A & P I
Lab 1
Scientific Method (Departmental Handout)
They will do the Scientific Method as a handout.
Exercise 1 Anatomical Language (Sec A, B, C)
Per Lab:
•Torso Model/Charts
•5 Sheep Brains (demo) with one dissection set.
Cuts: Whole brain, sagittal, frontal, transverse, oblique.
Per Table (6):
•dissection trays
•potatoes or apples
- Sharpies
A & P I
- Straws
Lab 2
Exercise 2 Organ Systems and Body Cavities (Sec A, B, C, D, E)
Rat Dissection:
Per Lab
• Large torso model
• Male and female reproductive models/charts
• Articulated skeleton
• Plastic wrap (instructor demo)
Per Table
• 1 Rat w/dissection trays
- Rat dissection guides
• 1 Little Joe Torso
• 4 Butcher paper( large enough to outline student torsos)
• 1-50 mL beakers with 45 mL of water in them
• 4 Packs of Markers
• 1 gallon zippered zip lock bags
• 4 rolls Masking tape (for marking abdominopelvic quadrants and regions.)
A & P I
Lab 3
Metric System (Departmental Handout)
Exercise 3 Compound Light Microscope and Cell Structure (Sec A-H)
Exercise 4 Cell Structure and Cell Cycle (Sec A, B)
EX3 and 4:
- Kits =slides, cs, sterile toothpicks (flat), methylene blue, 0.9 saline, immersion oil/lens cleaner/lens paper.
- Blood slides 8, 31
- Colored thread slides 66, 27
- Letter “e” slides 26
- Human skeletal muscle slides 41
- Mitosis slides 1, 2
- Motor neurons slides 26
- Pancreas slides (nonciliated simple columnar epithelium w microvilli) 15
- Sperm slides 50, 51
- Trachea slides(pseudostrafied ciliated columnar epithelium )35
- Whitefish blastula slides 29
- Cell Model
- Mitosis poster
- Balances
- Erlenmeyers and beakers with water in them.
- Meter stick
- Stopwatch
- Marbles
- Pennies
- 100mL graduated cyclinders
- 10% bleach
- Deb’s items to measure and weigh
A & P I
Lab 4
Exercise 4 Cell Structure and Cell Cycle (Sec C)
Somatic Cell Division in Lab Book
Exercise 5 Transport Across the Plasma Membrane (Sec A, B,C, D)
Per Lab:
- Blood slides 8
- Skeletal muscle slides 41
- Sperm slides 50,51
- Mitosis slides1,2
- Hot water bath (40-50⁰C)
- Ice water bath
- Mitosis chart
- Sheep’s blood
- Cell models
- Disposable pipets
- 0.1M Congo red
- 5% Dextrose solution in dropper bottles
- Food coloring
- Blood
Per Table:
- Gram scale
- 2 water agar plate
- 2 raw eggs soaked in vinegar with shell removedDeb’s
- Deb’s Mitosis pipe cleaner bags
- 12 cm dialysis tubing
- 2 dialysis clips
- Red food coloring
- 2-500mL beakers
- Filter paper
- 10% bleach
In Kits:
- KMnO4 crystals, Methylene blue crystals, 25% Sucrose solution or Karo, 40% red Sucrose solution (250mL for dialysis bags), ruler, forceps, slides, cs, 4 medicine droppers
A & P I
Lab 5
Exercise 6 Tissues (Sec A-D)
Per Lab:
- Epithelial tissue slides (See tissue lab notes)
- Simple squamous – 52, 13, 56
- Simple cuboidal – 3, 21
- Simple columnar – 7
- Stratified squamous keratinized -
- Stratified squamous nonkeratinized – 14
- Stratified cuboidal -
- Transitional – 3
- Psuedostratified ciliated columnar – 5
- Connective tissue slides
- Loose (areolar) – 6
- Reticular – 25
- Adipose – 33
- Dense regular elastic – 18
- Dense regular collagenous -
- Dense irregular collagenous – 57
- Hyaline cartilage – 5
- Fibrocartilage – 4
- Elastic cartilage – 4
- Bone – 37
- Blood – 8
