School of Social Transformation (SST)


College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Criteria for fixed-term promotion

School of Social Transformation

Approved by the dean on October 14, 2015

Approved by the faculty assembly of the school on (will present to the faculty for approval once any provost changes are made)

  1. Promotion of Lecturers

General Eligibility Criteria:

At all levels, candidates will:

  1. Typically have an earned Ph.D. degree in a field relevant to SST or a related discipline.
  2. Demonstrate a continuous record of excellence in teaching and mentoring evidenced by strong positive student evaluations, evidence of course development or improvement (e.g., syllabi), and at least one other type of evidence, which may include but is not limited to curriculum development, participation in pedagogical workshops, a record of student success, and/or the receipt of teaching awards

Promotion from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer

In addition to the general eligibility criteria noted above, a candidate for promotion to Senior Lecturer will have at least five years’ experience as a Lecturer at ASU and provide evidence during the period in rank of continuing and increasing responsibility in carrying out the unit’s teaching mission; such evidence may include, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Successful curriculum activity in developing new courses or programs, or redesigning existing courses
  2. Conscientious performance of service related to the delivery of high-quality instruction (e.g., curriculum committee service, peer mentoring for colleagues, multi-section course supervision, development and/or delivery special curricular activities)

Candidates will also demonstrate continued interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning and/or the scholarship of one’s disciplinary field during the period in rank as evidenced by two or more of the following:

  1. Participation in workshops, clinics, etc. that enhance the candidate’s teaching
  2. Attendance at two or more professional disciplinary and/or pedagogical meetings, with at least one presentation given during the previous three years
  3. Two or more strong publications of a disciplinary and/or pedagogical nature
  4. Evidence of the application of new formats or technologies to enhance learning
  5. Evidence of continuous excellence in student evaluations
  6. Receipt of honors and awards connoting excellence in teaching.

Promotion from Senior Lecturer to Principal Lecturer

In addition to the general eligibility criteria noted above, a candidate for promotion to Principal Lecturer will have at least seven years’ experience as a Senior Lecturer at ASU and provide evidence during the period in rank of continuing and increasing responsibility in carrying out the unit’s teaching mission through the following:

  1. Leadership of portions of the unit’s curriculum activity
  2. Continued development of new courses or programs or redesign existing courses
  3. Service related to the delivery of high-quality instruction and the scholarship of teaching in the unit (e.g., curriculum committee service, peer mentoring for colleagues, multi-section course supervision) and beyond the unit (e.g., college or university curriculum committee; participation and presentations at college, institutional, or regional teaching development workshops; leadership roles in professional organizations)

The candidate will also demonstrate leadership in teaching through professional development and other activities during the period in rank related to keeping current with the discipline as evidenced by two or more of the following:

  1. Key participation since promotion/appointment to Senior Lecturer in the organization of workshops, clinics, etc. that enhance teaching at the institutional level or beyond
  2. Attendance since promotion/appointment to Senior Lecturer at two or more professional disciplinary and/or pedagogical meetings, with at least one presentation given during the previous three years
  3. Two or more publications since promotion/appointment to Senior Lecturer of a disciplinary and/or pedagogical nature with the candidate as a primary author
  4. Receipt of honors and awards connoting excellence in teaching

Application for Promotion

The candidate is responsible for providing requested information to the Personnel Committee within the time frame established by the School, College, and University. Candidates may work with the Managing Director of School Operations for specific information on what information the promotion application should contain and the format in which it should be submitted (i.e., curriculum vitae, personal statement, etc.), as well as review the Provost’s website (

Promotion Purpose and Evaluation Procedures

The purpose of the promotion review is to ascertain whether a Lecturer has met the criteria for promotion in SST.

Each candidate will be reviewed by the SST Personnel Committee. The SST Director will evaluate all relevant and required information about the candidate, including the recommendation letter from the Personnel Committee. The SST Director will write her/his own letter to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) which includes a recommendation for or against promotion. For evaluation procedures in the college and university after the promotion case leaves SST, see information disseminated by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the CLAS Dean.

  1. Promotion of Clinical Professors

Promotion of Assistant Clinical Professor to Associate Clinical Professor

Candidates seeking promotion to Associate Clinical Professor must have five years in rank at ASU and may count the year of application for promotion toward this eligibility requirement. A case for promotion must be linked to excellence and will demonstrate how the candidate has significantly enhanced the instruction of students and/or advanced the goals of the unit in a substantial way. Excellence may be demonstrated by multiple examples from among the following over the period in rank:

1. A record of significant contributions to teaching, not only through superior performance in the laboratory or classroom, but also through the broader support of the University’s teaching mission

2. Contributions to the design, development, and/or oversight of curriculum in specific courses

3. Significant involvement in the coordination of curricula in different courses

4. Demonstrated breadth and versatility of teaching in a range of courses

5. Involvement in professional development activities that reflect substantial awareness of the evolution of knowledge and/or curriculum in the discipline

