RULE (1)
In support of school board policy regarding a school safety plan, the following rules are to be enforced in all Friess Lake School District buildings and facilities leased by the district. The district administrator will exercise discretion as the need for it arises with individual students and for special school events.
A.Dress Standards
The Friess Lake School District intends to keep the school and students free from the threats or harmful influence of any groups or gangs that engage in drug use, criminal conduct, or disruptive behavior. Clothing likely to disrupt the educational process, intimidate other students, cause others to commit illegal or disruptive acts, or which results in conduct which is hostile to the safety and welfare of self and others will not be allowed.
B.Visitors on Campus
All visitors to the Friess Lake School District will be directed to the district administrators/designees office where they will state their business and a record will be kept of the visitors entry time and departure time. After district administrator/designees approval, visitors will be directed to where their business can be carried out. Parents are welcome to visit the school of the Friess Lake School District. The district encourages parents to become involved in their child's school activities.
1.All staff will be instructed to direct (sometimes escort) visitors to the administrative office.
2.All visitors to the school will be approached to ascertain their purpose for being at the school and to direct them to the district administrators/designees office.
3.All visitors not adhering to directions of staff members will be considered as trespassers and will be reported to the administration office and/or law enforcement officials.
4.The student body and parents will be informed annually about the school's requirements with regard to visitors.
5.Notices will be posted at each school entrance directing visitors to report to the administration office.
RULE (2)
6.The administration office will keep records with regards to trespassers.
Loitering on the Friess Lake School District grounds is not allowed.
1.Non-students loitering on or about the grounds will be directed to leave.
2.Loiterers not leaving after being asked will be reported to law enforcement officials.
3.License plate numbers of non-student cars loitering/stopping around school grounds may be recorded and provided to law enforcement officials.
Students whose conduct or presence poses a danger to persons or property or who present an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic program shall be immediately removed from the school. In such case, the necessary suspension notice and informal hearing shall follow as soon as practical.
Causes for disciplinary action include continued and willful disobedience of faculty and administrators, the use of profanity and obscene language, possession and/or use of illegal substances, intentional injury of others, or damage to school property.
Students who are suspended out of school or expelled from school may not participate in any school-sponsored activities and are not permitted on the grounds of any school of the district during the period of suspension/expulsion.
E.Other Behaviors Creating Unsafe Environment
Behaviors creating an unsafe environment will not be tolerated by the Friess Lake School District. These behaviors may include but are not limited to the following:
1.Unsafe operation of a motor vehicle or bicycle on school grounds.
2.Causes attempts to cause, or threatens to cause physical injury to another person.
3.Possesses, sells, or furnishes any weapon, explosive, or other dangerous object.
RULE (3)
4.Possesses, uses, sells, or furnishes, or is under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
5.Commits or attempts to commit robbery or extortion.
6.Causes or attempts to set a fire or in any other way damage school or the private property of others.
7.Steals or attempts to steal school or private property.
F.Disciplinary Procedures
Students violating this policy will face disciplinary action. A student's failure to comply with this policy will result in one or more of the following consequences based upon the severity of the misconduct.
1.Warning - conference with student. Parents may be contacted either by letter or telephone call as determined necessary.
2.Detention - in school. Parents may be contacted either by letter or telephone call as determined necessary.
3.Suspension from school - one- to five-day suspension in or out of school.
Notification to home regarding violation of the policy - parent contact either by letter or telephone call.
4.Referral to law enforcement officers or agencies and forfeiture or fine. Notification to home regarding violation of the policy - parent contact either by letter or telephone call.
5.Recommendation of expulsion - Violations could lead to expulsion. Notification to home regarding violation of the policy - parent contact either by letter or telephone call.
Violations from one year to the next will be recorded and allowed to accumulate with each subsequent violation. When a student moves from one academic level to the next (i.e., elementary to middle school), all previous violations will remain in the student's record.
RULE (4)
120.12 School Board Duties
120.13School Board Powers
CROSS-REFERENCE:443,Student Conduct
443.1 Student Dress Code
443.2 Student Conduct on School Buses
443.3 Student Use or Possession of Tobacco Products
443.4Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
443.41 Student AODA Disciplinary Procedures
443.42 AODA Administrative Guidelines
443.5 Student Use of Explosive Devices
443.51 Possession or Use of Weapons
443.6 Student Use of Two-Way Communication or Paging Devices
443.7 Management of Aggressive Student Behavior
443.8 Gangs and Gang-Related Behavior
860Visitors to the School
Approved: April 13, 2000
Hubertus, Wisconsin