(In chronological order)
Vogt, R.D., de Wit, H.A., Seip, H.M., and Riise, G., 2010. Regional Increases in Dissolved Natural Organic Matter linked to decrease in Acid Rain through lower Aluminium levels. In prep.
Vogt, R.D., Guo, J., Zhang, X., Zhao, D., Xiang, R., Xiao, J. and Luo, J., 2007. Water chemistry in forested acid sensitive sites in sub-tropic Asia receiving acid rain and alkaline dust. Applied Geochemistry, 22 (2007) 1140–1148. doi:
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Larssen, T., Dawei, Z., Zhang, R.; Xiao, J., Luo, J., Zhao, Y. 2006. Potential Acidifying Capacity of Deposition - Experiences from Regions with High NH4+ and Dry Deposition in China. Science of the Total Environment, 367 (1): 394-404
Vogt, R.D. and Seip, H.M., 2004. Forskningsbistand – grunnlaget for effektiv sur nedbør politikk i Kina. Økonomisk Forum, 7:9-15
Vogt, R.D., Akkanen, J., Andersen, D.O., Brüggemann, R., Chatterjee, B., Gjessing, E., Kukkonen, J.V.K., Larsen, H.E., Luster, J., Paul, A., Pflugmacher, S., Starr, M., Steinberg, C.E.W., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., and Zsolnay, Á., 2004. Key site variables governing the functional characteristics of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter (DNOM) in Nordic forested watersheds. Aquat. Sci. 66(2): 195 – 210.
Vogt, R.D., 2003. Increase in colour and amount of organic matter in surface waters. NORDTEST Position paper 009. 11p. Available at <
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Orefellen, H., Skotte, G., Irgens C.and Tyszka J., 2001a. Aluminium mobility at an acid sensitive site with high S-deposition. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 130 (1-4): 745-750.
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Orefellen, H., Skotte, G., Irgens, C.and Tyszka J., 2001b. Trends in soil water composition at a heavily polluted site – effects of decreased S-deposition and variations in precipitation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 130 (1-4): 1445-1450.
Vogt, R.D., and Muniz, I.P., 1997. Soil and stream water chemistry in a pristine and boggy site in Mid Norway. Hydrobiologia, 348: 19-38.
Vogt, R.D., 1996. Soil-water chemistry in acid soils under different environmental conditions, Dr. Thesis, University of Oslo, Norway <>.
Vogt, R.D., Godzik, S., Kotowski, M., Niklinska, M., Pawłowski, L., Seip, H.M., Sienkiewicz, J., Skotte, G., Staszewski, T., Szarek, G., Tyszka, J., and Aagaard, P., 1994. Soil, soil water and stream water chemistry at some Polish sites with varying acid deposition. In: Pawłowski, L., Seip; H.M., & Sullivan, T.J., (eds.), Aluminum in the environment. Special issue of J. Ecol. Chem. 3:325-356.
Vogt, R.D., and Taugbøl, G., 1994. A model of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Aluminium and H+ interactions in soil water. In: Senesi, N., & Miano, T.M. (eds.), Humic Subst. Global Environ. Implic. Hum. Health, Proc. Int. Meet. Int. Humic Subst. Soc., 6th. (1994), Meeting Date 1992. Elsevier Science B.V., pp.1195-1200.
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Pawłowski, L., Kotowski, M., Ødegård, S., Horvath, A., and Andersen, S., 1994b. Potential acidification of soil and soil water: A monitoring study in the Janow Forest, southeastern Poland. Ecol. Eng., 3 (3): 255-266.
Vogt, R.D., Ranneklev, S., and Mykkelbost, T., 1994a. The impact of acid treatment on soilwater chemistry at the HUMEX site. Environ. Int., 20 (3): 277-286.
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., and Ranneklev, S., 1992b. Soil and Soil water studies at the HUMEX site. Environ. Int.:18 (6): 555-564.
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M. and Ranneklev, S., 1992a. Soil and Soil water studies at the HUMEX site. In: Gjessing, E., (ed.), HUMOR, NIVA, Newsletter No 2/92: 14-16.
Vogt, R.D., Andersen, D.O., Andersen, S., Christophersen, N., and Mulder, J., 1990b. Streamwater, Soil-water chemistry, and water flow paths at Birkenes during a dry-wet hydrological cycle. In: Mason, B.J. (ed.), Surf. Waters Acidif. Programme, [Proc. Final SWAP Conf.]. Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-154.
Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Christophersen, N. and Andersen, S., 1990a. Assessment of aluminum mobilization and water pathways in the Birkenes catchment, Southern Norway. Sci. Tot. Env., 96 (1-2): 139-158.
Vogt, R.D., 1989. An experimental approach to aluminum mobilization and water flowpaths, At the Birkenes catchment, Southern Norway. Thesis Cand. Scient. Univ. of Oslo, Norway, 93 p.
Akkanen, J., Vogt, R.D., and Kukkonen, J.V.K., 2004. Essential characteristics of natural dissolved organic matter affecting the sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants. Aquat Sci66 (2): 171-177.
Andersen,S., Christophersen, N., Mulder, J., Seip, H.M., and Vogt, R.D., 1990. Aluminium solubility in the various soil horizons in an acidified catchment. Surf. Waters Acidif. Programme, [Proc. Final SWAP Conf.], Phil.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.A, pp.155-159.
Andersen, S., Ødegård, S., Vogt, R.D., and Seip, H.M., 1994. Background levels of heavy metals in Polish forest soils. Ecol. Eng. 3 (3): 245-253.
Angell, V., and Vogt R.D., 2003. Assistance in conversion of former military bases of Ukraine, Published in: Facilitating the Conversion Process of Former Military Bases in Ukraine, Part 3. Case study Zherebkovo. Available at <>
Christiansen, M., Gadmar, T.C., and Vogt, R.D., 2003. Concentration dependency of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) characteristics. In: Abstracts of the 9th Nordic IHSS Symposium, Abundance and Functions of Natural Organic Matter Species in Soil and Water. Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, May 19-21.
Christiansen, M., Gadmar, T.C., and Vogt, R.D., 2004. Concentration dependency of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) characteristics. Humic substances and soil and water environment. Proceedings 12th International meeting of IHSS, São Pedro, Brasil, July 25-30. International Humic Substance Society: Martin-Neto, L., et al. (eds.) São Pedro – São Paulo: Embrapa Instrumentacão Agropecuária: 355- 357.
Christophersen, N., Hauhs, M., Seip, H.M., and Vogt, R. 1990a. Hydrogeochemical processes in the Birkenes catchment. Surf. Waters Acidif. Programme, [Proc. Final SWAP Conf.], Phil. Trans. R.Soc.Lond.A., pp.97-106.
Christophersen, N., Neal, C., Hooper, R.P., Vogt, R., and Andersen, S., 1990b. Modelling streamwater chemistry as a mixture of soil water endmembers - A step towards second generation acidification models. J.Hydrol., (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 116 (1-4): 307-320.
Christophersen, N., Neal, C., Vogt, R.D., Esser, J.M., and Andersen, S., 1990c. Aluminium mobilization in soil and stream waters at three Norwegian catchments with differences in acid deposition and site characteristics. Sci.Tot.Env., 96 (1-2): 175-188.
Christophersen, N., Vogt, R., Neal, C., Anderson, H.A., Ferrier, R.C., Miller J.D., and Seip, H.M., 1990d. Controlling Mechanisms for Streamwater chemistry at the Pristine Ingabekken site in Mid Norway: Some Implications for Acidification Models, Water Resour. Res., 26 (1): 59-67.
Eikebrokk, B., Vogt, R.D., and Liltved, H., 2003. NOM increase in Northern European Source Waters: Impacts on coagulation/contact filtration processes. Extended abstract in proceedings from conference on: Natural Organic Matter Research: Innovations and Applications for Drinking Water. Adelaide, Australia, 2-5 march, 2004.
Eikebrokk, B., Vogt, R.D., and Liltved, H., 2004. NOM increase in Northern European Source Waters: Impacts on coagulation/contact filtration processes. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 4 (4) 9p.
Gadmar, T.C., Vogt, R.D., Evje, L.G., 2004. Artifacts in XAD-8 NOM fractionation. Int. J. Environ. An. Chem.. 85 (6): 365-376
Gadmar, T.C., Vogt, R.D., and Østerhus, B., 2002. The merits of the high-temperature combustion method for determining the amount of natural organic carbon in surface water samples, Int. J. Environ. An. Chem. 82 (7): 451-461.
