In anticipation of completion of program requirements for graduation, you are reminded of the previously discussed school graduation requirement for each P-4 student to present and successfully defend the Assessment Portfolio containing evidence and reflections for our curricular outcomes. This remaining requirement, grounded in the American Council of Pharmaceutical Education standards, permits the faculty to recommend each student as a worthy candidate for the granting of our diploma. Therefore, students MUST satisfactorily complete the portfolio preparation, reflection and meeting, in addition to APPE and other programmatic requirements. We look forward to reviewing your work “one last time” and seeing the progress and reflections upon your learning that give us confidence in your achievement of our
curricular outcomes.
In preparation for your P-4 ASSESSMENT PORTFOLIO reviews, please refer to the P-4 Portfolio Requirement and Process document previously posted on the portfolio website (see left side for the document). Review this to again familiarize yourself with the process, including
· Updates to your Assessment Portfolio and tagging into the Presentation Portfolio
· Completion of the Curriculum Outcome-based Personal Reflection document
· Completion of Self-Mastery Evaluation
All work should be updated and available to the assigned faculty reviewer 2 weeks prior to the scheduled review. Note that students will complete these reviews either with a designated member of the Curriculum Assessment Committee during an APPE rotation, via phone for students located away from the Pittsburgh area or at the School of Pharmacy on the Friday afternoon of the last APPE rotation day. Student interview dates will be arranged, either on-site
at the school or via telephone during the months of February through April, with efforts to accommodate faculty and student schedules.
Students are expected to:
- Update and organize the Assessment Portfolio no later than 2 weeks prior to the meeting, which would contain all appropriate evidence of progressive development across the 4 curricular years (P-1 through P-4). It is expected that, for each outcome, there is evidence across all 4 professional years, including the P-4 year. It is expected the evidence, when appropriate, will demonstrate growth and advanced skill across the 4 curricular years. (e.g. drug information questions, documentation/SOAP notes from P1 - P4 year should not be similar)
- Prepare and submit no later than 2 weeks prior to meeting and within the Assessment Portfolio (a link will be provided at the top of the portfolio) a succinct and well-crafted 2-page (max) “Final Reflection” encompassing all outcomes – you are reminded of the organization of reflection as “What, So What, Now What”.
The purpose of this portfolio reflection at the conclusion of your pharmacy education is
to provide evidence that you have achieved the goals (outcomes) of the program, demonstrating readiness for practice. A summative reflection is also an opportunity to continue "self-directed learning" through reflection and course of action to improve in the future outside the formal pharmacy professional curriculum.
Using these trigger questions, categorize and address each of the curriculum outcomes in 1 of 3 sections:
o Which specific outcomes have I mastered (become proficient)? What is the evidence (for each)?
o For which specific outcomes have I developed some competence (necessary
skills/knowledge/attitudes) but need to further develop as I transition to my pharmacist role? What is the evidence (for each) and how will I address it in the future?
o For which specific outcomes have I not developed target competence (i.e., my evidence is not as strong as desired)? Why? How will I address this outcome in my future?
Please note that when you add your portfolio assessment final reflection to your portfolio, please add it under the following category, 00 Mastery of Curriculum Outcomes. This must be done prior to your P4 portfolio review.
- Meet with the designated faculty member in a 20 minute assigned time period to
present a polished, formal, several minute “Professional Introduction” – updated from the
P-3 year
o Summarize evidence of achievement for each curricular outcome to highlight your academic development across all 4 years of the pharmacy curriculum
o Faculty will complete the evaluation rubric (to be posted in portfolio site) for the portfolio and meeting.
Questions regarding the process or scheduling should be directed to Dr. Howrie ()
10-Feb-17Student / Reviewer / Phone Review - Dr Howrie / Contact #
Bollinger / Dr. Howrie / 2:30 / Bechtel
O'Reilly / Dr. Howrie / 2:50 / Busansky
Chavara / Dr. Howrie / 3:10 / Herbick
Czapnik / Dr. Howrie / 3:30 / Moss
Dessoye / Dr. Howrie / 3:50 / Stocks
Fedorek / Dr. Howrie / 4:10 / Fuh
Fike / Dr. Pater / 2:30 / Students During Jan APPE / APPE Preceptor
Hardek / Dr. Pater / 2:50 / Adams, M / Dr.Howrie
Harley / Dr. Pater / 3:10 / Andreen / Dr.Howrie
Kwiatkowski / Dr. Pater / 3:30 / Hayes / Dr.Meyer
Martik / Dr. Pater / 3:50 / Hoshitsuki / Dr.Howrie
McFeeley / Dr. Pater / 4:10 / Liu / Dr. Schonder
Mittereder / Dr. Pater / 4:30 / Dunlop / Dr.Schonder
Ndongwa / Dr. Benedict / 2:30
Petros / Dr. Benedict / 2:50
Popovich / Dr. Benedict / 3:10
Ruzzi / Dr. Benedict / 3:30
Schartner / Dr. Benedict / 3:50
Sefcik / Dr. Benedict / 4:10
Squires / Dr. Benedict / 4:30
Taylor / Dr. Schonder / 2:30
Valasek / Dr. Schonder / 2:50
Wilson, S / Dr. Schonder / 3:10
Wilson, E / Schonder / 3:30
Wolski / Dr. Schonder / 3:50
Yost / Dr. Schonder / 4:10
Zacholski / Dr. Schonder / 4:30
March 17, 2017 (Block 8)
17-Mar-2017Student / Phone Review - Dr Howrie / Contact #
Bobrynski / Fazzone
Bowker / Gribbin
Chang / Lamping
Chi / Smith
Eason / Fuh
Ho / Jordan
Hoffman / Peruso
Paul / Students During Feb APPE / APPE Preceptor
Pazmino / Buck / Howrie
Rose / Daryani / Howrie
Ruck / Pandit / Schonder
Shovel / Ravulapati / Schonder
Stegmaier / Terreri / Pater
Steltenpohl / Watterston / Meyer
April 21, 2017 (Block 9)
21-Apr-2017Student / Phone Review - Dr Howrie / Contact #
Aston / Davis
Atkinson / Fever
Brogan / Lovas
Brown / O'Neill
Bruno / Pan
Guo / Roland
Harrigan / Sapirstein
Jenkins / Students During April APPE / APPE Preceptor
Li / Ahlborg / Meyer
Lor / Albrecht / Schonder
Lubow / Bastacky / Meyer
Marshall / Dopsovic / Benedict
McGlaughlin / Evankovich / Benedict
Moore / Haiduc / Hall
Oakes / Petrochka / Benedict
Example of a Student Portfolio Summative Reflection
Mastered Outcomes:
