Science Unit Plan

Unit Title: Cells
Course: General Biology 502 / Unit Length: 26 days (35-50 minutes each)
Date Created: 2/20/07 Revised: 6/15/07
Learner/Performance Objectives: The student will . . . / *Standards (e.g., CRS, IL State, Work Keys…)
1. Define and use unit vocabulary.
2. Identify parts and functions of the light microscope.
3. Focus the light microscope on low and high power.
4. Identify organelles and their functions.
5. Identify the structural differences between plant and animal cells.
6. Distinguish between a plant cell and an animal cell.
7. Compare and contrast diffusion and osmosis.
8. Organize the events occurring in the cell cycle.
9. Recognize the process of cellular respiration. / Illinois Learning Goals/Standards/Benchmarks: 11.A.4a, 11.A.4b, 11.A.4c, 11.A.5b, 12.A.3c, 12.A.4b
College Readiness Standards 16-19

Unit Components

Microscopes / Cell Parts / Cell Transport / Cell Processes
Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
• eyepiece/ocular
• coarse focus
• fine focus
• disc diaphragm
• aperture
• arm
• stage
• stage clip
• light source
• light switch
• base
• nose piece
• objective lens
• condenser lens / Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
• nucleus
• cell membrane
• chloroplast
• cell wall
• cytoplasm
• nucleolus
• ribosome
• golgi body
• mitochondria
• endoplasmic reticulum
• centriole
• lysosome
• central vacuole
• organelle / Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
• hypertonic
• hypotonic
• isotonic
• concentration gradient
• semipermeable
• equilibrium
• active transport
• facilitated diffusion
• passive transport
• surface area
• diffusion
• osmosis / Unit Vocabulary/ Concepts/Topics
• Interphase
• Prophase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• Telophase
• cytokinesis
• chromatin
• chromosome
• sister chromatids
• centromere
• homologous
• aerobic respiration
• anaerobic repiration
Formative Assessment(s)
• Teacher Observation
• Microscopes Quiz / Formative Assessment(s)
• Animal Cells Lab
• Plant Cells Lab
• Cell Parts Quiz / Formative Assessment(s)
• Egg Lab
• Gummi Bear Lab
• Cell Transport Quiz / Formative Assessment(s)
• Mitosis Bead Lab
• Cell Processes Quiz

Assessment Options: Selected response (e.g., multiple choice, matching, true/false); Constructed response (e.g., fill-in-the-blank, short answer, label); Product (e.g., essay, model, project); Performance (e.g., speech, recital, demonstration); Process (e.g., conferences, observations, logs)

Responses to Assessment Results (Correctives & Enrichment)
• More Practice
• Second Opportunity
• Extra Credit Wet Mount Question / • Re-teaching
• Second Opportunity / • Re-teaching
• Second Opportunity / • Re-teaching
• Second Opportunity
• Online Simulation
Summative Assessment(s):
•Selected response (e.g., multiple choice, matching, true/false)
Multiple-choice and matching (Cells Unit Test)
•Product (e.g., essay, model, project)
Lab Reports
•Performance (e.g., speech, recital, demonstration)
Microscope Practical
Dialysis Tube Lab
Prerequisite Content and Learning Skills / Adaptations/Modifications/Accommodations
Students must have background knowledge of the Scientific Method.
Students must have skills in taking notes, analyzing data, reading for comprehension, and using the internet (accessing a website and navigating through it). / Word banks for multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank test questions
Resources and Materials
• Textbook
• Computers with internet access
• Overhead Projector
• DVD/Video Projector
• Microscopes and slides

Illinois Learning Goals/Standards/Benchmarks:

11.A.4a: Formulate hypotheses referencing prior research and knowledge.

11.A.4b: Conduct controlled experiments or simulations to test hypotheses.

11.A.4c: Collect, organize and analyze data accurately and precisely.

11.A.5b: Design procedures to test the selected hypotheses.

12.A.3c: Compare and contrast how different forms and structures reflect different functions (e.g., similarities and differences among animals that fly, walk or swim; structures of plant cells and animal cells).

12.A.4b: Describe the structures and organization of cells and tissues that underlie basic life functions including nutrition, respiration, cellular transport, biosynthesis and reproduction.

College Readiness Standards: 16-19

IOD / 1. Select two or more pieces of data from a simple data presentation
2. Understand basic scientific terminology
3. Find basic information in a brief body of text
4. Determine how the value of one variable changes as the value of another variable changes in a simple data presentation
SI / Understand the methods and tools used in a simple experiment
EOM / There are no standards in this Skill Category for the 16-19 score range.