Minutes of the Third Meeting of the School of Science School Board 2009/2010 session Wednesday 24th February 2010 in Blake B028 Commencing 14:00pm

The Chair welcomed members and visitors to the meeting
Prof. Martin Snowden (Chair) / Dr. Mike Thomas
(Head PCE) / Dr. Richard Blackburn
(Head LASS)
Dr. Lucie Pollard
(DL&Q) / Dr. Dave Wray
(Director R&E) / Prof. John Mitchell
(Director of Finance)
Dr. John Spencer
(Early Career Academic) / Mr. Steve Williams
(Technical Rep)
Mr. Fakhar Khalid
(Programme Leader) / Ms. Theresa-Marie Colley
(Student Rep) / Miss Nicola Hunn
(School Admin Rep)
Mike Sharp
School of Engineering / Dr Samer El-Daher / Prof. Alfonso Jimenez
Mrs Veronica Habgood
School of Health) / Ms. Lynne Spencer
(OSA) / Dr Lauren Pecorino
Ms Nina Hughes (Student Rep) / Ms Nazanin Zand Fard
(Student Rep) / Mr. Brian Banks
SQAO (Notes)
Ms Christine Rose
OSA / Ms Suzanna Stein
OSA / Ms Eleanor Kehoe
Prof. Pat Harvey
(Professorial Rep) / Prof. Steve Leharne
(Professorial Rep) / Ms Bettina Karsten
Dr.Simon Richardson
(Director R&E) / Dr Mike McGibbon
Mr. Andrew Larkin
(ILS) / Dr Paul Amuna
24/02 / 2.0 / Timed Item – OFFICE of STUDENT AFFAIRS (OSA)
1. / Minutes of the previous meeting and actions arising:
·  Wider advertising of student counselling service - Complete
·  Contact resit students re short courses available - Complete
·  A Service Level Agreement (SLA) to be agreed and published – Work in progress – Lynne Spencer to contact the school.
2. / Equality Impact Assessment – A paper had been distributed before the meeting.
Equality Impact Tool to be held by the Quality Officer – this will enable the school to determine if any school action is compliant.
3. / Business Process Planning: Pre-PAB → signing off exam sheets.
OSA are developing a protocol which will address the process from Pre-PAB through to PAB sign off. As there will be no technological updates in the next two years, it is necessary then to improve quality and procedures and informal networking to ensure smooth running and a consistent approach across the University. Leading to far fewer Chairs Actions and No Decisions. Student records now have a full complement of staff to facilitate the protocol.
It was noted that the PRE-PAB will now be the last opportunity to withdraw students.
4. / PAB Audit: Paper distributed for information. Involves 1300 PABs and the objective will be to ensure a uniform approach across the University.
5. / Withdrawal and student attendance:
Students must now apply for letters supporting visa renewal a month in advance. International Advisors are holding regular workshops.
The International Cafe is very popular, helping students to socialise and become part of the community as well as ensuring students register with a medical practice.
6. / Induction initiatives: At Academic council it was decided to increase the focus on teaching and to make it clear that it is a requirement for both students and staff to attend. Induction was planned for 200 students and only six arrived but eventually OSA did meet the numbers expected by the school. Lynne Spencer will meet with Henry Hill to ensure students are aware of the importance of attending induction.
7. / Launch of Single Equality Scheme will be launching this exercise in line with Government Bill. It will not be a token exercise, when documentation is made available on the website feedback from staff would be appreciated.
8. / Project developments:
·  BLACK AND MINORITY ETHNIC STUDENTS (BME) Project: Worked very well at Medway although numbers are small. Students provided some very positive feedback. An evaluation paper was distributed at the meeting. The school was thanked for its contribution.
·  SMART Project: The school was thanked for working with the team on the SMART project. Dr El-Daher is liaising with OSA. A retention handbook is being produced
·  Early indications show that graduate unemployment is very high. The implications of this need to be investigated. It is hoped to add this data to the data supplied by C Cooper
Professor Snowden expressed the thanks of the school for the help and support delivered by the OSA at Medway in dealing with January Registration.
The school has met with the New Chaplain (Revd Chris Baker) who has introduced himself to staff and students and the school is looking forward to working with him.
The school was particularly grateful for the support given to the student who recently suffered from severe burns.
OSA at Medway are running a well attended very successful weekly international cafe.
The school asked the OSA to look into invitations to graduation ceremonies as last year some part time and masters students did not receive an invitation.
Full details to be supplied by Brian Banks.