Guo, J. and Vogt, R.D., 2004. Quantity and quality of NOM in 5 acid sites in mid- and southern china. Humic substances and soil and water environment. Proceedings 12th International meeting of IHSS, São Pedro, Brasil, July 25-30. International Humic Substance Society: Martin-Neto, L., et al. (eds.) São Pedro – São Paulo: Embrapa Instrumentacão Agropecuária:30-33.
Guo, J., Vogt, R.D., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Seip, H.M., Tang, H., 2004. Ca-H-Al exchanges and aluminium mobility in two Chinese acidic forest soils: a batch experiment. Environ Geol. 45 (8): 1148-1153
Guo, J., Vogt, R.D., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Seip, H.M., Xiao, J., Tang, H., 2006. Aluminium mobilization from acidic forest soils in Leigongshan area, southwestern China: Laboratory and field study. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 51(3), 321-328. Published online. DOI:
Guo, J., Zhang, X., Vogt, R. D., Xiao, J., Zhao, D., Xiang, R., Luo, J., 2006. Evaluating Controlling Factors to Ali/(Ca + Mg) Molar Ratio in Acidic Soil Water, Southern and Southwestern China: Multivariate Approach, Environ Monit Assess., 129(1-3), 321-329.. DOI
Guo, J., Zhang, X., Vogt, R.D., Xiao, J., Zhao, D., Xiang, R., Luo, J., 2007. Evaluating main factors controlling aluminum solubility in acid forest soils, southern and southwestern China. Applied Geochemistry, 22(2), 388-396. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2006.11.003
Hansen, H., Larssen, T., Seip, H.M. and Vogt, R.D., 2001. Trace metals in forest soils at four sites in southern China. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130 (1-4): 1721-1726.
Haaland, S., Hongve, D., Laudon, H., Riise, G. and Vogt, R.D., 2009. Quantifying the drivers of increasing coloured organic matter in boreal surface waters. Acceptet to EST.
Huang, X., Sillanpaa, M., Gjessing, E., Vogt, R.D., 2009. Water quality in the Tibetan Plateau: Major ions and trace elements in the headwaters of four major Asian rivers, pp. 13 Science of the Total Environment,
Huang, X., Sillanpaa, M., Gjessing, E., Peräniemi, S., Vogt, R.D., 2009. Water Quality in the Southern Tibetan Plateau: Chemical Evaluation of the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra), River. Res. Applic. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1332
Huang, X., Sillanpaa, M., Gjessing, E., Peräniemi, S., Vogt, R.D., 2010, Environmental impact of mining activities on the surface water quality in Tibet: Gyama valley. Accepted, Science of the Total Environment
Jin, L., Shao, M., Aas, W., Duan, L., Vogt, R.D., Zeng, L, Zhang, Y., Zhao, D., Xiang, R., Zhang, J., Xiao, J., 2006. Wet and dry deposition of major inorganic ions at non-urban sites in China, 2001-2003 (Part II). In Prep. Conference abstracts in: Acid Rain 2005. 7th International conference on acid deposition. Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17, 2005. Ed by: Hunová, I., Ostatnická, J., Dostálová, Z., Navrátil, T. Prague, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, 2005. p. 224.
Kotowski, M., Pawłowski , L., Seip, H.M., and Vogt , R.D., 1994. Mobilization of aluminium in soil columns exposed to acids or salt solutions. Ecol. Eng. 3 (3):279-290.
Larssen, T., Lydersen, E., Tang, D., He, Y., Gao, J., Liu,H., Duan,L., Seip, H.M., Vogt, R.D., Mulder, J., Shao,M., Wang, Y., Shang, H., Zhang, X., Solberg,S., Aas,W., Økland, T., Eilertsen,O., Angell,V., Liu,O., Zhao,D., Xiang, R., Xiao,J., Luo, J., 2006. Acid rain in China. Environment, Science and Technology. 40 (2): 418 – 425.
Larssen, T., Seip, H.M., Semb, A., Mulder, J., Muniz, I.P., Vogt, R.D., Lydersen, E., Angell, V., Tang, D. and Eilertsen, O., 1999. Acid deposition and its effects in China. Environmental Science and Policy. 2:9-24.
