School of Engineering Technologies

Web Address

Architectural Engineering Technology

Phone 631-420-2024 FAX 631-420-2590

Bachelor of Science Degree

What is Architectural Engineering Technology?

The Technological side of Architecture is a fascinating yet often overlooked aspect of the architectural industry. Modern design and construction frequently involves materials, techniques, and concepts unfamiliar to industry and practice. These new materials and products, alternative procurement strategies and extensive service installations have made the design and construction process more complex and at the same time less dependent on craft skills. In response to these challenges, the discipline of Architectural Engineering Technology has grown rapidly. Architectural Engineering Technology courses are primarily based upon the dual concepts of designing for performance and designing for production through the use and integration of Technology.

Our Program:

The Architectural Technology program will synthesize the aesthetic, technical, and functional elements of building design and construction. The academic thrust of the program is applied technology. The students in this program will be educated in the process of building design and construction from concept to completion. The program will offer a solid rationale for a strong education on the humanities and social sciences to parallel the professional offerings. The purpose of this program is to prepare students for careers in architectural, structural, and mechanical aspects of the design and construction of buildings. An additional purpose of the program is to prepare students for successful entry and high achievement in the professional graduate programs in architecture.

Suggested Sequence of Study

This program may not be completed by attending
Evenings only.
(Effective Freshman class 2015)
Curriculum Breakdown by Semester
First Semester / Credit Hours
ARC / 131 / Intro to Graphics (Graphics I & II) / 4
CON / 161 / Materials & Methods of Construction I / 3
MTH / 129 / Pre-Calculus with Applications / 4
EGL / 101 / Composition: Rhetoric / 3
Second Semester
ARC / 255 / Architectural Design I / 4
CON / 162 / Materials & Methods of Construction II / 3
MTH / 130 / Calculus with Applications / 4
EGL / 102 / Composition: Literature / 3
HIS / xxx / History Elective (See Gen Ed list) / 3
17 Credits
Third Semester
CON / 106 / Statics / 3
ARC / 263 / Mech., Elect., Plumbing & / 3
Energy Systems in Buildings
ARC / 257 / Architectural Design II / 4
xxx / xxx / Humanities Elective (See Gen Ed list) / 3
PHY / 135 / College Physics I / 4
17 Credits
Fourth Semester
CON / 207 / Elements of Strength of Materials / 3
ARC / 282 / Construction Design / 4
xxx / xxx / Social Science Elective (See Gen Ed list) / 3
PHY / 136 / College Physics II / 4
xxx / xxx / Arts Elective (See Gen Ed list) / 3
17 Credits
Fifth Semester
ARC / 362 / History of Western Architecture / 3
EGL / 310 / Technical Writing / 3
xxx / xxx / Foreign Language Elect (See Gen Ed list) / 3
ARC / 376 / Architectural Design III / 4
MTH / 236 / Calculus II with Applications / 3
16 Credits
Sixth Semester
CON / 302 / Soils, Foundations & Earth Structures / 3
CON / 357 / Quantity Survey & Costing / 3
ARC / 350 / Arch. Theory & Design Factors / 3
ARC / 476 / Architectural Design IV / 4
CON / 409 / Structural Design / 3
16 Credits
Seventh Semester
CON / 361 / Govt. Bldg. & Env. Codes & Regulations / 3
xxx / xxx / Liberal Arts Elective (See Gen Ed list) / 3
xxx / xxx / Science/Math Elective (See Dept. list) / 3
MTH / xxx / Math Elective (See Dept. list) / 3
ARC / 364 / Site Design and Construction / 3
15 Credits
Eight Semester
ARC / 486 / Architectural Design V / 4
xxx / xxx / Social Science Elective (See Gen Ed list) / 3
ECO / 321 / Engineering Economics / 3
MTH / xxx / Math Elective (See Dept list) / 3
13 Credits
Total = / 125 Credits