Promotion of Associate Clinical Professor to (full) Clinical Professor

Candidates seeking promotion to Clinical Professor must have seven years in rank at ASU and may count the year of application for promotion toward this eligibility requirement. A case for promotion must be linked to excellence and will demonstrate the candidate’s leadership in the enhancement of the instruction of students and/or advancement of the goals of the School in a substantial way. Excellence may be demonstrated by multiple examples from among the following over the period in rank:

1. Significant leadership contributions to teaching, not only through superior performance in the laboratory or classroom, but also through the broader support of the University’s teaching mission

2. Leadership contributions to the design, development, and/or oversight of curriculum in specific courses

3. Significant leadership in the coordination of curricula in different courses

4. Sustained breadth and versatility of teaching in a range of courses

5. Facilitation or leadership involvement in professional development activities that reflect substantial awareness of the evolution of knowledge and curriculum in the discipline

6. Significant service in the area of community outreach and engagement that might include serving on important state and/or community boards as well as serving as faculty advisor to student or alumni groups.

Research Professors play an important role in the success of SST’s research efforts. Promotion of Research Professors is warranted only when achievements are tangibly demonstrated. Thus, promotion is based neither on promise nor longevity, but on demonstrated excellence.

Assigned job responsibilities may vary considerably from candidate to candidate depending on the needs of the unit. Therefore, promotion criteria should be applied in the context of and as appropriate to the job description.

  1. Promotion of Research Professors

Promotion to Associate Research Professor

It is expected that Assistant Research Professors who seek promotion to the rank of Associate Research Professor will have minimum of five years’ in rank at ASU. A case for promotion should demonstrate how the candidate has significantly and substantially enhanced the research mission of the unit. This might be evidenced by multiple examples from among the following over the period in rank:

  1. A record of demonstrated, significant contributions to research and scholarship, either through wide dissemination of results or through a convincing record of substantial support to the research enterprise of the unit, Typically, a convincing record will include—over the last five years in rank—3-5 publications and 2-4 presentations of work at academic conferences.
  2. Demonstrated development of expertise in area(s) of assignment, consistent with the job description
  3. Significant contributions to the preparation of successful grant proposals and refereed scholarly manuscripts, where relevant
  4. Evidence of excellence in mentorship, teaching, or supervision of undergraduates, graduate students, or employees whose work is essential to the research enterprise

Promotion to (full) Research Professor

It is expected that Associate Research Professors who seek promotion to the rank of Research Professor will have a minimum of seven years’ in rank at ASU. A case for promotion should demonstrate how the candidate’s leadership has enhanced the research mission of the unit in a substantial way. This might be evidenced by multiple examples from among the following over the period in rank:

  1. A sustained record of scholarly initiative and recognized contributions to the field, Typically, such a record will include—over the last seven years in rank—5 or more publications and 4 or more annual presentations of work at academic conferences.
  2. Demonstrated proficiency in the management of a research agenda or/or team
  3. Distinctive contributions to nationally or internationally recognized scholarship or evidence of nationally or internationally recognized expertise
  4. Demonstrated ability to write or participate significantly in the writing of successful grant proposals and refereed manuscripts
  5. Significant contributions to national or international disciplinary meetings
  6. Sustained, demonstrable excellence in mentorship, teaching, and supervision of undergraduates, graduate students, or employees whose work is essential to the research enterprise

Application for Promotion

The candidate is responsible for providing requested information to the Personnel Committee within the time frame established by the School, College, and University. Candidates may work with the Managing Director of School Operations for specific information on what information the promotion application should contain and the format in which it should be submitted (i.e., curriculum vitae, personal statement, etc.), as well as review the Provost’s website (

Promotion Purpose and Evaluation Procedures

The purpose of the promotion review is to ascertain whether a Research Faculty has met the criteria for promotion in SST.

Each candidate will be reviewed by the SST Personnel Committee. The SST Director will evaluate all relevant and required information about the candidate, including the recommendation from the Personnel Committee. The Director will write her/his own letter to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), including a recommendation for granting or denying promotion. For evaluation procedures in the college and university after the promotion case leaves SST, see information disseminated by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the CLAS Dean.

  1. Promotion of Academic Professionals

Academic Professionals (AP) play an important role in the success of SST’s instructional and research efforts. A full list of AP titles can be found in the Academic Affairs Manual (ACD 505-03). Promotion of academic professionals is warranted only when achievements are tangibly demonstrated. Thus, promotion is based neither on promise nor longevity, but on demonstrated excellence.

Assigned job responsibilities may vary considerably from AP to AP depending on the needs of the unit. Therefore, promotion criteria should be applied in the context of and as appropriate to the job description.

General Criteria for Promotion of Academic Professionals

The three areas considered in evaluation of all Academic Professionals seeking promotion are excellence through position effectiveness, professional contributions, and institutional, professional, and community service. Excellence is achieved in the context of the program in which the academic professional works (ACD 507-07). In SST, promotion depends upon contributions to the mission and goals of the school.

