; to socializewith others; to obtaininformation on health, nutrition and available community resources; and to participate in a variety of other activities to improve their quality of life.


The Contractor shall have the capacity for providing the following:

1.Collect and annually update participant information required of the SUA and AAA using the state computerized client data program.

2.Prepare or purchase and serve meals satisfying to participants for five or more days a week that meet program nutrition and sanitation requirements. [OAA Sec. 331(1) and Sec. 339(F)]

3.Arrange for the provision of ethnic, religious, modified, and/or therapeutic diets, where feasible and appropriate. [OAA Sec. 339(A)(iii)] All menus will be reviewed and certified by a registered dietitian that they comply with nutrition requirements specified by the SUA. [OAA Sec. 339(1)]

4.Providing for a broad variety of programs/activities to address the physical, emotional, and social aspects of older persons at least once a month.

  1. Assist participants in accessing available transportation in order to attend the Group Dining Program.
  1. Encourage volunteer participation and support from the community to help with Group Dining services.

7.Provide referral to other agencies when participant’s needs cannot be met by the contractor. [AoA Sec. 1321.65(d)]


The Contractor shall comply with all of the following:

1.The contractor shall make available information that documents compliance with all standards and indicators as required in State Unit on Aging Quality Assurance Standards for the Group Dining Program.


The contractor assures that Group Dining services are provided to eligible individuals using uniform criteria specified by the SUA and AAA.

1.The SUA defines those eligible for Group Dining services as individuals who are: (a) age 60 or over; (b) spouses of eligible participants, regardless of age [AoA Sec. 1321.69(b)]; (c) disabled dependents of any age residing with program participants and accompanying the eligible participant to the program [OAA Sec. 339(2)(H)]; (d) handicapped or disabled residents of any age residing in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly if congregate dining services are provided at the housing facility [OAA Sec. 339(2)(I)]; and (e) individuals of any age who volunteer at a dining site a minimum of 5 hours per week.

2.Written policies and procedures are followed for prioritizing individuals who request this service. Preference for service shall be given to those in greatest economic and social need. Applicants determined to be at high nutrition risk (having a score of 6 or more on the DETERMINE Checklist tool developed by the Nutrition Screening Initiative) must be given first priority for services.


The Contractor shall comply with the following documentation requirements:

1.The contractor will make information available that documents compliance with all State Unit on Aging Standards for Home-Delivered Meals.

2.Shall enter all data into a state-approved data collection system.

3.Provide documentation of initial participant registration and annual information updates, nutrition risk assessment, and termination forms when applicable.

4.Provide the following service documentation: (a) records of daily participant attendance; (b) records regarding number of complete meals ordered, received and served; (c) records of hot and cold food temperatures; (d) action on any shortages or temperature discrepancies; and (e) comments on the nutrition service.

5.Keep incident reports and registered complaints with documentation of follow-up on file with both the program supervisor and AAA whenever any fall, injury, choking, illness or other unusual event occurs in or on the grounds of the Group Dining facility.

6.Keep on file at the contractor's office, the monthly reports of planned nutrition/health education and social, educational or recreational activities, including the number of individuals taking part in each activity.


Meals: one meal served to an eligible participant. All necessary costs associated with delivery of the service according to the Quality Assurance Standards for Group Dining services are to be included in the unit cost.

Nutrition Education: Presentations and programs as well as program-wide distribution of information reviewed by nutrition educators or a registered dietician.

Central Midlands has historically served approximately 33,077 meals in Richland County, 27,877 in Lexington County, 9,406 in Fairfield County and 17,743 in Newberry County.

Offerors submitting proposals must have the capacity and capability to meet service requirements defined in the RFP for at least twenty-five clients daily (five days a week) in the location. A private pay program must be offered in addition to the Older Americans Act programs. The proposer must describe whether the regional caterer will be used or what source will provide meals.