Larssen, T., Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Furuberg, G., Liao B., Xiao J., and Xiong J., 1999. Mechanisms of aluminum release in Chinese acid forest soils. Geoderma. 91 (1-2): 65-86.
Larssen, T., Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., 1996. A comparison of soil and water chemistry in a catchment in China with sites in Poland and Norway. Pawłowski, L., Lacy, W.J., Uchrin, C.G. and Dudzinska, M.R. (eds).Environmental Science Research, 51 (Chemistry for the Protection of the Environment 2), Plenum Press, New York,421-434.
Larssen, T., Xiong, J., Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., Liao, B., and Zhao, D., 1998. Studies of soils, soil water and stream water at a small catchment near Guiyang, China. Water Air Soil Pollut. 101 (1-4): 137-162
Liao, B., Larssen, T., Seip., H.M., Vogt, R.D., 1994. Anion adsorption and aluminium release from Chinese soils treated with different concentrations of (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3. In :Pawłowski, L., Seip, H.M., & Sullivan , T.J., (eds.), Aluminum in the environment. Special issue of J. Ecol. Chem.3:281-301.
Lydersen, E., Rukke, N.W.A., Jensen J.G.B., Kjelsberg B.M., Tornsjø, B.,Vogt, R.D., Vøllestad, L. A. , Poléo A.B.S. 2002. Seasonal Variation in Mortality of Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) in an Acidic Aluminium-Rich Lake. J. Limnol., 61(1): 61-68.
Mulder, J., Christophersen, N., Hauhs, M., Vogt, R.D., Andersen, S., and Andersen, D.O., 1990. Water Flow Paths and Hydrochemical Controls in the Birkenes catchment as Inferred from a Rainstorm High in Seasalts. Water Resour. Res., 26 (4): 611-622.
Mykkelbost, T.C., Vogt, R.D., Seip, H.M., and Riise, G., 1995. Organic Carbon Fractionation Applied to Lake- and Soil water at the HUMEX site. Environ. Int. 21 (6): 849-859.
Paul, A., Hackbarth, S., Vogt, R. D., Röder., B., Burnison, K., and Steinberg, C.E.W., 2004. Photogeneration of singlet oxygen by humic substances: Comparison of humic substances of aquatic and terrestrial origin. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.: Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology 3 (3):273–280.
Paul, A., Stösser, R., Zehl, A., Zwirnmann, E., Vogt, R. D., and Steinberg, C. E. W. 2006. Nature and abundance of organic radicals in natural organic matter - effect of pH and irradiation. Supporting information. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(19), 5897-5903. .
Poleo, A.B.S., Lydersen, E., Rosseland, B.O., Kroglund, F., Salbu, B., Vogt, R., and Kvellestad, A., 1994. Increased Mortality of Fish due to changing Al-chemistry of mixing zones between limed streams and acidic tributaries. Water air soil poll., 75 (3-4): 339-351.
Quan, J., Zhang, X., Guo, J., Vogt, R.D., 2007. Importance of sulfate emission to sulfur deposition at urban and rural sites in China. In Prep.
Riise, G., Vogt, R.D., Ranneklev, S., Salbu, B., 1992. Fractionation of Water and Soil water samples in the lake Skjervatjern and its catchment area. HUMEX/HUMOR Newsletter, NIVA, Oslo Norway, 2/92: 16-19.
Riise, G., Salbu, B., Vogt, R.D., Ranneklev, S., and Mykkelbost, T., 1994. Mobility of Humic substance, major and minor elements in the Lake Skjervatjern and its catchment area. Environ. Int., 20-3:287-298.
Riise, G., Vogt, R.D., and Salbu, B., 1995. Mobility of natural organic matter (NOM) and associated trace elements in the Skjervatjern area. HUMOR/HUMEX Newsletter, NIVA, Oslo Norway, 1/95: 12-14.
Rosseland, B.O., Blakar, I.A., Bulger, A., Kroglund, F., Kvellestad, A., Lydersen, E., Oughton, D.H., Salbu, B., Staurnes, M., and Vogt, R., 1992. The mixing zone between limed and acidic river waters: Complex aluminium chemistry and extreme toxicity for Salmonids. Environ. Pollut. (Oxford, United Kingdom): 78 (1-3): 3-8.