After initial appointment in SST, each candidate for promotion will be judged primarily on the quality of performance in her/his assigned responsibilities consistent with the appropriate job description and on whether she/he meets the criteria for the next rank. Criteria for promotion to a higher rank will include sustained superior performance, as well as the accumulation of the necessary experience and knowledge commensurate with advanced rank. Documentation of progress toward promotion in SST may include items such as contributions to the advancement or enhancement of their area of responsibility, professional and peer recognition, teaching evaluations (where appropriate to the position), awards, service in professional associations, and service within the academic community and professional or disciplinary contributions.

Promotion occurs in sequence from Assistant to Associate and from Associate to Full. Promotion cases are considered according to a schedule determined annually by the Office of the University Provost.

Promotion of Assistant Academic Professional to Associate Rank

Candidates seeking promotion to the Associate rank must have a minimum of five years’ experience at the Assistant rank of their current title at ASU and have attained considerable expertise in the areas of competence required of their positions. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in position effectiveness, continued professional contributions, and growth and involvement in university and community service over the period in rank.

If instruction is a significant component of the job description, multiple examples of the following types of accomplishments may serve as suitable promotion criteria:

  1. A record of significant contributions to teaching, not only through teaching evaluations above a 3.5 on a 5 point scale with 5 as the highest score but also through the broader support of the University’s teaching mission
  2. Contributions to the design, development, and oversight of curriculum in specific courses
  3. Significant involvement in the coordination of curricula in different courses
  4. Demonstrated breadth and versatility of teaching in a range of courses
  5. Involvement in professional development activities that reflect substantial awareness of the evolution of knowledge and curriculum in the discipline

If research is a significant component of the job description, multiple examples of the following types of accomplishments may serve as suitable promotion criteria:

  1. A record of significant contributions to research and scholarship, either through wide dissemination of results or through a convincing record of substantial support to the research enterprise, such as a proven track record of grant proposals annually and awards at least bi-annually (including grant renewals_)
  2. Demonstrated development of expertise in the area(s) of assignment consistent with the job description
  3. Significant contributions to the preparation of successful grant proposals and refereed scholarly manuscripts, where relevant
  4. Evidence of excellence in mentorship, teaching, or supervision of undergraduates, graduate students, or employees whose work is essential to the research enterprise

If service is a significant component of the job description, multiple examples from the following types of accomplishments may serve as suitable promotion criteria:

  1. Significant involvement in the school, institutional, professional and/or community service work as appropriate.
  2. A record of excellence in the management of activities used in support of the university’s instructional or research missions
  3. Evidence of effective outreach to K-12 schools or the general public
  4. Demonstrated superior management of instrumentation or equipment facilities that support the research, instructional or outreach missions of the institution

Promotion of Associate Academic Professional to Full Rank

The term “Full” is not usually stated, but it is used to designate the highest rank of an Academic Professional title. Candidates for promotion from the Associate to Full-level Academic Professional will have a minimum of seven years at the Associate rank of their current title at ASU and demonstrate excellence in position effectiveness, continued growth in professional contributions, and involvement in institutional, professional, and community service activities over the period in rank. Examples are outlined in the categories listed below.

If instruction is a significant component of the job description, multiple examples of the following types of accomplishments may serve as suitable promotion criteria:

  1. A sustained record of excellence and versatility in the classroom as demonstrated through student evaluations below a 3.5 on a scale of 5 with 5 the highest in multiple courses at different undergraduate levels (e.g., first year, upper level courses), as well as leadership in the design, development, and oversight of curriculum in the discipline
  2. Demonstrated proficiency in the management of specific courses
  3. Documented participation in national or international discourse on evolving knowledge in the field, curricular developments, and teaching techniques
  4. Participation in the solicitation or administration of external funding to support teaching initiatives
  5. Sustained excellence in the mentorship of other teachers, including graduate assistants, other academic professionals, faculty members, or other instructional staff
  6. Substantive involvement in interdisciplinary teaching efforts or other forms of collaboration or articulation, especially those involving other university departments, community colleges, or high schools

If research is a significant component of the job description, multiple examples of the following types of accomplishments may serve as suitable promotion criteria:

  1. A sustained record of scholarly initiative and recognized contributions to their fields
  2. Distinctive contributions to nationally or internationally recognized scholarship or evidence of nationally or internationally recognized expertise, such as first authorship on research papers, articles or other research products.
  3. Demonstrated ability to write or participate significantly in the writing of successful grant proposals and refereed manuscripts
  4. Significant contributions to national or international scientific meetings
  5. Sustained excellence in mentorship, teaching, laboratory instruction, and supervision of undergraduates, graduate students, or employees whose work is essential to the research enterprise

If service is a significant component of the job description, multiple examples of the following types of accomplishments may serve as suitable promotion criteria: