School Progressive Discipline Plan


Due: June 19, 2015

School: / Al Seeliger Elementary School
2800 South Saliman Road
Carson City, NV / Principal: / Mrs. Paula Zona

Individuals responsible for developing site Progressive Discipline Plan.

Per NRS 392.4644, plans are to be developed with input/participation from teachers & parents of enrolled pupils


Paula Zona / Principal
Ben Contine / Vice Principal/Solution Chair
Lucy Kinder / Solution Team Chair


How does the school use prevention to deter inappropriate behavior.

Seeliger has implemented a schoolwide positive behavior/social emotional skills curriculum called Getting Along Together (GAT). Led by the Cooperative Culture team, and supported by Administration, all staff members will share a common understanding and communicate high expectations for appropriate student behavior. This is demonstrated when both staff and students can identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. They can further make the connection between behaviors and educational success.
There are a variety of environments for a student throughout the school day. They may be in multiple “structured” classrooms (e.g. specials, reading class, special services) and a variety of “less structured” environments (e.g. lunch, recess, assemblies, special events). Supporting students through these varied environments is critical.
Schoolwide discipline begins in the classroom. Classroom management is the most important factor because it impacts everything throughout the school. Administrators will provide oversight of classroom management and coaching/training support for teachers in the classroom. Support materials, professional development, and effective strategies may be utilized to help students learn appropriate behavior, assume responsibility, and acquire self-management skills. Teachers will be encouraged to integrate Positive Rewards and Consequences including “Positive Pirates”, a raffle that is drawn on a quarterly basis. Principal commendations will also be encouraged.
To support students in less structured environments, support staff and duties will be provided guidance in supporting the schoolwide discipline plan and philosophy. School and playground rules will be reviewed and updated to all staff members, including playground personnel and students during the first week of school.

Behavior Management:

How is the behavior plan distributed to pupils and their families? Where it available at the site?

The behavior plan is distributed to pupils and their families in the weekly peechee folders and is also available online.

Staff training as if refers to the Progressive Discipline Plan:

Schoolwide discipline procedures will be reviewed prior to August 17th. Teachers and staff will be trained on Classroom discipline procedures and both classroom teachers and appropriate support staff will be trained on schoolwide discipline procedures.

Show evidence the site’s Progressive Discipline Plan is consistent with written rules of behavior prescribed in accordance with NRS 392.463:

Ex: list rules, progressive discipline steps, consequences, etc

Mission Statement:
Seeliger Elementary promotes dignified and progressive discipline to allow students to redirect their behavior in a positive direction and to learn from their decisions.
Progressive, Positive Discipline:
Uniform responses will be:
  1. Verbal Response: Reminding the student of rule and steps to follow the rule
  2. Refocus/re-direct; Student is provided opportunity to refocus behavior in the classroom, on the playground, or other appropriate school locations. This time is provided for the student to reflect on behavior and build strategies to follow rules.
  3. Behavior Referral resulting in natural/logical consequences; refocus areas during lunch or recess, calls home to parents, conduct grade lowered. Three referrals will result in automatic referral to administration. Consequences will be based on best practices. Behavior referrals cover classroom time, playground, lunch, and other activities that are school related.

Plan for temporary removal of a pupil from the classroom in accordance with NRS 392.4645:

For severe behaviors that are disruptive enough to interrupt the education opportunities of other students and teachers and to comply with AB 521, In-School Suspension (ISS) may be implemented. The administrator or teacher of that child will be responsible for monitoring the ISS, checking assigned work, counseling the student in self-management, cooperation, problem solving, and personal responsibility. Students may also be placed in an alternative setting, such as another classroom, to work quietly during the day. Out of school suspension (OSS) can also be used.
OSS will be determined by the administrator and will be assigned for violations of school discipline codes that require immediate removal of students for a minimum of 1 day. Some of these violations include, but are not limited to: violence to students or staff, possession of dangerous articles, weapons, drugs, or alcohol, or severe bullying.

NRS 392.4644

On or before November 1st – Associate Superintendent submits a

compilation of site plans to the Board of


On or before November 30th – Associate Superintendent submits

written reports to Superintendent of Public

Instruction on behalf of the Board of