GRADUATION CEREMONY Thursday 29th July 2010
24/02 / 3.0 / TO AGREE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 2nd December 2009
Minutes of the Second meeting of 2009/10 were agreed with minor typographical errors.
It was agreed to make this meeting paperless in the future and to run the meeting with laptops.
There were no matters arising not covered in the meeting agenda.
Dr Pollard reprised section A (Teaching and Learning) with a summary. The biggest change across the School has been the reduction in assessment loading. The School is slowly adopting different means of assessment using Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs), Personal Response Systems(PRS) and Portal based assignments. The main issue has been the review of the Masters Programmes as a result of the huge increase in numbers. Quality Enhancement has focussed on meeting the needs of international students and driving the language skills improvement. The current provision of English language training delivered by the School of Humanities is not being attended as it is held on a Monday evening outside of the bus schedules. This issue needs to be escalated to APSC. There is anecdotal evidence that a pass in MSc Pharmaceutical Science from University of Greenwich does lead to higher employment rates in India. The interest in the programme is increasing. It may be possible to offer international studentships; however, projected budgets do not go as far as three years hence. All action points in the SMRD need to be raised at the appropriate committee meetings within the School.
Dr Wray reprised section B (Research and Enterprise): Headline KPIs are good and contract money is growing at a reasonable rate. There has also been an increase in publications. This, however, is only reflective of a small percentage of staff and strategies are being introduced to increase this level of commitment. Research clusters have been introduced with the aim of bringing together researchers with mutual interests and thus facilitating mutual support. The increase in student numbers is increasing pressure on staff workloads. Research student numbers have remained at a steady number over the past few years.
The SMRD is a sister document to the three year plan and was formally endorsed by the School board.
ACTION: Brian Banks to send the SMRD to Professor Simon Jarvis.
ACTION: Heads of Department to address actions from SMRD within departmental meetings
24/02 / 6.0 / FINANCE
Professor Mitchell (JCM) had delivered a full financial statement at the School meeting held immediately before School board. He opted to provide a School SWOT analysis:
JCM highlighted that our strengths were that our income is likely to increase by 19% next year. Our weakness would be the heavy reliance on flexible income to meet overheads. There will be an opportunity to increase Research and Consultancy income and to increase the number of overseas students participating on masters programmes. The threat is in the assumption that the finance rules will not change.
Professors Mitchell and Snowden will be meeting with Professor Garrod next month to discuss the 2010/11 budget and will be making a robust request for an increase in budget in line with increasing numbers.
The School’s Research and Teaching workload balance was the subject of some discussion. It is worth noting that teaching activity brings in 80% of revenue. Professor Snowden explained that the University was moving towards an annual appraisement system and it will be necessary for the annual appraisal to be measured against the appropriate job descriptor. All members of academic staff will need to demonstrate a commitment to research and enterprise.
Performance management will be the accepted process for appraisement across the University, people will be expected to make a contribution to teaching, research and administration.
24/02 / 7.0 / Health and safety by Dr. Amuna (Meeting minutes supplied)
The board noted the minutes supplied in advance of the meeting. Dr Amuna was requested to provide a formal written report.
ACTION: Dr Amuna to provide a formal written report.
The board discussed the natural gas supply to the laboratories in Nelson and expressed concern that there is a low pressure problem existing in the area. A solution is not expected to be achieved for two years. This results in burners extinguishing and increases the risk of explosion.
ACTION: Professor Snowden to speak to Mr McNaughton about this problem.
24/02 / 8.0 / Learning and Quality by Dr. Pollard (Meeting minutes supplied)
Dr Pollard reviewed recent L and Q activity: A new MSc Research Handbook has been published and includes a learning contract. A training event for students who have a teaching responsibility has taken place. Ms Zand Fard found it to be helpful and useful.
ACTION: Dr Wray to identify the frequency of training and the date of the next event. Also to identify who has not been trained.
The board agreed that ‘TURNITIN’ training for staff should be compulsory. Mrs Habgood offered to supply the School of Health’s simple guide for students. Use of TURNITIN for submission of draft work by students is much appreciated. Unfortunately there is no method for identifying bought in work. Dr El-Daher is liaising with HEA(Subject Centres) to provide training for students (with a teaching role) involved in demonstrating in labs etcetera in March. Dr El-Daher to liaise with Dr Wray on this issue.
The European School of Osteopathy (ESO) are trying to establish a fall back (BSc) award for their Integrated Masters in Osteopathy. With issues around the completion of the project. An Interim Review is scheduled for the autumn.
School Board agreed to defer the review of the BSc H Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Modern Science and Arts to coincide with the review of BSc H Biotechnology, this will take place in the autumn.
