3rd YEAR BOOKLIST 2017/18
Irish: Fonn 2 (Ordinary Level) – Education Company
Fonn 3 & (Higher Level) - Education Company
Collins Irish Dictionary
Exam Papers Education Company – (Higher & Ordinary) available in September
English: Ordinary Level
Great Expectations 2 – Educate
Stone Cold by Robert Swindells
Alone it Stands by John Breen (Educate)
2 hard cover copies
Higher Level
Great Expectations 2 – Educate
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
2 hard cover copies
Maths: Ordinary Level JC Active Maths 1 (O.L.) Strands 1-5 (Folens)
Geometry Set/ Casio Scientific Calculator/Formulae & Tables Booklet.
A4 Maths copies available through the school
Higher level, Active Maths 2 (HL) Strands 1-5 (Folens)
A4 Maths copies available through the school
French: Ensemble 2 (as in 2nd year)
Écoutez-bien 1 (Second edition – Folens)
J.C. Exam Papers (Edco including 2017 paper)
History: Uncovering History by Seán Delap & Paul McCormack - Folens
Exam Papers
Geography: Geography in Action – (Jason O’Brien & Norma Lehihan)
Geography in Action Activity Book –
2 hard back copies
Science: Exploring Science textbook (3rd Edition) by O’Callaghan, Reilly, Doyle
Exploring Science workbook by O’Callaghan, Reilly, Doyle
Science experiment book (EDCO)
3 X A4 Hardback Science class copies and a homework copy(from last year)
Exam papers (Educate)
Religion: Light the Way by Niall Boyle (Mentor)
C.S.P.E: Make a Difference (same book as last year)
Exam Papers available in September
S.P.H.E. Folder/copy /workbook available from teacher in September €5
Art: Students have text book since last year
A2 Sketch pad or 24 A2 Drawing Sheets
A2 Folder (folder from 2nd year will suffice)
A4 Folder/refill pad and plastic pockets (all from 2nd year will suffice)
Water colouring pencils / 2B,4B pencils, rubber, topper, scissors etc.
3rd YEAR BOOKLIST 2017/18
Business Studies: Better Business & workbook
Hard covered copy/Folder
Business copies 1,2 & 3, Hardcovered copy, Exam Papers Higher Level
Materials & Materials Technology Wood, Junior Certificate by John Culloty including workbook
Technology (wood): Folens
Technical Graphics: Understanding Technical Graphics by John O’Sullivan & Tadhg O’Sullivan
Including workbook. Gill & MacMillan Publishing
Home Economics: Learning For Life (Textbook and Workbook)
Oven-proof pie dish, approx 20cm X 25cm (rectangle)
Large plastic box with lid (suitable for taking home curries, stews, etc.)
Full length apron.