- Muscle tissue slides
- Skeletal – 41
- Smooth – 40
- Cardiac – 43
- Nervous tissue slides – 26, 39
Per Table:
- 1 fresh chicken leg
- Colored pencils
- Modeling clay
A & P I
Lab 6
Exercise 7Integumentary System Structure and Function (Sec A-B)
Skin Cancer, Burns and Pressure Ulcers
Maintaining Homeostasis: Skin Wound Healing
Per Lab:
- Skin model
- Thick skin slides 58
- Thin skin slides 59
- Betadine
- Fishing line (monofilament)
- 10% bleach
Per Table:
- Fingerprint kit
Water soluble marking pen
- Magnifying glasses
- Colored pencils
- Cotton swabs
- Clean slides
- 2-100mL beakers
Lab 6, continued…
Exercise 23 General Senses (Sec A, C, D, E)
Per Lab:
•Torso model
•Spinal cord model
•Meissner’s corpuscles slides
•Pacinian corpuscles slides
Per Table:
•Calipers or toothpicks
•Synthetic fur
•3 fingerbowls (ice 10C, room25C, warm temps45C)
•4 pennies
•Ice water
A & P I
Exercise 8 Bone Structure and Function (Sec A-D)
Exercise 9 Axial Skeleton (A-C)
A & P I
Per Lab:
- Bone chart
- Compact bone slides 37
- Sectioned long bone (Vertically cut)
- Articulated skeleton
- Osteometric board
- Disarticulated skeleton with muscle attachments
Per Table:
- Chicken leg or thigh bone
- Dissection Tray
- Disarticulated bones
- Colored pencils
- Slides, cs
- Lens paper
- 1 normal mammal bone
- 1 oven heated mammal bone
- 1 mammal bone soaked in nitric acid
For Exercise 9 include:
- Male and female pelvises
- Teaching skull
- Fetal skull
- Skulls
- Vertebral column
- Plastic straws or pipe cleaners (for pointers)
Lab 8
Exercise 10 Appendicular Skeleton (Sec A-D)
Per Lab:
- Articulated skeleton
Per Table:
- Disarticulated bones
- Colored pencils
- Tape measure
- Straws or pipe cleaners (for pointers)
Lab 9
Exercise 11 Joints and Synovial Joint Movements (Sec A-E)
Per Lab:
- Articulated skeleton
- Joint models
- Fresh synovial sheep joint
Per Table:
- ?joints for dissection
Lab 10
Exercise 16 Nervous Tissue (Sec A-E)
Exercise 17 Spinal Cord Structure and Function (Sec A-D)
Per Lab:
- Neuron model
- Spinal cord models
- Vertebral column models
- Nervous tissue slides30
- Astrocytes slides
- Motor neurons 26
- Dorsal root ganglia
- Cerebral cortex 31
- Teased myelinated neural fibers
- Spinal cord, transverse section 29
Per Table:
- Ziploc: pencil, small pebble.
- Spinal cord section/dissection tray
- Modeling clay
- Colored pencils
- Nervous system video
Lab 11
Exercise 18 Spinal Nerves (Sec A-E)
Exercise 19Somatic Reflexes (Sec A-B)
Per Lab:
- Spinal nerve model
- Spinal cord models
- Vertebral column
- Peripheral nerve cross-section
- Peripheral nerve longitudinal
Per Table:
- Reflex hammers
Lab 12
Exercise 20 Brain Structure and Function (Sec A-G)
Exercise 21Cranial Nerves (Sec A-B)
Per Lab:
- Brain model
- Preserved brains
Per Table:
- Sheep Brain/dissection tray
- Sheep brain dissection guides
- Skulls
- Spice oil
- Penlight
- Cotton
- Sugar
- Vinegar
- Tuning fork
- Tongue depressors
- PTC paper
- Ice water
Lab 13
Exercise 22 AutonomicNervouse System Structure and Function (Sec A-C)
Per Lab:
- Spinal cord models with white and gray rami communicantes
- Brain models with cranial nerves
Per Table:
- Penlight
- Ruler
- Temperature strips
- Stopwatch
- Blood pressure cuff
- Stethoscope