Attendance issues have been identified in both the Sports Science and Forensic science programmes. Meetings with the programme teams have been scheduled.
ACTION: Heads of Department to investigate and take appropriate action.
24/02 / 9.0 / Research and Enterprise by Dr. Wray (Meeting minutes supplied)
Dr Wray outlined the formation of research clusters, the head of each cluster along with heads of Department will form the Research and Enterprise committee. This committee will have deliverable targets. There are currently £2M worth of research bids in the current pipeline.
24/02 / 10.0 / DEPARTMENTAL REPORT: PCE by Dr. Thomas
Dr Thomas announced his forthcoming retirement in August. Professor Snowden stated that a new Head of Department will be appointed at the Professorial Level and the post will be advertised externally.
There are two new staff in post and approval has been received for one ‘new blood’ lectureship in GIS and Remote Sensing.
There has been a periodic change in programme Leaders:
Dr Antonijevic and Dr Mendham will jointly lead BSc Chemistry and MSc Pharmaceutical Science, Dr Alexander will lead MSc Formulation Science.
Professor Leharne will become the M Level Project co-ordinator
Students will use the portal to sign up for their projects.
A number of programmes have been successfully reviewed:
HNC Chemistry
BSc Chemistry
BSc Forensic Science
BSc Forensic Science with Criminology
BSc Pharmaceutical Science
MSc Environmental Conservation
MSc GIS with Remote Sensing
MSc Remote Sensing with GIS
The department expressed its thanks to all the staff involved and to the panel members.
There will be an exam board for MSc Completers on Friday (26/02/10).
The Department has arranged for some HPLC training from Pfizer and any interested parties should contact Dr Thomas. This training will be on two consecutive Wednesdays.
The software for this training has been made available and will be cascaded throughout the School.
24/02 / 11.0 / DEPARTMENTAL REPORT: LASS by Dr. Blackburn
Dr Blackburn stated that applications for programmes delivered by the department have increased, with the majority applying for Biomedical Science, Coaching and Human Nutrition.
BSc Human Nutrition has been successfully reviewed recently, as have been a number of programmes at partner colleges. One programme at Hadlow remains outstanding and will be reviewed on March 12th.
The department has carried out a thorough review of all its courses and a number of obsolete courses have been removed from the system. All courses and programmes will be reviewed annually for their viability and efficient operation.
Department staffing has increased with Dr Maan Al-Gailani in Biomedical Science; Mr Mark Chapman has been appointed as a lecturer delivering the coaching programmes and developing placements; Professor Alfonso Jimenez is now in post as Head of Centre for Sports Science and Human Performance.
Mark Chapman’s technical post will be covered by Kelly Cooper until July. This should not be considered as precedence for future appointments.
Programme Leaders have received a day’s training in their responsibilities. Link Tutors will also need extra training in regard to the forthcoming collaborative audit.
A ‘new blood’ lecturer is to be appointed in biomedical sciences, although job descriptions are still to be produced and formal approval obtained.
The School Management Team have decided to continue with the year zero programme at Bromley and GCC only, discontinuing the offer at Medway as there are sufficient applicants for undergraduate programmes.
Ms Colley raised the issue of the loss of the year zero at Medway. This programme will continue at Bromley and GCC and the increase in undergraduate demand has led to the demise of the delivery at Medway.
Professor Snowden is hoping to advertise the new blood posts by the middle of March.
The Board endorsed the following approvals for external examiners:
Dr Alan Terry – Dutch Programmes
Dr Francesca Greco – Pharmaceutical Science
Dr Claire Martin – Pharmaceutical Science(at MSA)
Dr Alona Sosinksky – Biotechnology
Dr David Butler – Forensic Science
The board endorsed the following portfolio planning items:
New Programmes:
MSc Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
MChem – Chemistry
BSc Biotechnology at Apeejay
BSc Pharmaceutical Science at Apeejay
BSc Bioscience at Apeejay
BSc Biomedical Science at Apeejay
MSc Applied Biomedical Science
24/02 / 14.0 / ANY OTHER BUSINESS
Space Utilisation: Professor Mitchell outlined current proposals for room use and proposals for revision of office space.
The board raised queries regarding the change of use to common room, office space especially as this has the only source of drinking water outside of reception.
A floor in Pembroke is becoming available and requests have been submitted for use for example by the forensic science programme. The School will be reviewing current utilisation and looking for expansion, currently the top floor of Nelson is under review.
Issues with failures in the building are not assisting with this review.
Professor Snowden will provide an update at the next School board
26th May 2010 – DA114 – 14.00pm

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