School User’s

Guide to eDevelopment

December 2008

Logging into PeopleSoft

From the MPS Apps page select PeopleSoft.

With PeopleSoft Open enter your MPS Login and MPS Password and select Sign In.

Select Staff Development in the MPS Item Folder.

The following Menu will appear:

Data entry into eDevelopment is a four step process:

(1) Create Course/s

(2) Identify Instructor/s

(3) Create Session/s

(4) Enter Staff Enrollment

Step 1: Creating a Course

Select Courses in the Course Maintenance Folder.

The following screen will appear:

Select the Add a New Value tab.

Enter a Course Code and Your School’s Department number then select Add.

Course Code: The course code is your school’s 3-digit PeopleSoft # followed by 001. As you enter more courses you will change the course code sequentially. For example 223001, 223002, 223003 etc…

Department: Your Department number is your school site number in PeopleSoft. If you are unsure of your department number click on the magnifying glass and search for your school.

The following screen will appear:

To create a course you must complete all of the *fields in each of the four course tabs: Course Profile, Description, Characteristic, and Instructional Area. When you have completed all required fields in each tab you will then select Save.

Many fields throughout eDevelopment will have a link. This link will provide definitions related to the options available for selected fields.

Several data entry fields have a spell check feature. To spell check your entry click on the icon next to field.

Example Completed Course Profile:


Example Completed Description:


You must select a Theme, Capacity Builder and High Performing Classroom for the corresponding dropdown menu. Click on Detailed description for more information on each possible selection.

A teacher standard, administrator standard or pupil services standard must also be selected. You may select only one standard after clicking on the hyperlink.

Example Completed Characteristic:

Instructional Area:

Click on the magnifying glass and select the most appropriate Category Code. Repeat the process for Subcategory Code.

When you are done click on Save.

Select Look Up and choose the most appropriate code.

Example Completed Instructional Area:

Select Save.

Step 2: Assigning Course Instructors

Select the Instructor hyperlink in the Course Maintenance Folder.

Select Add a New Value tab. Enter Instructor ID or click on the magnifying glass to look up an instructor.

The following Look Up Instructor ID screen will appear:

Enter the Last Name of the instructor and select Look Up. Search Results will appear. Select the appropriate person and click Enter on your keyboard. The select Add.

Once you have identified an instructor you must identify their qualifications and attach them to the course. The following Instructor Profile screen will appear:

Example Completed Instructor Profile:

There are three data fields that must be completed including: Internal/External, Area of Expertise, and Description. Once you have completed those fields you should move to Qualification tab.

Enter the Course Code and select Save. If you do not remember the course code select the magnifying glass to locate the course code. When you select Save the following screen will appear:

Step 3: Create a Session

Select Sessions in the Course Maintenance Folder.

The following Course Session Setup screen will appear:

Example Course Session Setup:

In the Add a New Value tab enter the Course Code and a Course Session Number then select Add. Course Session Number should begin with the number one. For example 1,2,3, etc…

Now the following Course Session Profile screen will appear:

Example Completed Course Session Profile:

Example Completed Location, Instructor:

Click on the magnifying glass to select a Session Location. Select an Instructor hyperlink and select the appropriate instructor.

When you select an instructor the following screen will appear. Check the instructor and select okay. Now you can move to the Description tab.

The course description will appear in the Description text box. Revise the description to reflect the specific session focus. Click on to spell check. When done spell checking, move to the Session Type tab.

Select the Session Type that most closely describes the staff development session.

Click on a link to view session type definitions.

Example Completed Session Type:

The Target Audience tab has several components. In the Target Audience box you need to select the target audience for the staff development session. In the Grade Level box you will check the targeted grade levels and departments if applicable. Finally, you will answer the two Active Participation questions. When you are done move to the last tab, SD Expenditure.

Example Completed Target Audience:

Any time you select Yes in the SD Expenditure tab, you must all select a Funding Source. The Funding Source drop down menu is pre-populated with your school’s budget codes

appropriate to the question. To ensure data quality, you may need to speak with your

school leader in order to determine the most appropriate budget code to select.

Example Completed SD Expenditure:

This example occurred on a Banking Day and did not require any additional funding.

If you answer Yes to needing substitute teachers, you must identify the number of subs requested in addition to the funding source.

When done entering data in this tab select Save.

Step 4: Enroll Participants

You have now reached the final step, enrolling session participants. Within the Staff Development folder select Staff Enrollment, Enroll by MPS Department.

To make data entry easier, you will find that Enroll by Group has/will be loaded with three groups:

TCH (teachers and administrators), AID (educational assistants and paraprofessionals), and MEN (teachers being supported by your school-based mentor).

Within the Enroll Group tab, select the magnifying glass to locate the Group ID, and then enter the Course. Select the magnifying glass to locate the course if you do not remember.

Enter the Session Number and then select or deselect Subscribe All. The select Load Staff.

Example Completed Enroll Group:

The following screen will include a list with check boxes for teachers and administrators. When you select Subscribe All the check boxes will all be checked. You can then uncheck any box where the staff member did not participate in the session. The Attendance drop-down box defaults to Completed.

If Subscribe All had been unchecked, then when you loaded staff, none of the check boxes next to staff names would have been checked. In that case, you would check all of the staff who who participated in the session. Which option you choose depends on the number of staff who participated in the session.

Example Load Staff Subscribe All:

Selecting the Subscriptions tab will show you the list of staff you enrolled in the session. See the next page for screen shot of

Example of Completed Subscriptions:

Resources and Support

eDevelopment Collaboration Room in TLC

Visit the eDevelopment collaboration room to find self-directed tutorials, eDevelopment tip sheets, information about upcoming training opportunities, and eDevelopment user forums for discussions about how to use eDevelopment and how data collected can be used to support data-based decision making, accountability and improved use of resources at your school.

To access this room go to Login using your: MPS Login and MPS Password. Select Open Communities and then eDevelopment. The first time you login to the collaboration room you will be asked if you want to enroll in the course. Select yes and you will be directed to the eDevelopment Collaboration Room.

If you experience any problems using eDevelopment, contact the Technology Support Center at 438-3400 for assistance or post your questions in the eDevelopment Collaboration Room.

Quick Enrollment

Entering staff enroll is step four in the eDevelopment four-step process. Most of the time you will use the Enroll by MPS Department feature. There is however, another way to enroll staff.

The Quick Enrollment feature allows you to search for staff by name and then enroll them directly into a session. The three pieces of data you need to use Quick Enrollment is the staff member’s name, the course number/s and the session number/s they participated in.

You can only search for staff assigned to your building. Anyone participating in staff development that you are unable to enroll requires an email to the Staff Development Registrar at . Include in the email the staff member’s full name, course number and session number. Registrar will complete the enrollment process for those individuals.

(1) Select the Quick Enrollment link in the Staff Enrollment folder.

(2) Enter the last name of the staff member you need to enroll in the appropriate box and select Search.

(3) The staff member’s name now appears on the screen. At this time you can enter the course number. If unsure of the number select the magnifying glass to search for the course. Press enter once you have entered or selected the course number. Next you need to enter the session number. Again, if unsure use the to locate the number. Press enter once you have entered or selected the session number and then .

Example Completed Quick Enrollment

Shannon Gordon, Staff Development Registrar


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