Space Debris


Scientists/Engineers include:

Cole Bostrom

Corey Godwin

Jonathan Kirchmaier

Emily Logan

Sean Murphy

Seanna Renworth

Pisces Dwarf Galaxy

Image by Deidre A. Hunter of Lowell Observatory

Overview and Mission Statement

By ascending to an altitude of approximately thirty kilometers, the BalloonSat “Space Debris” shall conduct scientific analysis of near space conditions by imaging stars through the means of a timed extension of the mechanical platform with a mirror cluster attached at the end in order to obtain pictures at many angles.

The team wishes to use a timed deployment mechanical platform to obtain pictures in many angles in the near space environment. The BalloonSat shall test the effectiveness of the mechanical platform and the camera while getting useful images of the stars. The team finds it very interesting to research and learn how to build the mechanical systems needed. This mission will hopefully give the team the ability to learn about the near space environment and many new technological skills involving the mechanical platform deployment.

The team plans to discover what is needed in order to time the deployment of a mechanical platform while being able to have a mirror cluster attached to the end. The mission will also discover how to retrieve the mechanical platform back into the satellite before landing in order to keep the mirror from being damaged. The insulation around the mechanical platform deployment area will also have to be researched because the mechanical platform deployment will let cold air into the satellite. Through multiple temperature tests the team hopes to discover how to keep the rest of the satellite above 0 degrees Celsius while the cold air enters the mirror chamber.

Technical Overview


The BalloonSat will be a basic rectangular prism shape. A plastic tube shall be placed through the center of the cube, top to bottom. The rope connected to the balloon shall be tied on either end during launch day. The center of one exterior wall shall contain a double door that shall be connected by internal hinges and shall be pushed open by the extending mechanical platform. The open door shall allow the camera to see out of the plexi-glass window which originally shall lie within the BalloonSat. After the mechanical platform is deployed, a mirror cluster connected to the end shall allow the camera to capture a wide representation of what is visible at 30 km. The mechanical platform shall be brought back into the BalloonSat after a predetermined amount of time. The mechanical platform when not deployed shall be along the bottom of the BalloonSat. A set of gears run by a simple motor and timing circuit shall deploy and retract the platform. One heater with a central location shall keep the internal BalloonSat temperature above zero degrees Celsius and to keep the systems running correctly. Other systems including the HOBO and timing circuit shall be placed accordingly to counter the weight of the camera and mirror.

Design Illustration:

Hardware Required:

The BalloonSat Space Debris shall require foam core, aluminum isogrid, insulation, adhesives in the form of hot glue and aluminum tape, one heating system, one 555 timer, one tube for the flight string, two anti-abrasion bushings with a diameter between 3.6 and 5.5 millimeters, four spring hinges, one mirror cluster, one simple motor, one pair of guide rails, one HOBO H08-004-02 data logger and external temperature sensor, one Canon A570IS Digital Camera, one small mounting platform for the mirror cluster, one 12V batteries, three 9V battery, and two switches.

Who Will Do What:

The design and building of the structure shall be focused on by Cole and Corey. This shall include extra insulation near the doors and any reinforcement found to be necessary during testing. Emily and Seanna will spend most of their time on the construction and installation of the electronic devices. Finally, Jonathan and Sean will design and build the guide rails and platform for the mirror deployment. Work between teams shall be essential for Space Debris’s success.

Testing the Design:

The team shall implement many types of tests in order to ensure the BalloonSat achieves all the requirements and objectives of the mission. The whip test shall be performed in order to test the conditions that shall be encountered on the descent. It shall be performed with a long rope to get a wide spinning radius in order to ensure the BalloonSat’s durability. The Drop test shall be performed multiple times by dropping the BalloonSat from high locations above the ground such as staircases and multiple story buildings. The team shall ensure a high enough drop to have confidence that the BalloonSat shall survive the landing. The Dry Ice Test shall submit the BalloonSat and all its systems to temperatures similar to those that shall be encountered on the mission. It shall be run with the platform door open in order to test the insulation and heating systems. The dry ice will represent the cold air rushing into the satellite, where the platform is located, and will test the systems to make sure they still function and the internal temperature of the satellite does not sink to below 0 degrees Celsius. The team shall also perform system testing. Each system shall be turned on individually and left on in order to be positive that the systems all function for the correct amount of time. The systems shall also be turned all together and left on to test their function ability to work together successfully. The mechanical systems shall be tested separately and as a unit by itself. The team shall test the mechanical platform’s deployment and retraction with the timing circuit to ensure they function individually and together.

Launch Program:

The launch is supported by Edge of Space Sciences (EOSS). This is a non-profit organization that will provide a 1200 gram latex balloon, gaseous helium, a balloon filling system, the flight string, a radio transceiver, GPS, control systems, a parachute, and will notify the FAA. The total cost of the launch is $2000.00. The payload will be attached to the flight string by tying a figure eight knot in the rope, passing the rope through the tube through the center of the BalloonSat, and then securing the BalloonSat to the flight string by tying another figure eight knot at the bottom where the string comes out of the tube. Once the balloon is launched, it shall ascend for ninety minutes and the descent shall last forty-five minutes.

How to Keep People from Getting Hurt:

All team members shall wear proper protective equipment and clothing, including safety goggles while soldering, helmets while performing structure tests, protective gloves while performing the dry-ice test, and wearing proper cold weather clothing on launch day. Additionally, all team members shall maintain appropriate distances from the BalloonSat and tester during all structure tests, and shall grip the soldering iron by the orange handle only. When team members are using the exacto-knife, they shall cut away from themselves, and be aware of the areas the knife is cutting in to avoid cutting themselves.

Special Features:

The BalloonSat shall have a mechanical platform attached to guide rails with the mirror cluster on the end. The platform shall extend along the guide railings by a mechanical motor. The doors shall be pushed open due to their hinge springs and will stay open, being supported by the guide rails. The mechanical platform shall be fully extended for forty five minutes. The platform shall then be retracted before the balloon burst, and the doors shall close behind it due to the spring hinges.

Summary of Events on Launch Day:

Launch is scheduled to occur on November 15, 2008.

5:00 am The team shall depart from University of Colorado at Boulder for Windsor, Colorado.

7:00 am The team shall connect the BalloonSat Space Debris to the flight rope using a figure eight knot at the top and bottom of the satellite.

7:15 am All systems in Space Debris shall be turned on.

7:30 am The BalloonSat shall be launch on the balloon. Recovery shall begin after launch, tracking the satellite in real time. The team shall send one member to retrieve the BalloonSat, whose location shall be known due to the GPS system attached to the balloon system. Once Space Debris has been retrieved, the team shall return to University of Colorado at Boulder. The team shall then download all images from the memory card of the Canon A5790IS digital camera and data from the HOBO logger onto a team member’s computer.

Functional Block Diagram:

How the Team is Meeting the General Proposal Requirements:

The team shall fill the science requirement by extending a mechanical platform on a timed circuit with a mirror cluster on the end. The mirror cluster shall be extended. The camera shall obtain images of the stars in the near space environment.

The BalloonSat will undergo multiple tests to obtain the strength of the satellite. The mirrors will be drawn back into the BalloonSat before landing so that the science could be redone with the same BalloonSat at a later flight date.

The flight string will be attached to the BalloonSat in the middle. The camera will be on one side with the counter balancing weight of the other materials on the other side. The tube shall be made with non-metal tubing and secured to the box.

In order to maintain a temperature of over 0 degrees Celsius insulation and two heaters (with one strung throughout the satellite) will be used. A dry ice test shall be performed with the platform extended to test the insulation and heater systems with cold air moving in.

During the entire process of building the BalloonSat everything will be weighed. The weights will be constantly added to be sure of the weight the satellite is at every step of the process. A weight budget shall be made in order to give the team an idea of how close to the limit of weight the team is at each stage.

In order to acquire the ascent and descent rates of the flight string the team shall retrieve the information from the GPS, provided EUSS, located on the flight string.

The team shall incorporate a HOBO H08-004-02 into the design in order to test the temperature and humidity in the satellite, in the mechanical platform, and in the outer atmosphere. The external temperature cable will be attached and will stick out of the satellite by about an inch and a half to measure the external temperature.

The camera will be used to image the stars with the mirrors on the end of the mechanical platform. The camera shall obtain pictures at many angles due to the mirrors.

The structure of the BalloonSat will be made with foam core in order to be lightweight and strong.

The budget and parts lists shall include spare parts in case systems do not function or the tests break the systems.

The team shall draw an American flag and write contact information on the outside of the BalloonSat.

The team shall perform all experiments in metric units and shall record them as such.

The whole team shall come to the launch day, Corey Godwin will launch the payload, and Emily Logan shall participate in the recovery of the BalloonSat.

During the building process the BalloonSat and the systems will be tested with all the required safety measures. The testing of the BalloonSat will be done in a safe environment with minimal people present. On launch day the team will wear proper clothing and shoes and the team shall only have one person holding the payload during launch.

After using the hardware the team shall return all the materials.

While ordering the hardware the team shall use the teacher’s credit card. A detailed log will be kept in order to ensure the budget is not overdrawn. The receipts, with the team name on them, shall be given to the teacher within 48 hours in order to keep the budget organized.

When and if the team purchases materials individually the receipts shall be submitted for reimbursement within 60 hours.

During the building process, the testing, and the launching the team shall have fun and will be creative in the satellite design.

Nothing living shall be flown in the BalloonSat.

After completion of the project a final report shall be made with a team video (that will be made through out the project).

Weight Budget:

Component / Weight (grams)
Foam Core / 125 g
Structure Adhesive / 20 g
Mirror Cluster / 50 g
Camera / 220 g
HOBO / 34 g
Heater 1 / 23.1 g
Insulation / 20 g
Eyebolts (2) / 5 g
Anti abrasion bushings (2) / 5 g
Tube / 10 g
Door Spring Hinges (4) / 20 g
Motor-gear system / 150 g
Platform / 75 g
Guiderails / 10 g
555 Timer / 33.6 g
9V batteries (3) / 138.3 g
12V battery / 7.3 g
Switch (2) / 11.4 g
Total / 957.7 g

Management and Cost Overview

Team Schedule of Events:

Week of September 22-28:

·  Complete design and prototype 9-22

·  Conceptual Design Review 9-23

Week of September 29- October 5:

·  Acquire Authority to Proceed and order all hardware by 10-2

·  Begin building payload and payload systems 10-3

Week of October 6-12:

·  Structure tests begin 10-8

·  Review A due, payload systems complete 10-9

Week of October 13-19:

·  Continue structure and begin systems testing 10-13

·  Critical Design Review, Review B due 10-14

Week of October 20-26:

·  In-class demo of current BalloonSat 10-23

·  Begin cold tests and testing final design 10-24

Week of October 27- November 2:

·  Continue testing final design

·  LLR cards assigned 10-30

Week of November 3-9:

·  BalloonSat complete 11-3

·  In-class mission simulation test 11-4

·  Continue in-class mission simulation test, Review C due 8:00 a.m., LLR cards due in class 11-6

Week of November 10-16:

·  Pre-launch inspection and Launch Readiness Review 11-11