February 25 2009
Participant List
Coordinator: Timothy Davis, Vice-President School of Pharmacy Alumni Society
/Practice Area
/ Employer / Title / Email /1 / Managed Care Pharmacy – Health Plan / Nicole Butteri, Pharm.D. '00 / Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield / Clinical Pharmacy Specialist /
Christopher Baldini, R.Ph. '89 / Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield / Pharmacist /
Kara Sperandeo, Pharm.D. ‘06 / Gateway Health Plan / Clinical Pharmacist /
2 / Independent Community Pharmacy Management / Tim Davis, B.S. '97, Pharm.D. ‘00 / Beaver Health Mart Pharmacy / Pharmacist
Owner /
Adam Rice, Pharm.D. '00 / Spartan Pharmacy / Pharmacist
Co-owner /
3 / Long-Term Care/Home Infusion / Peter Alt, R.Ph.'74 / St. Clair Senior Care Network / Pharmacy Manager /
Michael Mokotoff, Ph.D. / University of Pittsburgh
School of Pharmacy / Emeritus Faculty /
4 / Pharmaceutical Industry - Non-Sales / Diane Ammerman, Pharm.D. '98 / Bristol-Myers Squibb / Neuroscience Senior Medical Science Liaison /
Amit Duggal, Pharm.D. '05 / Bristol-Myers Squibb / Medical Science Liaison, Great Lakes Region /
5 / Pharmaceutical Sales / Jay Stragand, R.Ph. '88 / Eli Lilly & Company / Executive Sales Representative /
6 / Pharmacy MBA Opportunities / Robert Monte R.Ph.'79, MBA '92 / VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System / Director, Office of Systems Redesign /
7 / Pharmacy Law Opportunities / Patricia Olosky Pharm.D. '99, J.D. ’02 / The Webb Law Firm / Intellectual Property Attorney /
8 / Investigational Drug Science / Karl Crevar, R.Ph. '98 / UPMC Presbyterian / Investigational Drug Science Coordinator /
Sherry Ringer, R. Ph. ‘96 / UPMC Presbyterian / Investigational Drug Science Pharmacist /
9 / Hospital Pharmacy Management / Tanya Fabian, Pharm.D. 98, Ph.D. ‘03 / Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic / Director, Pharmacy Research and Services /
Ernest M. Sanchez, Pharm.D. ‘02 / UPMC Shadyside / Clinical Staff Pharmacist /
10 / Graduate Studies – PhD / Jeremiah Momper, Pharm.D. ‘06 / University of Pittsburgh; UPMC / PhD Student; Clinical Scientist Associate (CSA) /
11 / Specialty Pharmacy / Julie Kasing, Pharm.D. '04 / Accredo Therapeutics / Lead Clinical Pharmacist /
David Julian, Pharm.D. ‘06 / Accredo Therapeutics /
12 / Academia / Gina Carbonara, Pharm.D. ‘02 / West Virginia University
School of Pharmacy / Clinical Assistant Professor
Director of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences /
Gary Stoehr, R.Ph. ’73, Pharm.D. / University of D’Youville / Professor and Dean
School of Pharmacy /
James J. Pschirer, R.Ph. ’76 Pharm.D. / University of Pittsburgh
School of Pharmacy / Director of Experiential Learning & Continuing Professional Development /
13 / Clinical Pharmacy / Sue Skledar R.Ph. '88, MPH '91 / UPMC Presbyterian / Associate Professor /
14 / Disease Management / Deanne Hall R.Ph.'96, Pharm.D. '98 / University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy / Assistant Professor /
Rebecca Taylor, Pharm.D. ‘03 / Cleveland Clinic / Education Coordinator, Pharmacy /
15 / US Public Health Service FDA / CAPT Jeffrey R. Fritsch / US Public Health Service FDA / Regulatory Review Officer
Office of the Commissioner
Office of Orphan Products Development /
CDR Beth Fritsch, R.Ph. ‘91 / US Public Health Service FDA / Office of Special Health Issues /
LCDR Sheila Ryan,R.Ph. ‘97 / US Public Health Service FDA / Division of Marketing, Advertising and Communications /
LT Nicole Vesely, Pharm.D. '07 / US Public Health Service FDA / Advisors and Consultants Staff HFD-21 /
LT Chris Wheeler, Pharm.D. ‘02 / US Public Health Service FDA / Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology /
16 / Geriatric Pharmacy / James Demers, R.Ph ‘95 / Brockie Pharmatech /
Betsy Serapiglia, R.Ph. ‘97 / Brockie Pharmatech / Assistant Manager /
17 / PBM Managed Care / Mary Winek / CVS/Caremark / Director of Clinical Services /
Julie Legal, Pharm.D. '03 / CVS/Caremark / Clinical Pharmacist
Clinical Program Development /
18 / Cardio Vascular - Mail Order / Joseph Gatto, R.Ph. '75 / Medco Health Solutions / Specialist Pharmacist /