“Together we explore, discover, achieve and grow: developing outstanding practice”
School Road, Heacham, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE31 7DQ
Head Ms Louise Jackson
Phone/Fax: 01485570357
3rd January 2017
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back
We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and feel ready for the New Year! We were very proud of your children’s performances over the Christmas period both at school and in St Marys Church. Thank you so much for the generous support we get from our parents, carers and PTA over the Christmas period.The Christmas tree looked very special with all of your decorations, we enjoyed an amazing pantomimeof Peter Pan thanks to The PTA and a special visitor came to deliver presents to all our children on the last day of term. The children are always wonderful on these occasions and we are very grateful for the additional resources that you provide. Thank you also for helping us with our Tesco bags of help campaign. The voting has closed and we will find out how much we have been awarded in the next few weeks. Fingers crossed it’s the top prize of £5,000!
Christmas Jumper Day
Thank you for your kind donations for this event on the last day of term. We raised £61.40 for Save the Children.
Important Letters to Year Two (Dance and Protest!)
All Year two pupils should receive a dance performance invitation/letter for families which must be returned as soon as possible. Springwood High School has arranged a Primary School Dance celebration on 24th January and the details are in the letter. The children are really excited to perform on a stage!
The School Council in Y2 will receive an additional letter regarding a morning trip on 24th January to protest against the proposal to stop our school crossing patrol at County Hall. Please return this as soon as possible so we can join this peaceful protest alongside other Norfolk Schools at risk of losing their lollipop lady.
School Crossing Patrol last date to complete consultation is 8th January – the most important thing to do is individually complete the consultation so we have many individual surveys to represent our views – ask your friends, relatives,neighbours…
Education Challenge Partner visit
Roger Fry is an experienced advisor appointed by Norfolk County Council to visit schools on an annual basis to challenge and assess school performance. He visited for the day on 15th December 2016 and judged our performance across all areas as Outstanding – he will report this back to Norfolk County Council in a written report. We are very proud of this achievement andknow it represents the hard work and effort undertaken by all of the staff, families and children to provide the best education to the children in Heacham following the good Ofsted report in March 2016. If you would like a copy of the report please ask the office.
Pupil Numbers, Two Year Olds and 3 and 4yr. old 30 hour funding
We have known about a rapid decrease in pupil numbers over the last two years and this means our funding is projected to drop significantly from September 2017. The projected birth rate (number of children born in Heacham who may attend the school) remains very low for three more years at least. This could have consequences for how we educate our children in the future. The village has an aging population which has become a trend overtime. We want to sustain the life and quality that our school has brought to the community and West Norfolk Academies Trust also want to support us and retain our provision. So…………here are some possibilities for provision in September 2017.
1. If you know of anyone looking for a Reception space in 2017 please let them know about us!
2. If you have a 2 year old in September 2017 and are looking for quality and reasonably costed child care register now by completing the flexible provision form attached. If the interest is reasonable we will go ahead with taking two year olds.
3. We will also be offering 30 hour funding for 3 and 4 yr olds to eligible working families which is paid for by the government.
If you send back the EYFS registration form we can call you regarding specific needs.
Good News! Year 1 and Year 2 jobs
Following a strong interest the interviews for jobs in school will take place this week and children will start their jobs on 9th January. Good luck! I am sure we can find positions for everyone.
Clubs - starting week commencing 9th January 2017
This term we will continue to host our range of clubs.
Creative Dance Club is continuing with Helen Battelley and her club arrangements are made separately. Please complete the form attached if you would like your child to take part in Creative dance club.The classes are 1hour long and take place after school on Mondays. The first class will start on Monday 9th January from 2.50pm-3.50pm. (10 weeks) Payment: 10 weeks = £40, or you can pay in two instalments of £20.
Also Multi –Sports Club is running from 2.50 – 3.50 on a Friday for YR-Y2 after school costing £15.00 for 5 sessions – please see separate form for joining instructions. Payment must be made in full on Friday 13th January
Nature Club
Louise Prosser- forms have already been sent out for this Y1 club.
Teacher clubs will be open to Year 1 and 2. We limit YR places as often they are very tired at the end of the day- we can make a few exceptions if you see Louise Jackson.
Please complete the slip as usual and return to the OFFICE. Mrs Ruddock will organise the spaces and we will contact you regarding spaces.
Mondays – Creative Dance Club – see letter attached
Tuesdays –
Board Games Club
Mrs Tuckwood
PE Club
Mandy Graves
Friday – starts Friday 13th January.
Multi –Sports Club is running from 2.50 – 3.50 on a Friday for YR-Y2 after school costing £15.00 for 5 sessions – please see separate form 9Attached) for joining instructions.
Dates This Term – so far…..
Wednesday 11/1/17 – Flu vaccines for those who were absent or need a top up (2nd dose)
Tuesday 17/1/17 – no Learning Café today
Friday 20/1/17 – PTA Bring & Buy Sale - See board for further details
Tuesday 24/1/17– Schools Council protest at County Hall (in school time)
Y2 Dance show at Springwood High school – letters to follow
Thursday 26/1/17 – Olly Day Magic Show 1.15
Friday 10/2/17 – finish for ½ term holidays
Tuesday 28/2/17 – Parents Evening – NO TEACHER-LED CLUBS TONIGHT
Wednesday 1/3/17 - Parents Evening
Friday 24/3/17 – PTA Pamper Day and Red Nose Day!
Friday 31/3/17 – Finish for school holidays at 2.50pm
Tuesday 18/4/17 – Return to school for summer term
Friday 26/5/17 – Finish for ½ term
Monday 5/6/17 – Return to school
Friday 9/6/17 - PTA Bike Ride
Thursday 22/6/17 – Sports/Family Fun Day – more details to follow
Saturday 15/7/17 – PTA Fete
Friday 21/7/16 - School finishes
Please highlight or tick the provision that you require from September 2017
Two Year Old/Pre school / Nursery15 hours / 15 hours
15+ hours / 15+ hours
Are you eligible for goverment funding? / Are you eligible for government funding?
Specific request
eg mornings/afternoons / Specific request
eg mornings/afternoons
Child’s name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of birth:………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Post code:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone No:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
If there are any special circumstances we need to be aware considering this application please give details below, such as any additional needs
I understand that if I wish to withdraw this request at any time, I may do so by contacting the school.
Office Use Only:
Provision offered…………………………………………………………….
Date of Admission:……………………………………………………….