Science and Health (SH) Pathway
This Pathway is designed to cultivate students’ interests in the life, physical and behavioral sciences. In addition, it involves the planning, managing and providing of therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health information and biochemistry research and development.
PATHWAY FOCUS AREASHealth Science (HS) Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (AFN)
Science, Technology and Math (STM)
Are you interested in… / Can you… / Do you enjoy…
Health Care Environment
Science and Medicine
Medical Research
Food Production
Environment & Conservation
Physical Therapy
Information Systems
Radiology / Pay Attention to Detail
Use a computer and technology
Work in a lab setting or medical facility
Apply a scientific theory to real life problems
Work outdoors around animals and plants
Collect and analyze data from experiments
Work with people in need
Work with science and math theories / Diagnosing and caring for sick animals
Work outdoors with wildlife
Solving problems
Working on cutting edge scientific research
Working on a team
Medical Lab Research
Making a contribution to society
Working with numbers
Developing conclusions from a database
If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you might consider a future in one of the sample occupations listed below based on their lever of post-secondary training.
Entry (OJT) / Technical/Skilled (1-3 yrs) / Professional (4 or + yrs)Hospital Worker (HS)
Patient Care Technician (HS)
Dialysis Technician (HS)
EEG Technician (HS)
*Home Health Aide (HS)
Physical Therapy Aide (HS)
Animal Caretaker (AFN)
Breeder (AFN)
Extension Service Worker (AFN)
Food Conservation Worker (AFN)
Wildlife Reserve Worker (AFN)
Hazardous Waste Technician (STM)
Optician (STM)
Data Entry (STM)
Surgical & Mapping Technicians (STM) / Certified Nursing Assistant (HS)
*Dental Hygienist (HS)
Licensed Practical Nurse (HS)
*Medical Lab Technician (HS)
*Radiological Technician (HS)
Respiratory Therapist (HS)
Dental Lab Technician (HS & STM)
Fish & Game Worker (AFN)
Forest Conversationalist (AFN)
GPS Technician (AFN)
Surveyor (AFN)
*Veterinary Technician (AFN)
Nanotechnician (STM)
Sound Engineer (STM)
Personal Trainer (HS)
*Emergency Medical Tech. (HS)
*Biological Technicians (STM)
Chemical Technicians / Athletic Trainer (HS)
Speech/Language Pathologist (HS)
Dietician (HS)
*Physician Assistant (HS)
Medical Examiner (HS)
*Pharmacist (HS)
Physician (HS)
*Physical therapist (HS)
Registered Nurse (HS)
Agronomist (AFN)
*Environmental Scientist (STM)
Geologist (AFN)
Marine Biologist (AFN)
Soil Conversationalist (AFN)
*Veterinarian (AFN)
Chemist (STM)
Geneticist (STM)
Statistician (STM)
Zoologist (STM)
*Nuclear Engineer (STM)
*High Priority Occupations—job categories that are in demand by employers, have higher skill needs, and are most likely to provide family sustaining wages