
School Psychologist Team Meeting Notes

Check-in’s: Everyone is good and busy

Patrick: Professional Development info

-Lots of PD opportunities this year

-Unique learning for SLC classrooms

-Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Mandatory for sped staff October 22 (Primary), October 23 (Secondary)

-New special educators training: Many dates coming up for new special ed. staff

-Autism Outreach Project: Lending library, lots of materials available shipped to your door. Great resource for parents as well. Student special services will provide sub for up to 3 teachers to attend each session (special ed. or general ed. teachers). Registration fee $90 per class, per person. Parents $30 per class, per person. 8:30-3:30 in the IMC.

-Three ARTeam presentations on Waiver Days

1) October 11: High Functioning Autism in the GE classroom

2) March 10

3) May 12


-Compliance Reminders:

*Disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups. Same areas that we are often disproportionate with.

*Memo sent by Clark about aversive plans and manifestation meetings. Must write in aversive plan that the plan will be reviewed and monitored 4 times annually.

*Non-compliance issues related to secondary transition: Did not receive funding for 9 students because of non-compliance issues in the IEPs submitted to “Safety Net” last year. Cost the district around $200,000.

*Issue related to providing services under “reading, writing, math” instead of labeling it under “cognitive skills” when student is out of pre-school.

*Must receive written consent prior to initiating initial evaluation. Must turn in consent with packet to Deyanna King at the annex.

*Document if parent holding up an initial evaluation (keeping it from being completed within 35 school days). Document the attempts to contact family and document evaluation extension using appropriate paperwork if the evaluation is not going to be completed within 35 school days.

*Turn paperwork in to Deyanna ASAP once you have everything for transfers

*Count dates are important. November 1st is crucial.

*State monitors coming to review compliance of special ed. in Auburn

*3 citizen complaints last year at secondary level. Findings have all related to kids IEP’s not matching their school schedule.

-Medicaid: Trying to figure out if school psych’s can bill Medicaid. Previously told that only school psychologists with PhD can bill. Rhonda is working on figuring this out.

-Mileage: Fill out mileage form as you always do. Then scan it into PDF. See handout from Rhonda about steps for submitting the forms online. Sherry will email this form out to all psycs.

Leianna will do Sunshine for this year.

Psyc meeting note takers:

October: Brittany? (sorry didn’t hear who the note taker was for October)

November: Nic

December: Mira

January: Jill

February: Dean

March: Gary

April: Lesley

May: Liz

June: Narelle

*Fill out transportation form online in IEP online. Get parents to sign form and send to Deyanna. Don’t need to have it filled out before you have Deyanna set up transportation but eventually need to send signed copy to Deyanna.

Case load Relief for Dean:

*Narelle can take some cases for November

*Lindsey can take some cases as well

*Gary can take some cases

*Lesley can take a case at Riverside

Once new psychologist is hired they will take Auburn Riverside

*Want to work on Live Binder manual of procedures for school psych’s

*Kevin going to work on plan with Lorraine for tracking test kit location in the district

*Test kits: Gilliam Autism Rating scale was updated to 3rd version (we have 2nd edition)

-GORT: Was updated to 5th edition (we have 4th)

-CTOPP (Discussed a lot in the cross battery assessment)

-TOWL: Our version is outdated

-KTEA: We don’t have any

*Read Ch. 1 and 2 from Cross-Battery Assessment Book for October school psyc meeting