1. Critical Thinking: I noticed a lot of evidence came from drug information questions.
My ability to retrieve information, analyze data, and formulate my own recommendations
based on this information has significantly improved over the past four years. My drug
information question from my rotation at the Family Health Centers was one of my best
examples; my preceptor and the colleagues who requested the information were very
impressed with my work and appreciated the effort I put into completing the assignment.
I will continue to develop my critical thinking as I move through my career in pharmacy.
2. Knowledge and Skills: As I moved through pharmacy school, I have definitely
acquired a wide range of knowledge and skills, as seen through evidence in my portfolio.
A few skills I have developed are in research, organization, and communication. I have
also developed a wide range of pharmaceutical knowledge that I can apply to my career.
My knowledge and skills will continue to develop, but I feel that I have mastered the
necessary knowledge and skills in pharmacy school.
3. Professional Responsibility/Ethics: I have shown growth and development since I
entered pharmacy school and became HIPAA certified and a pharmacy intern. My
rotations at underserved clinics and family health centers taught me how to consider each
patient’s ethnic background, social background, and economic background without
judging or criticizing. I was able to develop specific treatment plans to help meet all the
needs of a patient, taking every factor into consideration. This is an ability I want to
continue to practice throughout my career.
4. Social interaction, Citizenship, Leadership, Professionalism: Through my
membership in organizations I was able to volunteer at different service events. I was a
co-chair of Operation Self-Care, where I mastered my ability to lead a group and
organize a collaborative project. I was able to complete research where I had to act as a
professional at annual pharmacy conferences to represent the University of Pittsburgh
School of Pharmacy and UPMC Presbyterian.
5. Pharmaceutical Product Preparation, Dispensing, and Administration: Through
my job at UPMC St. Margaret, I have had plenty of experience working in the IV room
preparing solutions, IV mixtures and TPNs as well as the proper calculations. I am
comfortable preparing medications in the retail setting. I would like more experience
administering medications; however, I feel I have mastered this outcome.
6. Patient Assessment: This is one area that I have been developing all throughout
pharmacy school in multiple settings. This year of rotations has allowed me to finally
master the outcome. I completed physical and verbal patient assessments through
experiences at the clinics. I have also had the ability to assess patients in a acute setting
during my rotation at Magee, Ruby Memorial and the MICU. I expect my abilities to
continue to develop in this area as I practice as a pharmacist.
7. Management: Pharmacy school has provided many opportunities to develop my
management skills; I also had unique experiences in research and leadership where I was
able to micromanage and work collaboratively with others. I have learned to set deadlines
and prioritize to meet deadlines. These skills are essential in preparing for my future and
will be important when I am a pharmacist.
8. Medication Therapy Management: I have mastered this outcome through projects in
pharmacy school as well as in my many patient interactions while on rotations. I was
responsible for helping manage patients receiving immunosuppressants in between
chemotherapy at Ruby. I also helped manage patients on medications for anticoagulation,
asthma/COPD and diabetes. Overall, I have had a lot of experience in this area, but I
know that with more professional experience I will continue to develop these skills.
9. Communication Skills: My communication skills began with developing and
presenting group presentations and have transitioned to developing the confidence to
make medication recommendations while on rounds. I have the ability to communicate
effectively and prepare topic discussions, case presentations, journal reviews, and my
seminar. I will continue to develop my ability to communicate as I get more experience in
my profession and have more opportunities to present information.
10. Life-long Learning: I believe it is important to stay up to date with current literature
and to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses as I move through pharmacy school and
into my career. I have mastered the ability to reflect on my interactions and experiences. I
am also a member of multiple organizations and intend on staying an active member to
stay up to date with the world of pharmacy and healthcare.
Competence and further development:
11. Public Health: I have a lot of experience throughout pharmacy school being involved
in public health projects, such as health fairs, tabling sessions, and educational sessions.
During my rotations I was able to provide information to the medical team on medication
selection for specific patient population to promote medication safety. I would like to
continue to develop this skill and take a more active role in promoting public health when
I become a pharmacist.
12. Pharmacodynamic Decision Making: I have shown growth in this area over the
four years of pharmacy school. I applied pharmacodynamics principles to assist in dosing
aminoglycosides and phenytoin and other medications that need dose adjustments. I have
also done numerous drug information questions where I have used literature and made
evidence-based recommendations. I want to continue developing this skill, especially as I
continue to expand my knowledge base.
13. Pharmaceutical Care Plan Development: This is one area where I have shown
growth and development, but it is also an area where I feel I can improve as I continue to
gain experience and clinical knowledge. I have had the chance to complete numerous
SOAP notes, and I feel comfortable writing relevant and succinct SOAP notes. I want to
improve by making my plans more thorough and paying attention.