28th September 2016

Newsletter 2 2016

School start and end time

Just as a reminder for all. School starts at 8.55am. Children are allowed in the playground from 8.45am when there will be a member of staff on duty. Before this time there is no one responsible for the children so please don’t drop them early. The playground gates will be locked at 8.55am after which time the children will have to come through the front entrance and all need to be signed in. The school day ends at 3.20pm.

Two Midday Meals Supervisor Needed

Monday to Friday lunchtimes, 1 ½ hours per day. If anyone is interested in applying for this position please collect an application form from the school office.

Parent Teacher Consultations – 18th, 19th & 20th October

Letters will follow shortly for you to book up your appointment with your child’s teacher. These will be coming in your child’s bag next week. I will also be emailing and there will be a supply in the foyer.

New House Point System

We have renamed the houses after the parks of Tunbridge Wells: Calverley, Dunorlan, Grove and Hilbert. The children are being awardedHouse Points as a reward for achievements inside the classroom. Each week the points are collected by the House Captains and added to a running total. The Housewith the most points by the end of eachterm will be rewarded with a non-uniform day on the last day of term, and at the end of the year, the winning house will be rewarded with a trip to their House park.

Music Lessons

If any children at school would like to learn an instrument we have Kent Music School and a few independent music teachers who come in to the School to teach during the day. Currently Guitar, Drums and Violin. If you are interested the contact number for KMS is 01622 358422. For Flute lessons we will be having Mrs Mattheopoulos, a parent and music teacher, if you’re interested please contact the school office and we’ll pass your information on. For Brass Instrument lessons we have Lucy Leleu who has been working in the school for a while and is looking to increase her pupils, her email address is www.lucyleleu.co.uk for more information.

Parent Reps

Please can you make yourself known to us if you would like to be a Parent Rep or are carrying on from last school year. We’re doing quite well but still need reps for 4I, 5S, 6S and 6H. Thank you.

Design a card project

Back by popular demand the PTA have organised an exciting Design a Christmas card project. Your child should have brought home with them this week an A4 sheet of paper on which they can create a design for a Christmas card, along with an order form. Your child has two weeks to create a design, as artwork and order forms are to be returned to your child's class teacher by MONDAY 3rd OCTOBER. Please ensure cheque payments are made payable to St. James' PTA. Happy designing!

School Fund

The annual £15 voluntary contribution per family per year is now due. This fund enables us to provide additional curriculum enhancement days for the children and special entertainment together with refreshments for school team events and clubs. It is available to pay on parentpay or you can pass a cheque or cash to the office. Thank you.

John Tutt


School Dates to Christmas 2016

Keep checking the school website for additional dates as the term progresses.

30/09/2016 / 6S Class Assembly at 9.10am - 6S Parents invited
10/10/2016 / Harvest Festival
13/10/2016 / 11 plus results
13/10/2016 / Year 4 Trip Port Lympne
14/10/2016 / 5C Class Assembly at 9.10am - 5C Parents invited
14/10/2016 / PTA Ice-Cream Friday (after school)
17/10/2016 / Staff development day
18/10/2016 / Parent Consultations 3.30-7.30pm
19/10/2016 / Parent Consultations 3.30-5.30pm
20/10/2016 / Parent Consultations 3.30-5.30pm
21/10/2016 / PTA Junior Sponsored Walk
21/10/2016 / PTA Comedy Night
21/10/2016 / Last day of term 1
31/10/2016 / Deadline for Secondary School Applications
31/10/2016 / First day of term 2
04/11/2016 / 4W Class Assembly at 9.10am – 4W Parents invited
09/11/2016 / Individual School Photos
09/11/2016 / Year 3 Flu preventative spray
09/11/2016 / PTA Meeting
18/11/2016 / 3S Class Assembly at 9.10am – 3S Parents invited
01/12/2016 / Year 6 Height and Weight Measured
02/12/2016 / Own Clothes Day for secret present donations
03/12/2016 / PTA Christmas shows & Santa's arrival
09/12/2016 / Secret Presents Room
19/12/2016 / Christmas Service at St. James’ Church at 2pm – Parents invited
20/12/2016 / Christmas Lunch
21/12/2016 / Last day of term 2
03/01/2017 / Staff development day- NEW DATE
04/01/2017 / First day of term 3